情人节单身狗禁忌语1. “How are you still single? You’re so great。”
情人节单身狗禁忌语2. “It’ll happen when you least expect it。”
情人节单身狗禁忌语3. “Don’t you ever get lonely?”
情人节单身狗禁忌语4. “Aren’t you worried you won’t be able to have kids?”
情人节单身狗禁忌语5. “We’ll all be laughing about this someday。”
情人节单身狗禁忌语6. “You should try online dating. My friend met their husband/wife that way。”
情人节单身狗禁忌语7. “They don’t deserve you。”
情人节单身狗禁忌语8. “You are such a catch。”
情人节单身狗禁忌语9. “Don’t worry, you’ll find someone someday。”
情人节单身狗禁忌语10. “He’s just not ready for a serious commitment yet。”
情人节单身狗禁忌语11. “One day when you’re married, you’ll wish you were single。”
情人节单身狗禁忌语12. “You should let me set you up, I know the perfect person for you。”
情人节单身狗禁忌语13. “You’re just too picky。”
情人节单身狗禁忌语14. “You don’t need anyone。” DAMN RIGHT!“
你不需要任何人!” 太对了!
情人节单身狗禁忌语15. “She probably just lost your number。”

情人节单身狗禁忌语16. “Don’t give up, it’ll happen。”
情人节单身狗禁忌语17. “You’re just too busy right now。”
情人节单身狗禁忌语18. “You have to love yourself before you can love someone else。”
情人节单身狗禁忌语19. “In reference to your best friend: “Have you guys ever thought of dating?”
情人节单身狗禁忌语20. “I can’t wait to meet your future spouse, they are going to be amazing。”