If you’re planning a holiday it turns out you shouldn’t treat Sunday as a day of rest.如果你打算度假,那么你就不要将星期天只当做是休息日了。
New research from the Airlines Reporting Corp (ARC) suggests that the lowest fares are found on Sundays, regardless of the domestic or international destination.来自ARC的最新调查显示,无论是国内还是国际航班,最便宜的机票都是在星期日出售。
During the traditional Monday through Friday work week, tickets purchased on Tuesday were the best bargains.在传统的周一至周五的工作日里,周二售出的机票是最划算的。
The findings were part of a study into nearly 130 million ticket purchases – worth an estimated £58bn ($98bn) – between January 2013 and July of this year.结论来自于一项针对在2013年一月至2014年七月的近1.3亿票务出售的研究,总计580亿英镑(980亿美元)。
However, it only looked at tickets purchased from travel agents and satellite ticket printing offices, and did not include tickets purchased directly from airlines - a practice used by most consumers.然而,这些只是限于从旅行社和代办点买的机票,并不包括从航空公司的直接售票,而大多数乘客习惯从航空公司直接定票。
With over six million US domestic flights purchased on Sundays during that 19-month period, the average price for a round-trip ticket amounted to £267 ($432).在整整19个月的时间里,就有超过600万的美国国内航班的机票在星期日售出,一张往返机票的平均价格只有267英镑(432美金)。
The average cost for a return flight to an international destination was £593 ($958) with over two million tickets purchased on Sundays.星期日还售出了两百多万张国际往返机票,平均单价是593英镑(958美金)。
To get the best deals, travellers should plan in advance. 要想更划算,旅客应该提前计划。
ARC’s study revealed that the best deals for US domestic routes were found eight weeks before the date of departure, while the lowest fares for international destinations were found 24 weeks in advance.ARC的研究显示,美国国内航线的最好价格出现在航班起飞日的前八周,而最低的国际航班价格出现在起飞日的前24周。
An ARC study conducted in 2012 found that the least expensive domestic tickets were purchased six weeks prior to departure.ARC2012年的一项报告发现最便宜的国内机票是于飞机出发前的六周售出的。
Chuck Thackston, managing director of enterprise information management at ARC, said: ‘This latest study by ARC is significant because it reveals that not only have the lowest airfares shifted from six to eight weeks out for domestic travel, but the savings are markedly greater on a percentage basis.查克·查斯顿斯是ARC的企业信息管理部的总经理,他说:“ARC最新的研究是十分值得注意的,因为它揭露了不单单最低的国内飞机票价从前六周变成了前八周,同时,节省下来的钱占票价的很大百分比。“
‘It was also interesting to see that the data showed the least expensive tickets were purchased on a Sunday as opposed to Tuesday, which is a common belief.’“数据表明,最便宜的机票是在周日而非通常认为的周二售出,这件事同样很有趣。”
But he recommends people shop around and check prices every day as the best deals may not always be offered on a Sunday or Tuesday.但是他建议人们还是要四处比价,每天看一下价格,因为最好的成交价不是永远都出现在周日或者周二的。
‘Air ticket pricing is dynamic and ARC isn't advising anyone to purchase tickets only at these times during the sales cycle as there is no guarantee they will receive the lowest price; it is just what the data pattern indicates during the study period.’飞机票的价格是浮动的。ARC不建议所有人都在降价时候购买机票,因为不能担保一定买得到最便宜的机票。这也只是调查研究所显示的数据而已。