1. Start slowly. Make a list of all the contacts you have in mind who are beyond your usual comfort zone. Then rank them in order of difficulty and call the easiest ones first。开始时一步一步来。将那些你能想到的自己平常不太敢联系的人列出来,按难度排序,首先给难度最小的那个人打电话。
2. Never assume a "no." Many times job seekers talk themselves out of contacting someone because they assume the person won't want to help or won't be able to. But you never know unless you ask, and you'll gain confidence when you realize how many people are actually pleased to hear from you。不要一开始就往坏处想。求职者常常说服自己不去联系某人,因为他们认为对方不会想要帮忙,或是表示爱莫能助。但你不去问的话你永远不知道,而且当你发现其实有很多人很乐意与你联系,你将更有信心。
3. Ask for advice rather than information about specific job openings. Not only does this approach avoid putting the other person on the spot, it also might produce useful insights into what's going on at his or her company, or suggestions about other people you should call。征求意见,而不要追问关于工作机会的具体信息。这种方法一来不至于让对方为难,二来还可能使你了解对方所在公司的现状,他/她或许会告诉你应该去联系谁。

4. Try to offer something in return. Just because you're out of work at the moment doesn't mean you have nothing to offer. The more networking you do, the more potentially valuable information you pick up along the way, which you can then pass along. Or, if you're doing Internet research and you come across an article that might interest one of your contacts, send it."尽量投桃报李。你目前失业并不代表终生无以为报。与人交往越多,你就会有可能获悉更多有价值的信息,你也可以将这些信息转告他人。或者说,假如你在互联网上作调研时发现某篇文章,你认为你的某位联系人可能感兴趣,那么不妨将这篇文章发给他。
5. Always ask for additional contact names. Finish up the conversation by asking if the person can suggest anyone else you might call for more information. If you've made a positive impression, he or she is usually happy to oblige. And if you can start off that next contact by saying, 'So-and-So recommended that I get in touch with you...' it takes a lot of the anxiety out of cold calling。询问其他联系人的姓名。在结束谈话时,问问对方你想了解更多信息的话可以联系谁。假如对方对你印象好,他/她通常会乐意帮忙。你在联系他/她介绍的联系人时,可以先说‘某某建议我与您联系……’这会使你在进行‘电话推销’时放松不少。
6. Establish a network e-mail list. Put together a list of all the people you've spoken with who have shown an interest in your job hunt, and e-mail them regularly (once a month or so) to update them on your search, including where you've applied, whom you've spoken with, and so on. Doing this keeps you in people's minds and lets them respond quickly if they hear of anything that might help you。建立电子邮件联系列表。将那些与你交谈时表现出兴趣的人汇总成一个邮件列表,定期给他们发信(大约一月一次),让他们及时了解你的求职进展,包括你申请了哪些职位,与哪些人进行过交谈等等。这会使人们对你留有印象,这样一来,一旦他们听说可能对你有用的信息,就会马上做出响应。