快乐英语动动动1 快乐英语大本营(1)



    If the human mend can solve problems that computers cannot, then computer will never be able to outperform humans. I believe what I will be able to accomplish on an average workday in 2030 will be utterly  beyond 2030`s smartest computing machine.
    My confidence stems from my own research, which shows that provessing speed is irrelevant to what`s most impressive in huma cognition.
    We know that certain problems can be solved by computation and hence, in principle, by some computer or robot. For example, the problem of playing invincible chess, or at least ches no human can beat, can be solved computationally.We also know that certain problems cannot. 
   To sit with a pen before a blank piece of papar and produce a play like Hamlet, involves doing something that no computer, however fast, can pull off。


Welcome to the discussion on the effects of music on patients. According to our findings. hearing relaxing music and encouraging worlds while undergoing operation may ease patients` recovery after surgery.
People who listen to relaxing music and sounds of ocean waves experience less pain. They were less fatigued when released from the hospital, and were able to sip up sooner after their operation than patients who did not listen to music.
Research suggests that the brain may be more aware of what happens during surgery than previously thought. Patients may overhear the remarks of doctors and nurse which could lead to anxiety and dissatisfaction after surgery.
To protect patients from inapproprate or misinterpreted comments overheard during surgery, we found that taped music could be proveded to all patients undergoing surgery. We must say, however, the findings need to be confirmed in additional studies.

合理引导消费 guide rational consumption
存款保证金guaranty money fro deposits
保值储蓄inflation-proof bank savings
博彩业lottery industry
福利彩票welfare lotteries
经常性贷款commercial lending
解困基金anti-poverty funds
绩优股blue chip
货币回笼withdrawal of currency from circulation
灰色收入income from moonlighting
债转股debt-to-equity swap
The exchange rate of a country`s currency should be set in accordance with its national conditions and the state of its economic and financial sector. There is no denying we still face very daunting tasks in financial and banking reform. We already allowed our currency to be freely convertible in the current account in 1996. but it will take a long time and arduous efforts before we can achieve the objective of a freely convertible currency in the capital account。
The Exchange Rate of Renminbi
We began reforming our exchange rate regime(system)in 1994.It was decided at that time that we would adopt (opt for/choose)a market-based, single, regulated floating exchange rate regime.
Some people claim the value of the renminbi is fixed and has not changed. This does not squred with the facts.I think it would be more accurate to say that the band of fluctuation of the renminbi is narrow.
Since 1994, the renminbi has appreciated in real terms by 18.5 percent against the U.S.dollar and by 39.4 percent against the Euro. In 1997, during the Asian financial crisis, we withstood pressures for renminbi devaluation and since then, the band of fluctuation of the value of the renminbi has been narrow the value of the renminbi has fluctuated only within narrow limits).

汇率exchange rate
金融风暴financial crisis

    今天在翻译澳大利亚的一篇儿童故事书第一章时遇到的词语in favour of和in favour with。这两个词语看似简单,却是不同的。
    in favour of赞成,对什么什么有利。
    in favour with受人宠爱。
    Good students are always in favour with their teachers.
    Vanity keeps persons in favour with themselves who are out of favour with all others.(Shakespeare)

    在翻译一本英国儿童小说时。遇到了be responsible for。这个短语看似简单,实际上它有两层意思。1、负责;2、原因。
    He is responsible for the news conference.
    His laziness is responsible for his mistake in the work.



快乐英语动动动1 快乐英语大本营(1)
China is a developing country with a population of 1.3 billion, of whom more than 300 million are children under the age of 16, making up about one fifth of the total number of children in the world. Children are the future and hope of humanity. Children are the masters of the 21st century.
Children`s survival,protection ans development improve the quality of the population and advance human society. It is a direct concern for the nation`s future and distiny.
The Chinese government, with an earnest and responsible attitude, always shows great concern for children`s survival, protection and development. It regareds"providing education to children and improving the quality of the whole population"as a fundanmental policy for itsw socialist modernization program.
Since the initiation of reform and opening to the outside world, children`s programs in China have moved into social, scientific and legal tracks;children`s programs have become an important part of the nation`s construction and the duties of the whole society.
Good morning, I am glad to have the opportunity to meet with business leaders and colleagues here in Mexico today. In many ways, Canada and Mexico are partners. We share common issues and challenges. We both share borders with the United States, the most important export market for each of us. Both Canada and Mexico have recently faced setbacks in cross-border trade with the United States.
We have both been affected by the slowdown in the world economy and by global economic imbalances, although the impact of these factors appears to have been somewhat less in Canada than in Mexico over the past three years. And we are both working on the structural adjustments that are necessary to weather shocks and to thrive in a changing environment. Today, I want to focus my remarks on Canada`s adjustment to global economic changes. I will talk about our challenges in this regard.
Black people were the only"immigrants"who didn`t choose to come to America. For hundreds of years, Africans were taken from their homes to be slaves in the New World. The phrase "all men are created equal"didn`t apply to blacks in their day. The end of the Civil War finally brought freedom to the slaves in 1865, but blacks still had a lower position in society. Blacks and whites went to different schools, ate at different restaurants, even drank from diferent water fountains.
不良贷款non-performing loan, bad debt
控股公司holding company
配股allotment of shares
疲软股票soft stock
营业税turnover tax
造假帐falsified accounts
偷税、骗税、抗税tax evasion,tax fraud,and refusal to pay taxes
燃油附加税bunker surcharge 农业词语小积累
三高农业"three highs"agriculture(high yield, high quality and high efficiency agriculture)
三农问题issues concerning agriculture,countryside and farmers
打白条issue IOU(IOU=I owe you)
立体农业three-dimensional agriculture
农业技术合作ATC, Agricultural Technical Cooperation
联产承包责任制system of contracted responsibility linking remuneration to output;contract system border areas and poverty-stricken areas
三下乡a program under which officials, doctors, scientist and college students go to the countryside to spread scientific and literacy knowledge and offer medical service to farmers.
农村剩余劳动力surplus rural labor
生态农业environmental-friendly agriculture
温饱型农业subsistence agriculture 旅游词语小积累
旅游黄金周golden week for tourism
世界旅游日World Tourism Day
标准/豪华游normal/luxury tour(travel)
经典线路classic travel route
黄金线路/景点hot travel route/spot
出境游/国内游outbound/inbound tourism
自助游independent/do-it-yourself travel
随团旅游group travel
外滩(上海)the Bund
斜拉索桥stayed-cable bridge
新干线"the Shinkansen, bullet train"
磁悬浮列车Maglev(train);magnetically levitated train;magnetic            suspension train
轻轨light rail train
旱地滑雪场mock skiing park
风景区scenic areas
宁静环境peaceful environment
美丽景色beautiful views
如画的风景picturesque landscape
独特的人文景观uneque human landscape
水乡泽国the water resort
物华天宝a land of plenty
人杰地灵rech land of fostering more talents
人文山水a unique culture in a nice natural surrounding
优美的高山高原自然风光beautiful plateau natural scenery
布达拉宫the Potala Palace
出土文物unearthed cultural relics
古建筑群ancient architectural complex
古文化遗址sites of primitive cultures
查积累资料:知识经济的新时代 The Knowledge Economy Age
知识经济 The Knowledge Economy
不知道是否翻译准确,欢迎大家指正。 工业词语小积累
优化结构optimize the structure
恶性循环bicious cycle/circle
良性循环beneficent/virtuous cycle
对大中型国有企业进行公司制改革corporatize large and medium-sized State-owned(state-owned, state)enterprises
现代企业制度modern enterprise system;modern corporate system
股份制the joint stock system
股份合作制the joint stock cooperative system
谁控股?Who holds the controlling shares?
支持强强联合,实现优势互补support association between strong enterprise so that they can take advantage of each other`s strengths
鼓励兼并,规范破产encourage mergers and standardize bankruptcy procedures
国家控股公司a state-controlled share company
控股公司a holding company


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马年快乐! 大头儿小头爸爸过马年

时间过得真快,蛇年马上就要结束了。回想过去的一年,我在投资 上的收获还是很大的。赚到钱是其次,最主要的还在于学习总结了更多的东西,对一些细节的认识更加深刻,投资能力有了进一步的提升。当然,投资这个东西,每一个人的知识、理解和经验

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