
初中英语八年级上Unit 9 Can you come to my party?Section A 1a---2c (第一课时)一、关键内容1.学会使用can 引导的句子表达邀请;能使用have to ,must 来谈论职责和义务。2.能听懂“谈论邀…

__________________________线名姓         号订考      级班    装  校学 2014---2…

第02期语法运用 Grammar in use一、some和any的用法1. some和any意为 “一些”, 作为限定词, 修饰可数名词复数和不可数名词。一般情况下, some常用于肯定句, any常用于否定句和疑问句。例如:I have some…


Unit 3


1. How are you getting on with your new ___________ (邻居)?

2. The classroom is so clean, because he has just ___________ (sweep) it.

3. Parents ___________ (提供,供应) us with everything we need at home.

4. How many books can you ________ (借) from the school library?

5. How long can you ________ (借) the books from the library?

6. You can use my new ipad but you cannot __________ (借) it to others.


1. The ___________ I _________ down in front of TV, my mom came over to ask me to do chores. 我刚一坐到电视前,我妈妈就过来喊我去干家务。

2. Children shouldn’t _________ ________ their parents too much. 孩子不应该太多依赖于他们的父母。

3. _________ chores helps to ____________ children’s independence. 做家务有助于培养孩子的独立性。

4. He didn’t know how to look after himself well. ______ ______ _____ , he often fell ill and his grades dropped, too. 他不知道如何照顾好自己,因此,经常生病,成绩也随之下降。

Unit 4

词汇运用 1. Doctors say too much pressure is bad for a child’s _______________ (develop).

2. Some parents are always ________________ (比较) their children with other children.

3. When I was in the sixth grade, I joined a piano ________________ (compete) and I won.

4. My parents don’t a_____________ me to hang out with my friends. I am very annoyed

5. Something was w_____________ with the old man, he asked the people around for help all the time.

6. This is an interesting g______________(猜谜) game. Do you know what it is?

7. ___________ (关系)between my parents have become difficult, I hope to improve them.

8. Maybe you could do more jobs around the house so that they have more time for proper c____________. 翻译句子

1. 大风过后,满街都被落叶覆盖。After the strong wind, the streets are covered with ________ ________.

2. 在你这样的年龄不容易,有这样的感受也是正常的。

It’s not easy _________ your age, and it’s _____________ to have these feelings.

3. 他总是拒绝让我看我最喜欢的节目,而他想看什么节目就看到很晚。He always ___________ to let me watch my favorite TV show. Instead he watches ___________he wants until late at night.

4. 为什么不坐下来和你哥哥交流一下呢?

Why don’t you sit down and __________ __________ your brother?

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八年级下册英语词汇与翻译练习Us3-4Unit 3词汇运用1. How are you getting on with your new ___________ (邻居)?2. The classroom is so clean, because h…

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写英语八年级作文最好能做到内容生动,用词恰如其分。为大家整理了八年级下册英语作文带翻译,欢迎大家阅读!八年级下册英语作文带翻译篇一The Peoples SquareThe People's Square is located in the center of Shanghai. In the no

八年级下册英语作文 八年级下册英语作文题

写八年级英语作文时,要充分发挥自己的想像力。小编整理了关于八年级下册英语作文,希望对大家有帮助!八年级下册英语作文篇一.请你谈谈在本学期有何打算或计划,就此写一篇短文,题目自拟,词数80左右。This term I should study harder.

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