麦当劳涨价 麦当劳四款产品又涨价







  McDonald's Corp, the world's largest restaurant company, raised the prices of four products by 1 yuan ($0.15) in China at the end of April, the company confirmed on Tuesday.

  The price increase is around 17 percent and, apart from saying it was for structural adjustment, McDonald's did not give a specific reason for the rise.

  It was the company's second rise in China this year. The four products for breakfast and lunch were not included in previous rise. The previous was in January. The price of some McDonald's products went up by 0.5 to 2 yuan on Jan 12.

  McDonald's explained in January that the price rise mainly resulted from the continuous rise in costs of materials and other elements.

  It is possible that other fast-food chains, such as KFC, Starbuck and Pizza Hut, will follow the rise this year, business insiders said, because the cost of human resources, raw materials and transportation is still going up.

  继今年1月初在全国范围内提价后,麦当劳公司4款产品在4月底均涨价1元,分别为:脆鸡扒麦满分超值早餐组合、吉士蛋麦满分(堡)超值早餐组合、双层吉士汉堡超值午餐、麦香鱼超值午餐。值得注意的是,此次4款提价的产品不在上一轮涨价产品范围之内。 不过4个月,麦当劳就对1月份未提价的早餐和午餐的部分产品进行调价。涨价原因主要是原材料和交通运输的价格上涨。


  Cheeseburger 吉士汉堡

  Double Hamburger 双层汉堡包

  Double Cheeseburger 双层吉士汉堡包

  Big Mac 巨无霸

  Filet-O-Fish 麦香鱼

  MacChicken 麦香鸡

  Chicken McNugget 麦乐鸡

  Apple Pie 苹果派

  Pineapple Pie 菠萝派

  Chocolate Sundae 朱古力圣旦

  Pineapple Sundae 菠萝圣代

  Vanilla Shake 奶昔

  Chocolate Shake 朱古力奶昔

  Strawberry Shake 草莓奶昔

  Fanta 芬达

  Coca-Cola 可口可乐

  Orange Juice 橙汁

  Coffee 咖琲

  Hot Tea 红茶

  Hot Chocolate 热朱古力

  Large Fries 大薯条

  Medium Fries 中薯条

  Small Fries 小薯条

麦当劳涨价 麦当劳四款产品又涨价

爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/409551/275830243630.html


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