9.23是什么星座 ChinaDaily早报9.23

 【Morning Buzz】
Autumn, the year's last, loveliest smile. (William Cullen Bryant, American writer, 1794-1878)
Dow Jones
10,733.83 -391.01 -3.51%
2,455.67 -82.52 -3.25% 【Highlights】
>Police crack online gun shops
>Hacktivists to attack US
>Tidy up for the election
9.23是什么星座 ChinaDaily早报9.23
>Mt Fuji seeks to be heritage
>Muffins served in DOJ
>Facebook music aspect leaked
>Go to 16 weddings in 8 days?
>Love gone, hair lost
邀您参与《爱·分享》 【Cover Story】
>China, society of strangers
China is turning into a society of strangers, and indifferent people are everywhere, the People's Daily said Thursday. We have become accustomed to being alert and distrustful of unknown persons. We do not open the door to strangers; do not answer a stranger's call; do not buy what a salesperson recommends; do not help old men who fall down... This is what we have been warned about nowadays. There seems a long way to go for our society to reconstruct trust between unknown people, said the article.
《人民日报》22日发表文章称,我国已进入陌生人社会,人性冷漠随处可见。文中说,我们早已习惯用戒备的眼神、怀疑的心态来对待陌生人。不给陌生人开门、陌生的电话不接、买东西不听陌生人的推荐、不敢搀扶摔倒的陌生老人……这就是我们"陌生人社会"的现状。重构社会信任仍然任重而道远。 【Top News】
>Police crack online gun shops
Fifteen websites have been found containing information on producing and selling explosives or guns, Xinhua reported. Among the websites are Baidu Inc's tieba.baidu.com, Tecent's paipai.com and Taobao's etao.com. The websites have been vetted by the Ministry of Public Security and over 23,000 messages have been deleted. The Ministry of Public Security launched a national campaign in August to clear online information on how to make explosives or guns, as well as ban the online sale of guns and explosives.
据新华社报道,公安机关近期对"百度贴吧"、"拍拍网"、"一淘网"等15家涉枪涉爆违法信息问题突出的网站进行了重点整治,删除涉枪涉爆违法信息2.3万余条。今年8月起,公安部在全国部署开展"净网行动",以清理涉及制作贩卖枪支、爆炸物品等内容的违法信息。>Hacktivists to attack US
Hacktivist group "Anonymous" has announced that the collective and "other cyber liberation groups" will "peacefully yet forcefully protest" all over the US, touting Sept 24 to be a nationwide "Day Of Vengeance", TechCrunch reported Thursday. The statement mentioned that a "series of cyber attacks against various targets including Wall Street, corrupt banking institutions and the NYC Police Department" will be launched.
据美国科技博客TechCrunch22日报道,著名黑客组织"匿名者"宣布将于24日和其它网络自由组织在全美发起"和平但有力的抗议"。24日被他们称为全国"复仇日",他们将在这一天对包括华尔街、腐败的金融机构、纽约市警察局等在内的目标发动一系列网络袭击。 >Tidy up for the election
With the Seoul mayoral by-election, the congressional and presidential elections near at hand, politicians in South Korea are busy sprucing themselves up by using plastic surgery. Chosun Ilbo reported several legislators had collectively undergone abdominal liposuction. Eyebrow tattooing is also popular among South Korean politicians for its alleged effects on a younger and tougher look. "More than 10 legislators have had their eyebrows tattooed," said a legislator. One has been dubbed "angry bird" after the tattoo and suddenly became popular.
首尔市市长补选和国会及总统选举在即,眼下,韩国部分政界人士正忙着整容,准备打场漂亮的选举战。据韩国《朝鲜日报》报道,韩国几名议员曾集体做了腹部抽脂手术。据悉,"纹眉"会给人带来年轻和强硬感,所以在韩国政界相当普遍。一位议员说:"做过纹眉手术的议员超过10人。"一位政客更是因纹眉被戏称为"愤怒的小鸟"而人气飙升。>Muffins served in DOJ
As the US government grapples to find ways to trim the bloated federal deficit, a new report suggests officials might start with cutting out $16 muffins and $10 cookies, Reuters reported. "We found the Department of Justice (DOJ) spent $16 on each of the 250 muffins served at an August 2009 legal conference in Washington," said a DOJ Office of Inspector General report released recently. The department spent $32 per person on snacks of popcorn and candy bars, and coffee that cost $8.24 per cup at another conference, the report said.
据路透社报道,在美国政府努力寻求削减赤字方法之际,一项最新报告建议官员也许可以从砍掉16美元一个的松饼和10美元的饼干做起。美国司法部督察长办公室近日公布的报告指出:"我们发现司法部2009年8月在华盛顿举行的法律会议上,供应每个要价16美元的松饼,共250个。"报告还指出,司法部在另外一场会议上为每人提供了32美元的爆米花和糖果等零食,另外还供应每杯8.24美元的咖啡。 >Facebook music aspect leaked
A feature of Facebook's much-anticipated music-based service has been revealed thanks to a tweet from Ji Lee, creative director at Facebook, Techcrunch reported. Ji Lee tweeted, "The 'Listen with your friend' feature in ticker is blowing my mind." Not only will all music you're listening to appear in the just-launched right-side ticker, there will be a link to 'Listen with your friend', that when clicked, will allow you to listen along to the same song at the same time. Facebook is expected to unveil the music service Thursday at the F8 Developers' Conference.
据美国科技博客TechCrunch报道,Facebook的音乐服务功能一直以来备受瞩目,而其创意总监李吉日前无意中透露了该服务的一项重要功能。他在Twitter上发布信息称,"'与好友分享音乐'功能令我心驰神往。"有了这项新功能,用户收听的所有音乐会出现在右侧提醒框中,此外,还有一个"与好友分享音乐"链接,点击就可以与好友同时听同一首歌。预计Facebook将在当地时间22日举行的F8开发者大会上推出这一音乐服务。 【In Brief】
>At least 110 people in 4 countries in the Himalayan region have died in the 6.9-magnitude earthquake that rattled northeast India on Sept 18, chinanews.com reported.
>Bank of China officially set up its 1st forfeiting unit and commodities finance unit outside China in Singapore Wednesday.
>The Japanese government said Thursday they will ask UNESCO to register Mt Fuji and the ancient city of Kamakura as World Heritage Cultural Sites, the Kyodo News said.
>People who smoke could lose around 1/3 of their everyday memory, the Daily Mail of London reported researchers saying.
据英国《每日邮报》报道,研究人员称,吸烟者可能会丧失约1/3的日常记忆。 【Newsmaker】
>Go to 16 weddings in 8 days?
The coming National Day holiday will see another upsurge in weddings, and Mr Xiong, a resident in Chengdu, Sichuan, has already received invitations to 16 weddings to be held during the holiday. Scol.com.cn reported the wedding ceremonies are spread around in Chengdu, Chongqing, Suining and Nanchong. It means that Xiong needs to travel over 1200 km in 8 days, and he has to rush to attend 6 weddings in a single day on Oct 5. There will be over 4,100 couples tying the knot during the golden week in Chengdu, according to statistics from Chengdu Wedding Trade Association.
>Love gone, hair lost
It's not just love that's lost when a couple divorce; it can also cause women to lose their hair, according to a new research, the Daily Mail of London reported. The study found that women who had lost a partner were far more likely to have thinning hair than women who were happily married or single. Dr Bahman Guyuron, author of the project, believes the link is down to how a woman's marital status affects her state of mind. "Most likely, stress is the aspect of a troubling divorce that leads to hair loss among women," he said.
据英国《每日邮报》报道,最新研究显示,离婚不但使女人失去爱情,还令她们掉头发。这项研究发现,失去配偶的女性比婚姻幸福或单身的女性更容易头发稀少。该项目发起人巴曼·盖润博士认为,这表明了女性的婚姻状况对她们的精神状态有重要影响。盖润博士说:"掉头发很可能是由烦心的离婚带来的压力引起的。" 【Talk Show】
>You'll help me clean after the party, right?
>What if I told you that my friend Brian will be there?
>What a bummer! Ugh, this party is turning into a disaster! No one's here, I can't cook the food, and the DJ sounds like he's from Sesame Street!
悲剧了!厄……这个聚会要变成一场灾难了。没人来,我又不会做饭,DJ调的音乐像是芝麻街的配乐!(本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。)【Word Prize】
A one-horse race意思是?
例句:This election has been a one-horse race right from the start.

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