既要独立住宅能够保温,又要使室内空气新鲜,这对矛盾,就是通过能量回收通风系统(ERV:Energy Recovery Ventilation)来加以解决的。
热回收通风HRV系统的英文原形:Heat Recovery Ventilation;能量回收通风ERV系统的英文原形:Energy Recovery Ventilation
RenewAire Ventilation Fans in bathrooms as required for point source exhaust:RenewAire牌点源所需的浴室抽气扇排气
RenewAire ERV draws room air from air handler return air duct system:RenewAire 牌能量回收通风系统ERV吸引来自空气处理回风管系统的室内空气
Optional RenewAire Ventilation Fan in laundry area:可选 RenewAire牌洗衣区的通风机
Energy efficient homes can trap indoor air pollutants:高效节能的住房可以捕获室内空气污染物
Air polluter:空气污染
Outside-air intake draws fresh air into the ERV, where it is tempered before it enters the return-air plenum:室外空气进气口吸取新鲜空气,进入到ERV能量回收系统,在进入回风压力通风系统前,是缓和的。
RenewAir BR70 or BR130 ERV:RenewAir牌BR70型号或者BR130型号ERV能量回收通风系统
Return-air plenum:回风压力通风系统
After transferring its heat inside the ERV, stale air is exhausted outside:热量留在室内的ERV能量回收通风系统,传送完成以后,污浊的空气用完,排到室外。