雅思听力场景词汇 雅思听力场景词汇之银行场景




1. 申请表application form**

2. 申请人ap/pli/cant**

3. 填表格fill in the form*

4. 拓展记忆:申请一个职位apply for a po/si/tion*

5. 最好是在有名的银行中开帐户:it's best to open an account

6. 银行会问你开账户的金额为多少:

And how much would you like to open your account with?

7. 每个银行的开账户时的最小额度minimum sum不同

8. 要咨询一下汇率

雅思听力场景词汇 雅思听力场景词汇之银行场景

9. exchange rate**和

10.利率interest rate**

11. 英国的几个比较有名的银行有Barclays 和 Lloyds。

12.然而,得清楚很重要一点是留学生不能享受到提供给当地学生的设施。 However, it's important to note that as an international student you'll not necessarily be eligible for all the facilities offered to resident students.

13.银行有不同的政策,他们提供给你的服务是取决于你的个人情况,同样也取决于银行经理的自行处理。Banks have different policies and the services that they'll offer you will depend on your individual circumstances*and on the discretion of the bank manager involved.


15.作为一个留学生,你需要提供证据证明自己能够支付费用,直到课程结束 as an international student,you will need to provide evidence** that you can fund/support yourself for however long your course lasts. (拓展记忆:存款为funding)

16.除此之外,大多银行要求你带上你的护照和你的录取通知书 In addition to this, most banks ask you to bring your passport** and your letter or certificate of enrolment *.,或者带着学校注册信 letter of registration *


护照大小照片 passport photo**驾照 driver's license**出生证明 birth certificate*信用卡 cre/dit card**借记卡 debit card

(拓展记忆:凭卡办理存取款和消费结算,不能透支。Access to deposit,withdrawal, purchase, and payment, overdraft prohibited.)雇主推荐

reference from your employer**账单 bank statements**


How often would you like to receive statements?有些人喜欢一周一次Some people like them weekly. 有些人喜欢一个月一次 once a month 拓展记忆:两周一次once a fortnight


19.有些银行会问一些信息来验证你的身份,为了安全的原因。 Now we usually ask for a piece of information which we can use to check your identity*, for security** reasons. 最好提供父母的名字,这不太会被知道 It's less likely to be known.

20. 还会问:职业

occupation profession**出生日期 date of birth** 全名 full name** 名 first name 、given name** 中间名字 middle name 姓 surname/family name/last name** 过去地址previous address*目前地址 present/current/now address*在目前地址居住时间 time at current address

21.每个人还应该带着填有名字和地址的宣传单 You should each have a hand/out *with the names and addresses...

22.还可以申请其他银行业务bank service:贷款loan** 保险insurance** 低风险投资 low-risk investment** 股票和基金 stocks and shares*(拓展记忆:储蓄金 nest egg)

23.至今为止,最有用的帐户是活期账户 by far the most useful type of account to open is a current account**


24.你真正能拿到的帐户是学生帐户,其实它就是一个有特殊优惠的活期账户 you will actually get what is called a 'student account'**which is a current account with special concessions for students. 可能免手续费service charge*

25.如果你出了经济问题financial affairs,有了负债be in debt,如果你的信用卡被拒绝your credit card is declined,账户被冻结account is frozen 学校可能提供你助学金grants**,或者帮助你得到低息贷款low-interest loan**


储蓄存款帐户savings account*,

定期帐户deposit account* 联名账户 joint account* (联名账户持有者joint account holder*)


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/413051/257432182626.html




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