Crazy - ChristopherChristopher,丹麦流行男歌手,又称丹麦小王子。小C,2011年9月在丹麦正式出道,他还有一个外号叫丹麦小污王,大概是因为唱歌的歌词有点嘿嘿嘿你懂得。
You're crazy
But baby
I can't think of letting you go
All I can see
Is just the way that you love me
Fall in, fall out
You got my whole world spinning around
All I can see
Is just the way that you love me
Yeah~The way that you love me
High On Life - Christopher小C的另一首歌,真的是很好听~也是属于节奏感超强的歌曲了,再加上他的颜值身材和气质,才会拥有这么多迷妹。
Baby, our love's like a tower
We will wait beyond the clouds
And though we started from the ground
We're in the sky
And we're taking off tonight
And we got it all tonight
And even when the sky is falling down
We be high on life
We be high on life
Fight - Nick Howard虽然这个歌手的单曲不少,但关于他的个人信息,真是少得可怜。而且,最重要的是,从网上竟然搜不到歌词!不过我也没给自己再加听力任务,所以听歌就好嘻嘻。这个节奏真的很想令人跟着一起摆动呢~高潮部分超级嗨!
Back 2U - Jessica Mauboy 这首歌的节奏感简直了,歌手Jessica是澳洲人,其曲风大多动感而充满节奏,再加上她那略带涩哑而有力的嗓音,非常吸引人。♥
The moment that i got here boy i knew
I ve gotta get back to you
Rush rush now boy
Running on back to you
Rush rush now boy
Ready For Love - Stevie Hoang歌手Stevie Hoang,英籍华裔,85年生于英国伯明翰。他在大学一直主修音乐,为以后的音乐之路打上坚实基础。之后一直为英国的一线歌手写歌,才华逐渐被人们所赏识。
Stevie Hoang祖籍中国,会说广东话。他的音乐细腻温婉,柔美动听,亚裔血统的背景让他的音乐拥有东方人特有的细腻,而自幼西化的成长环境,也让他的R&B更加国际化。
I'm ready for love
Cause I've been waiting all my life
And this is my time to shine
I'm ready for love
To show a different side of me
Cause I do believe that I'm ready for love
East Of Eden - Zella Day美国新晋流行女歌手Zella Day,拥有天才般的写歌能力和梦幻般的加州嗓音。她的音乐受到了乡村音乐和古典摇滚音乐家的影响,独特的声线中带着一丝慵懒和一丝青春气息。可以单曲循环一百遍!
![节奏感强的歌曲 节奏感强的歌曲有哪些?Crazy High On Life East Of Eden!](http://img.aihuau.com/images/e/77296/030506050503572576936.jpg)
Keep me from the cages under the control
Running in the dark to find East of Eden
Keep me from the cages under the control
Running in the dark to find East of Eden
To find East of Eden
To find East of Eden
To find East of Eden
To find East of Eden