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  比较下面两幅图片。请以“Great Changes in Our Country”为题写一篇短文,介绍改革开放20多年来祖国的巨大的变化。词数80左右。



  提示词:overpass 天桥


  Great Changes in Our Country Great changes have been (1) taken place in our country. Many buildings have been builded (2) in cities and towns, even at villages. The more cars we have, the more crowded the roads are. So the roads were become (3) wider and wider. Many overpasses have been builded (4) in big cities. Chinese people‘s life is better now. We can buy things that we need in every part of the country. We have TVs, washing machines, fridges, computers,cars,etc. These things couldn’t buy (5) twenty years ago. We‘ll study harder and make our country stronger and more beautiful.


  (1)take place是不及物动词短语,没有被动语态。

  (2)、(4) 被动语态的过去分词用得不对。

中考英语作文常见错误 中考英语书面表达常见错误分析之语态错误


  (5)此处应用被动式couldn‘t be bought.


  Great Changes in Our Country Great changes have taken place in our country. Many buildings have been built in cities and towns, even at villages. The more cars we have, the more crowded the roads are. So the roads became wider and wider. Many overpasses have been built in big cities. Chinese people‘s life is better now. We can buy things that we need in every part of the country. We have TVs, washing machines, fridges, computers, cars, etc. These things couldn’t be bought twenty years ago. We‘ll study harder and make our country stronger and more beautiful.


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