说唱英文怎么说 唱得清楚英文怎么说?

相关解答一:唱的清楚 英文

somebody sings in a clear articulation

相关解答二:听清楚了吗 英文怎么说。 5分

got it ?

see ? ( 这里的see 就是理解的意思哈)

相关解答三:你怎么什么都看不清楚 英文 怎么说呢?

how come you can not see anything clearly?

how come you can not get a clear picture of anything ?


1:I am part of it is not very clear.

2:I understand that not very to this part.

3:The subject is unfamiliar to me.


相关解答五:我基本清楚了 英文怎么说?

I basically clear

相关解答六:翻译 他能清楚地唱出英文歌

Do do do do do do do do do do

I wear a demeanor made of bright pretty things

What she wears, what she wears, what she wears

Birds singing on my shoulder in harmony it seems

How they sing, how they sing, how they sing

Give me nights of solitude,

Red wine just a glass or two,

Brooklyn in a hammock on a balmy evening

I'll pretend that its no thing

That skipping in my heart when I think of you

Thinking of me babe I'm crazy over you

Aaah Aaah Aaah

Theres something in the water,

Something in the water

Aaah Aaah Aaah

There's something in the water,

That makes me love you like -

I've got halo's made of summer,

Rhythms made of spring

What she wears, what she wears, what she wears

I got crowns of words a woven

Each one a song to sing

Oh I sing, oh I sing, oh I sing

Give me long days in the sun,

Preludes to the nights to come

Of the mornings laying in all lazy

Give me something fun to do

Like a life of loving you

Kiss me quick now baby I'm still crazy over you

Aaah Aaah Aaah

Theres something in the water,

Something in the water

Aaah Aaah Aaah

Theres something in the water

That makes me love you like I do

Give me nights of solitude,

Red wine just a glass or two,

Give me something fun to do

Aaah Aaah Aaah

Theres something in the water,

Something in the water

Aaah Aaah Aaah

Theres something in the water

That makes me love you like I do

Aaah Aaah Aaah

Theres something in the water,

Something in the water

Aaah Aaah Aaah

Theres something in the water

That makes m......余下全文>>

相关解答七:你应该解释清楚一切 用英文怎么说?

you sh丁uld explain all of that more clearly(你应该解释清楚一切)

说唱英文怎么说 唱得清楚英文怎么说?

相关解答八:chkdsk到底怎么用啊 能说清楚点吗?看不懂英文啊

chkdsk的全称是checkdisk,就是磁盘检查的意思,你无法也不必使用该文件,这个东西是当你的系统当掉或者非法关机的时候由系统来调用检查磁盘的。基于所用的文件系统,创建和显示磁盘的状态报告。Chkdsk 还会列出并纠正磁盘上的错误。如果不带任何参数,chkdsk 将显示当前驱动器中的磁盘状态。



chkdsk [volume:][[Path] FileName] [/f] [/v] [/r] [/x] [/c] [/l[:size]]


volume: 指定驱动器号(冒号分隔)、装入点或卷名。 [Path} FileName] 指定需要 chkdsk 检查碎片整理的文件或文件集的位置和名称。使用通配符(* 和 ?)可以指定多个文件。 /f修复磁盘上的错误。必须锁定磁盘。如果 chkdsk 无法锁定驱动器,则会显示一条消息,询问您是否希望在下次重新启动计算机时检查该驱动器。 /v 当检查磁盘时,显示所有目录中每个文件的名称。 /r 找到坏扇区并恢复可读取的信息。必须锁定磁盘。 /x 仅在 NTFS 上使用。如果必要,首先强制卸载卷。该驱动器的所有打开句柄都无效。/x 还包含了/f 的功能。 /i 仅随 NTFS 使用。对索引项执行充分检查,降低运行 chkdsk 的所用时间量。 /c 仅随 NTFS 使用。跳过文件夹结构中的周期检查,减少运行 chkdsk 所需的时间量。 /l[:size] 仅随 NTFS 使用。将日志文件的大小更改为由用户输入的大小。如果省略该参数,则 /l 会显示当前日志文件的大小。 /? 在命令提示符显示帮助。 注释


要在固定磁盘上运行 chkdsk 命令,您必须是该 Administrators 组的成员。 重新启动时检查锁定的驱动器 如果希望 chkdsk 修复磁盘错误,则此前不能打开该驱动器上的文件。如果有文件打开,会显示下述错误消息: Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another processWould you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts?(Y/N) 如果选择下次重新启动计算机时检查该驱动器,则重新启动计算机后 chkdsk 会自动检查该驱动器并修复错误。如果该驱动器分区为启动分区,则 chkdsk 在检查完该驱动器后会自动重新启动计算机。


chkdsk 命令会检查磁盘空间和文件分配表 (FAT)以及 NTFS 文件系统的使用情况。Chkdsk 在状态报告中提供特定于每个文件系统的信息。状态报告显示文件系统中找到的错误。在活动分区上运行 chkdsk 时,如果未含 /f 命令行选项,则它可能会因为无法锁定该驱动器而报告虚假信息。应该不定期使用 chkdsk 检查每个磁盘上的错误。


只有指定 /f 命令行选项,chkdsk 命令才修复磁盘错误。Chkdsk 必须可以锁定驱动器以纠正错误。由于修复通常会更改磁盘的文件分配表,有时还会丢失数据,所以 chkdsk 会首先发送如......余下全文>>


I am sorry, I did not say clearly

相关解答十:今天说清楚,否则我跟你没完 英文

make it clear today, otherwise you can never get rid of it!!


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/409451/65722245197.html


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