中文商务信函写作范文 中文商务信函范文 商务信函写作范文


课 程 名 称 商 务 英 语 研 究 生 姓 名 班 级 学 号任 课 老 师 职称 副 教 授

所 属 学 院 管 理 学 院 专 业 工 程 管 理 作 业 题 目 商务写作(商务信函)


商务写作 (商务信函)

Practice: write a letter of complait acc ording to the following ad and handwritten notes.


Dear Director:

I am a student of C&S English Center. I am writing to complain about your poor service against your advertisement.

In the first place, you promise to have Experienced and highly-qualified teachers, but in fact, the teacher is poor. In addition, you offer the personal placement for our year-long customers, but the test result is not accurate. In the third place, you will arrange the foreign teachers according to our time, but they did not arrive classroom on time. In the fourth place, the Mini-test every month should be extra charged. In the fifth place , English Movie + Culture Teaching become movie viewing only. In the sixth place, nearly 20 students were in my class which are much more than Maximum 10 students. The last one place, we will have a gift with good quality of note book, but finally, we find the quality is very pool.

I appreciate it very much if you could improve your service, preferably according to your commitment for the services, and I would like to have this matter settled within two days. It will be nice for you to conduct investigation at your end and reply to us.

Yours sincerely,


中文商务信函写作范文 中文商务信函范文 商务信函写作范文

爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/416051/929693923457.html


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剑桥雅思写作高分范文 2016年剑桥商务英语写作高分技巧分享

   2016年剑桥商务英语写作高分技巧分享  在考试过程中,很多学生像“挤牙膏”一样写作,令文章读起来十分生硬。同时考生容易写很多与题目无关的话,很难戳中要点。但是BEC写作并非无章法可循,万卷不离其宗,只要理清答题思路,掌握

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