三级笔译汉译英 笔译词汇:外贸金融(汉译英)

保险箱服务 safe deposit box services

补偿贸易 compensation trade

长期低息贷款 long-term, low-interest loan

炒股 speculate in the stock market

惩罚性关税 punitive tariffs

出口贸易 export trade

出口信贷 export credit

出口总值 total export value

初级产品生产国 primary producing country

从事贸易 engage in trade

存款准备金率 deposit-reserve ratio

定期存款 time deposit

对销贸易 counter trade

多边贸易 multilateral trade

恶性通货膨胀 galloping inflation

反洗钱制度 anti-money laundering system

防范金融风险 guard against financial risks

分税制 revenue-sharing system

付款条件 payment terms

股东持股比例 equity of stock holdings

股市投资 stock market investment

挂牌汇率 nominal rate

国际金融危机 the world financial crisis

国库券还本付息 amortize state treasury bond

合格境内机构投资者 qualified domestic institutional investor (QDII)

合格境外机构投资者 qualified foreign institutional investor (QFII)

合资企业 joint venture

互惠贸易协定 reciprocal trade agreement

黄金储备 gold reserve

汇率风险 exchange risks

汇率浮动与风险管理 fluctuations in exchange rates and risk management

活期存款 demand deposit

积极的财政政策 proactive fiscal policy

加快金融改革 speed up the financial reform

建立正常贸易关系 establish normal trade relations

借贷资本 loan capital

金融寡头 financial magnates

金融机构 financial institutions

金融监管 financial oversight and management

金融债券 financial bonds

紧缩银根 tight money supply

经济互补性 economic complementarity

经济全球化economic globalization

经济腾飞 economic takeoff

经济总量 economic aggregate

居民消费价格指数 consumer price index (CPI)

居于世界前列 rank among the world’s leading countries

可行性研究 feasibility study

控股股东 controlling shareholder

劳动密集型产品 labor-intensive products

贸易报复措施 trade retaliation measures

贸易壁垒 trade barrier

贸易互惠 reciprocity in trade

贸易摩擦 trade friction

贸易条件 terms of trade

贸易制裁 trade sanction

牛市 bull market

商务部 Ministry of Commerce

涉外经济 foreign-related business

生产价格指数 production price index (PPI)

双边会谈 bilateral negotiations

铁饭碗 iron rice bowl; a secure job

外汇储备 foreign currency reserves

外汇牌价 foreign exchange quotation

外贸工作者 foreign trade personnel

外贸逆差 a foreign trade deficit

外贸自营权 power to engage in foreign trade

外商独资银行 wholly foreign-funded bank

外向型企业 export-oriented enterprise

外交保险公司 foreign-funded insurance company

外资企业 overseas-funded enterprise

完全市场经济地位 full market economy status

稳健的货币政策 prudent monetary policy

信用评级 credit rating

熊市 bear market

验资证明 capital verification certificate

一次性付款 lump-sum payment

议付单据 negotiating documents

易货贸易 barter trade

赢得市场 gain a large share of the market

三级笔译汉译英 笔译词汇:外贸金融(汉译英)

佣金率 rate of commission

增值税退税 value-added tax rebates

债券市场 bond market

债券收益 bond yield

政府债券 government bonds

中长期贷款 medium and long credit

中国保险监督管理委员会 China Insurance Regulatory Commission

中国银行业监督管理委员会 China Banking Regulatory Commission

中国证券监督管理委员会 China Securities Regulatory Commission

主板市场 main board of the stock market

主权财富基金 sovereign wealth fund

注册资金 registered capital

专控商品 commodity under special government control

转口贸易 entrepot/entrep?t trade

资本密集或知识密集型产品 capital-or knowledge-intensive products

资本外逃 flight of capital

资产保值增值 maintain and increase the value of assets

资产重组 assets reorganization

自动提款机 automated teller machine (ATM)

自由贸易区 free trade zone/area

“走出去”、“引进来”战略 strategy of “going global” and “bringing in”

最大债权国 biggest creditors



The market closed higher in the modest trading.


Most shares closed at their best trading.



Trade delegations from 20 countries will take part in the forthcoming Spring Commodities Fair.

Our participation in APEC will influence China in several aspects.


Official figures show that China moved into deficit on visible trade last year, but the gap was more than covered by non-trade receipts.


China’s current economic readjustment was very much an effort to undertake what was within the country’s means.


The stable RMB exchange rates served as an anchor to stabilize the regional financial markets.


We are willing to establish business relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.


Payment can be made in international business with the use of cash in advance, openaccount sales, bills of exchange, and letters of credit.


Cash in advance is, of course, the most desirable means of receiving payment. But it is a very unattractive payment term to the buyer.


Exporters commonly use openaccount sales when transacting business with a well-established, reputable, and familiar buyer. The principal advantage of this method is its ease and convenience.


A letter of credit is a document issued by the buyer’s bank that promises that the bank will pay the seller the agreed-upon amount of money, provided that all the requirements of the letter of credit are met.


Hong Kong stock market opened sharply higher, prompted by the latest reduction in the prime rate.


More than 100 producers and firms 25 countries gathered here to display their latest products and technologies.


Companies with a big staff find themselves squeezed between high operating costs and shrinking business.


This list comprises the main items the exporter deals in.


To acquaint you with the light industrial goods we handle, we are sending you, by separate mail, several pamphlets for your reference.


Through joint efforts of both sides, great advances have been made in bilateral trade and economic cooperation, which has become an important part of Sino-U. S. relations.


We hope that the two sides set out to solve the relevant problems and maintain the sound development of bilateral trade ties according to the rules of the World Trade Organization and the principles of natural respect and benefit, and reciprocity and through dialogue and consultation.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/415651/173783748948.html



汉译英翻译赏析:散文诗《大自然的口哨》来源:考试大【考试大——我选择,我喜欢】2009年12月10日大自然的口哨(散文诗)  Nature’s Whistle (Prose Poem)  一  树林中有一条弯曲的小溪。  小溪中的流水,翻着闪亮的浪花,从早到晚不停

英语作文翻译器汉译英 英语作文翻译器


幸福的时刻汉译英 幸福的时刻


军衔主导制详细解释 争论 争论-详细解释,争论-汉译英

一般指两个或者多个人由于目的或者价值观的差异,无法和别人达成一个共同的结论,而互相表达自己观点的一个过程。在日常生活中常有各种争论,通过争论,可以明事理,现真相,得到真理。争论细节问题耗费了委员会数小时宝贵的时间.【南朝】 梁

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