七年级下册英语句型 七年级下1-6单元知识点句型解密


Unit 1 Can you play the guitar ?

1.Lisa can _________ (dance ).

2.I can play chess .

疑问句: _________ you ______ chess ?

回答:Yes, ______ ________ . / No , ______ ___________.

否定句:I___________ __________ chess .

3. —Let’s ____________  .(打篮球)

—That sounds boring . I want to _______________ (拉小提琴).

4 .My father wants __________ (buy) a piano for my birthday .

5 .What do you often do _________ ____________ (在周末 )?

6. Tony can play the guitar , and he plays it __________ (好).

7. Does your brother like _________ (draw)?

8. Mother often _________ __________ _________ (给我讲故事)

9. I want to _________ __________ _________ (和……交朋友) an English boy .

10. It is relaxing at the _________ ( student) Sports Center .

11.Miss li is friendly and she ________ __________ __________ (与……相处好)her friends

12.Mother _____ _______ _____ __________ __________( 擅长讲故事)

13. I can play soccer , too .(变否定句)

    I _________ play soccer , ________ .

14. I can play soccer , too .(同义句)

   I can _________ play soccer .

15. Please _________ Mrs Miller _________ 555-1234 .( 拨打…的电话号码)

16. They can play the drums (提问)

__________ __________ they do ?


   Unit 2 What time do you go to school ?

1.I usually get up at six . (提问)

__________ _________ _______ _______ usually get up ?

2.Mary takes a walk .

一般疑问句:________ Mary ________ a walk ?

回答:Yes , she _______ . / No , she __________ .

否定句: Mary ________ ________ a walk .

3. He usually exercises on weekends . (提问) 

_________ _______ he usually ____________ on weekends ?

4. Scoot has an interesting _________  (职业).

七年级下册英语句型 七年级下1-6单元知识点句型解密

5. Don’t _________ (迟到) school again .

6.You can come either today or tomorrow .

7. Either you or he ________( go) to see him .

8. Junk food _____ ______ _____ _______ (对……没有好处) our health ,but it tastes good .

9.When I __________ (到家) , I always do my homework first .

10. At twelve, she eats _____  _______(许多)fruit and vegetables for lunch .

Unit 3  How do you get to school ?

1. He takes the bus to school .

  ① 变一般疑问句:_______ he _______ the bus to school ?

  ② 简答:Yes, ______ _______ / No, ________ _________ .

③ 变否定句:He _______ _________ the bus to school .

2. I ride my bike to get to school .(对划线部分提问)

_______ ______ ______ get to school ?

3.  I walk to school . (同义句)

   I _______ to school _______ _________ .

4. I ride my bike to get to school . (同义句)

  I get to school _______ _________ .

5. It takes me about 15 minutes _______ (get)  to school .

6 . It takes me about 15 minutes to get to school . (对划线部分提问).

 _______ ________ ______ _______ _______  _______ to get to school ?

7. It is about two kilometers from home to school . (对划线部分提问).

_______  ________ ______  _______ from home to school?

8. There are _______ _________  (二百) students on the playground .

9.There are _________ __________(成百上千) people in the park .

10. What do you think of the story book ? (同义句)

_______ _______ _______ ________ the story book ?

11. I think the story book is very interesting . (对划线部分提问)

   ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ the story book ?

12.It is easy for me __________ (learn) math well . 学好数学对我来说是容易的。

13 .There is a big river __________ their school ________ the village . (在……之间)

14. My math teacher _______ ________ (像……一样)a father to me . 

15. Liangliang is an __________________ (十一岁的) boy .

16._______ ________ _________ ____________(其中的很多村民) never leave the village .

17 .My dream will ___________ _________ (实现) .

18.__________ __________ (谢谢) your last e-mail .


Unit 4  Don’t eat in class

1. Don’t _______ _________ ________ (迟到) class .

2. He must do his homework after school .

   ① 变一般疑问句:_______ he _______ my homework after school?

   ② 简答:Yes, ______ _______ / No, ________ _________ .

③ 变否定句:I _______ _________ his homework after school .

3.  We have to be quiet in the library .

① 变一般疑问句:_______ you _______ to be quiet in the library?

    ② 简答:Yes, ______ _______ / No, ________ _________ .

③ 变否定句:We _______ _________ ______be quiet in the library .

4. He has to clean his room every day .

① 变一般疑问句:_______ he_______ to clean his room every day ?

   ② 简答:Yes, ______ _______ / No, ________ _________ .

③ 变否定句:He _______ _________  to clean his room every day.

5.  Dave must help his mom_______  _______(做早饭 ).

6.  We must practice ________  _________ .(说英语)

7..  Don’t keep ________(talk) in class .

8..  Remember ________ ( do) your homework on time .( remember to do sth .记住去做某事)

9.  Mother ______ ________ ________ ________ (对我要求严格) at home .

10 . My teacher _____ _______ ________ his work . (要求严格)

11 .There ______ _______ _________ ________ at school .(太多的规则)

There ______ _______ _________ ________ at school .(太多的作业)

12. After dinner ,I can’t ______________(放松) ,_________ .(也)

13 . I am ________( 难过的) to tell you the bad news.

14. You can’t watch TV on school days . (变祈使句)

_________ _________ TV on school days .

15. Don’t make any noise in the library . (变同义句)

You ________ _________ _________ in the library .

16. He doesn’t have any fun . (变同义句)

   He ________ ________ fun .

17. You can’t take photos . (变同义句)

___________ ______________ .

18 . 不要把作业忘在家里 。

_________ _________ your homework at home .

19. We have to wear uniforms at school. (对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ you have to ______ at school ?

20. 你会“穿衣服”吗?用“穿”填空

①He always _________________ a uniform .

②It’s cold outside , _____________________ your warm clothes .

③She is an eight-year-old girl , she can ______________ herself .

21.  He __________ _______(到达)Beijing yesterday afternoon.


Unit 5 Why do you like pandas ?

1.Why don’t you take a walk ? (变同义句)

  =_________ ________ take a walk ?

=_________  take a walk .

=_________ ________ ________ a walk ?

2. The lions are from South Africa . (对划线部分提问)

_______ _______the lions from ?

3.  Where are the lions from ?  (变同义句)

Where ______ the lions ________ from ?

4.I want to see the pandas because they are cute . (对划线部分提问)

_________ _________ ________ want to see the pandas ?

5.There are __________(超过) 2000 students in our school .

6. The dog can walk on two legs . (对划线部分提问)

_________ _________ the dog __________ ?

7.Jenny doesn’t like the cat because it sleeps all day . (对划线部分提问)

 _________ _________ Jenny _________ the cat ?

8.I think math is kind of difficult . (同义词组)

A. a kind of   B. little   C.  a lot   D. a little

9. — Do you know that there are many different __________ animals in the zoo ?

Yes , I do . And I also know that some of them are _________ scary .

   A. kinds of , kind of   B. kinds of , kinds of  

C. kind of , kinds of   D. kind of ,  kind of

10. — ___________ music her favorite subject ?

— Because she thinks it is relaxing .

    A. What is   B. When does   C.  Why  is   D. Who is

11. Jenny ______________ ( 对…… 友好) everyone .

12. Don’t forget _______________ (bring) your homework to school .

13.  We should protect (保护) the animals ________  (处于危险中的).

14. We can’t buy things _____________ (由……制成)  ivory .

15.  The elephant is ___________ (之一) Thailand’s _____________  (象征)symbols .

16.  Elephants can walk ____________ (很长一段时间 ) and never __________ (迷路).

17.  People __________ (砍掉) many trees so elephants ____________ (正在失去它们的家园) .

18.   Let’s go to the park __________( one)


Unit6  I’m watching TV

1.  I’m doing my homework? 

① 变一般疑问句 _______ ________ ________ your homework?

②肯定回答:_______ , ______ ________ .

否定回答:_______ , ______ ________ .

③对划线部分提问:________ _______ ________ doing?

2 .Linda usually gets up at six. (用now替代usually改写句子)

  Linda ________ __________ up now.

3.  They usually watch TV in the evening. (用now替代usually)

   They _______ _________ TV now.

4 .The dog is walking on two legs. (对划线部分提问)

_________ ________ the dog ___________?

5 . 喂?我是鲍勃,你是谁?

— Hello? _______ _______ (我是) Bob, ________ __________ (你是哪一位)?

— Hi, Bob. _________ Mike _________.

6.  A: 你在做什么事,琳达?

_________ ________ you _________, Linda?   

B: 没什么事。我在读一本书。

____________ ____________. I’m just reading a book. 

7. 你来跟我们喝杯咖啡好吗?我们有事要跟你谈。

Would you come and_________ ________ ________a cup of coffee? We need to talk to you.

8. 你愿意跟我们一起去看表演吗?

—Would you like ___________ (come )with us to the show?


—Thanks. _________ _________ __________.

9. His dad and uncle are watching the boat __________(比赛) on TV.

Do you like to watch NBA ___________(比赛) on TV?

10. 杰克看上去像其他和他同龄的孩子一样。

Jack is like ________ _________boy of his age.

11. 你想学说一口好的英语吗?为什么不去英国与房东一家人住在一起呢?

Do you want to learn to speak English well? Why not go to England and stay with a _______ __________(房东)?

12 .The little girl _________ (想念) her grandma very much. 小女孩很想念她的奶奶。

13. I wish _________( meet) my uncle there. 我希望在那里能见到我的叔叔。




Unit 1 答案与解析

1.dance, can 后加动词原形

2.  can ,play ,I,can, I , can’t,  I , can’t,

变疑问句把can 提到句首,变否定句在can后加not .

3. play basketball,打篮球 play the violin拉小提琴

球类、棋类前不加the, 乐器前加the .

4 .to buy.  want to do sth 想要做某事 ,for 为了

5 . on weekends在周末 on weekends = on the weekend 

6.well好well 是副词,放在行为动词之后 ,good 是形容词,放在系动词be之后或名词前.

7. drawing,词组 like doing sth 或 like to do sth .喜欢做某事

8. tell me stories . 讲故事, 单数tell a story

9.和……交朋友 make friends with

10. Students’  以s结尾的所有格加’

11. is good with 与……相处好be good with

12. is good at telling stories , be good at = do well in 做得好

13.  can’t ,  either 也,too用于肯定句,either用于否定句

14. also也,too用于句尾,also用于句中

15. call sb. at +电话号码 ,拨打某人的电话号码

16. What can


Unit 2答案与解析

1. what time do you 

2.Does, take, does, doesn’t , doesn’t , take

3. What does , do ,

4. job职业,工作,job 是可数名词,work 是不可数名词, work还可以作动词

5. 迟到be late for = arrive late for

6. either …or … 或者……或者 ,要么……要么

7.goes ,在either …or …短语中,动词的形式以or后的人称为准,这种情况叫做就近原则

8. is not good for , be good for 对……有好处,be bad for 对……有坏处

tastes good 吃着好吃

9. get , get to 到达 ,在副词home ,here , there 前不用to

10. lots of = a lot of 很多,可以跟可数名词,也可以跟不可数名词,many, 只跟可数名词复数much,跟不可数名词。

Unit 3  答案与解析

1. ①Does ,take, ②he , does, he , doesn’t, ③doesn’t take .

2. How do you

3. walk , on foot

4.  by bike

5. to get  句型 It takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多长时间。

6 . How long does it take you

7. How far is it

8. two hundred , hundred 前有数字时不能加s

9.hundreds of 成百上千

10. How do you like …? What do you think of… ?= How do you like …? 你觉得……怎么样?

11. What do you think of

12. to learn  句型 It is+adj.+for sb. +to do sth. 对某人来说做某事是怎么样的。

13 .between…and 在……之间

14. is like ,be like 像……一样

15. 11-year-old十一岁的, 复合形容词

16. many of the villages ,many of其中的很多, 如,many of us 我们很多人。

17 . come true实现

18.Thanks for ,Thanks for= Thank you for 谢谢 后边跟名词或v-ing

如,谢谢你帮我学英语。 Thanks for helping me with my English .


Unit 4  答案与解析

1. arrive late for=be late for 迟到,表示请求、命令的句子叫祈使句,祈使句用动词原形开头

2. ① Must ,do ②he must / he needn’t ③ needn’t do

must是情态动词,后边用动词原形。否定回答时用needn’t .不必要 。

mustn’t ,禁止,不允许。如:You mustn’t smoke here .这儿不许抽烟

3.  ① Do, have ② we must,/ we needn’t ③ don’t have to

have to ,不得不,后边用动词原形。don’t have to, 不必要

4. ① Does , have ② he must / he needn’t ③ doesn’t have

5. make breakfast ,  help sb. do sth.= help sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事

 help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人

6.  speaking English ,  practice doing sth. .练习做某事

7..  talking ,  keep doing sth . 一直做某事

8..  to do, remember to do sth .记住去做某事

9.   is strict with me , be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格

10 .  is strict in ,  be strict in sth. 对某事要求严格

11 .  are too many rules , is too much homework .

太多,too many+名词复数 ;too much+不可数名词

much too 太,非常 修饰形容词,副词,

 It’s much too cold.  天太冷了。

The question is much too difficult. 这个问题太难了。

12. relax, either,也,too 用于肯定句;either,用于否定句

13 .sorry ,  be sorry to do sth. 做某事感到很不安   be happy to do sth. 高兴做某事

14. Don’t watch

15.  must be quiet

16. has no

17. No photos

18 . Don’t leave ,leave sth.+地点 ,把某物忘在某地

19. What do ,do

20. ① wears ② Put on ③ dress

      wear= be in,穿的状态 ; put on ,强调穿的动作;dress +人,给某人穿衣

21. arrived in/ got to

arrive at + 小地点名词   arrive in + 大地点名词 

 arrive home/here /there = get home/ there/ here

(home/ there/ here是地点副词,前边不能用介词)

get to + 地点名词,如 get to school  


Unit 5答案与解析

1. Why not , Let’s,  What about taking

提建议的句型:Why don’t you+ v …= Why not +v …?= Let’s +v …= What about +v-ing …?

肯定回答:All right .好吧,OK 否定回答,Sorry, I ….

2. Where are

3. do come  ,be from= come from 来自于……

4.Why do you ,  对because 引导的句子提问,用why.

5. over 超过, over=more than )

6. What can ,do

7. Wht doesn’t ,like

8. D,  有点儿, kind of = a little 后边跟形容词

9. A ,  different kinds of ,不同种类的,kind of + 形容词,有点儿

10.C , Why提问,用Because 回答。

11.  Is  friendly to , be friendly to  对…… 友好

12. to bring

forget to do sth.. 忘记去做某事;remember to do sth. 记住去做某事

13.  in danger处于危险中的,in great danger处于极大危险中的,dangerous  adj. 危险的

14.  made of 由……制成

15.  one of ,symbols  ,   one of + 名词复数 ,……之一

16.  for a long time ,get lost ,  for +一段时间,

17.  cut down 砍掉,  are losing their homes正在失去它们的家园.

18.  first



1.  ① Are you doing ② Yes ,I am ./    No , I’m not . ③ What are you

2 .  is getting

3.  They are watching

4 .  What is , doing

5 . This is ,  who’s that  , It’s…here/speaking .

这是打电话用语。当打电话时,介绍自己时用“This is…”或“ It’s…here/speaking ”;

问对方用“Is that…?” 或 “ Who’s that ? ”。

6.  What are , doing  ,  Not much.

Not much.  (口语)没什么大事。也可说成Nothing much ,表示自己有空。

7. Join us for

join somebody for something表示“与某人一起做某事;参与或加入到某人的行列中一起做某事”。如Join us for dinner. 和我们一起吃晚饭

8.  to come , I’d like to / I’d love to.

Would you like to do sth….? 你愿意做某事吗?接受别人的邀请,用I’d love to. 或I’d like to,我很乐意。当委婉拒绝他人邀请时,多用I’d love to, but...或Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t because...

9. race, game

 race用于体育话题时,主要指赛跑,赛车,游泳等与速度有关的“比赛”;而 game则多指球类,棋类等体育“比赛”。

10. any other

 any other + 名词单数形式  意为“(除了某个以外)其他的任何一个”。

11. host family

host family指人们出国时所借宿的人家,类似汉语中“房东家”。

12 . misses

miss v.  意为“思念;想念” 【注意】miss的第三人称单数形式为misses)

【拓展】 miss还有“错过,没赶上”之意。

e.g. Get up quickly, or you will miss the bus. 赶快起床,否则你会赶不上公共汽车。

13. to meet

   wish  v. 意为“希望” ,常用结构:wish to do sth.希望做某事 或wish sb. to do sth.希望某人做某事


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七年级下册英语语法点总结 初一下册英语语法总结

七年级下册英语语法点总结Unit 1 Where’s your pen pal from?(语法点总结)一.短语:1 .be from = come from来自于----2. live in 居住在---3. on weekends 在周末4 .write to sb = write a letter to sb 给某人写信;写信给某人5 .in

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