美国纽约时报 编译 美国《纽约时报》如何报道神舟九号发射成功?

美国纽约时报 编译 美国《纽约时报》如何报道神舟九号发射成功?
[编译]美国《纽约时报》如何报道神舟九号发射成功? 图片添加:我与我的故事


  记者: DAVID BARBOZA 及 KEVIN DREW    2012年6月16日 (本报上海报道)本周六,中国将三名宇航员,其中包括一名女宇航员送上太空,进行第一次载人对接实验。这是在2020年之前实现建立一个中国空间站的重要一步。 中国国家电视台实况转播了发射过程。位于中国西部戈壁沙漠地区的酒泉卫星发射中心承担了本次任务,并使用了长征2F火箭。 
中国于2003年第一次将航天员送上太空,2008年中国航天员第一次进行了太空行走。载人对接是中国航天技术的重要里程碑,是建立太空站的第三个关键步骤。本次发射第一次将一名中国妇女,33岁的空军飞行员刘洋送上太空。 发射前,中国最高立法机构负责人吴邦国对三位航天员说,“这是中国向前跃进的重要一步”。本次发射,是中国自2008年9月以来的第一次。
分析家认为,本次目标是演习与空间实验室进行对接,以便为将来中国计划建造的太空站做好准备。一名宇航员将留在神舟九号内作为警戒,另外两名宇航员将进入天宫一号轨道。 虽然本次任务没什么特别之处,但分析家认为,它延伸了中国在发展航天技术方面不同寻常的进步。  原苏联在1963年第一次将女航天员送上太空。第一位美国女航天员在1983年进入太空。根据中国国家新闻报道,在筛选第一位进入太空的中国女航天员时,已婚是条件之一,最好有孩子。 中国政府12月份宣布了一项5年计划: 将在2016年前建立一个空间实验室,并从月球收集样品。中国政府在此之前表示,将在2020年前到达月球,以及建立一个空间站。 在商用卫星发射领域,中国被认为居于领先水平,但分析家认为,其商业卫星发射尚落后美国若干年。 (翻译完)


First Female Astronaut From China Blasts Into Spacehttp://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/17/science/space/china-sends-3-astronauts-including-a-women-into-space.html
By DAVID BARBOZA and KEVIN DREWPublished: June 16, 2012 SHANGHAI — China sent a crew of three, including the country’s first female astronaut, into space on Saturday to carry out its first manned docking mission, an important step in an ambitious plan to build a Chinese space station by 2020.
The successful launching of the Shenzhou-9 spacecraft, powered by a Long March 2F rocket, was shown live on state television from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the Gobi Desert in western China.
The crew is expected to spend up to 20 days in space and dock with the orbiting Tiangong-1 space lab module, a kind of miniature space station, which China launched in September 2011. The crew will conduct experiments and live for a time in the space module.
China has spent billions of dollars in the past decade to build a space program to compete with the United States and Russia and plans to eventually put a Chinese astronaut on the moon, perhaps by 2016.
The country sent its first man into space in 2003, and a Chinese astronaut did a spacewalk in 2008. The manned docking would be considered a milestone for China’s space program and the third major step in developing a space program. China completed a docking by remote control in November when the Shenzhou-8 capsule coupled with the Tiangong-1 orbital module, an event that was broadcast live on national television and observed by Prime Minister Wen Jiabao from the control center in Beijing.
The launching put China’s first woman into space, a 33-year-old air force pilot named Liu Yang.
“This is an important leap forward for China’s manned space program,” said Wu Bangguo, the nation’s top legislator, speaking to the three astronauts before they took flight.
The mission is China’s first manned spaceflight since September 2008.
The goal, analysts say, is to dock with the space lab as practice for future dockings with the space station that China plans to build. One crew member will remain aboard the Shenzhou 9 spacecraft as a precautionary measure while the others enter the Tiangong 1 orbital module.
While the mission itself is not unusual, analysts said it extended China’s remarkable pace in developing its space program.
“It is the speed with which China is ticking off these boxes in developing their program that is interesting,” said Jeff Kueter, the president of the George C. Marshall Institute, which focuses on how science is used in making public policy.
In the days leading up to Saturday’s launching, the Chinese media ran several profiles of Ms. Liu. The state-run Xinhua news agency reported that she was from Henan Province in central China and lived in Beijing with her husband. She will be in charge of medical experiments during the mission, Xinhua said.
The Soviet Union sent the first woman into space in 1963. The first American woman in space was Sally Ride, in 1983. According to China’s state-run news media, the selection process determined that China’s first woman in space should be married, preferably with a child.  
Beijing announced a five-year plan for space exploration in December that included a space lab and the collection of samples from the moon by 2016. The government has previously vowed to reach the moon and establish a manned space station by 2020.
The plan, released by the State Council, China’s cabinet, shows how Beijing intends to draw on its military and civilian resources to reach the goals. The People’s Liberation Army drives China’s space program, and civilian institutions like universities and laboratories are subject to the military’s efforts.
China is considered a leader in the business of launching satellites, but analysts say it is still years behind the United States.
David Barboza reported from Shanghai, and Kevin Drew from Hong Kong.     

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