雅思写作范文100篇 雅思写作参考范文:政府补贴艺术家?


Traditional arts civilized a nation. Do you think government should subsidize musicians, artists, actors or drama companies? What should a government do?

Traditional arts, as valuable cultural relics of a nation, are disappearing far away from the modern society. China, as one of the highly-civilized countries in the world, abound in various forms of traditional arts, such as painting, calligraphy, music, architecture and dramas, which are not only our national cultural treasures, but also a rich fortune of the world. (58 words)

As essence of a local culture, traditional arts reflect a nation’s artistic talents and traditions. For example, water-color painting depicts a harmony between people and nature. Architecture illustrates a nation’s aesthetic value and religious belief. Cathedrals, highlighted by Baroque style in the 17th century, represent Christianity. Pagodas, totally different from cathedrals stylistically, are a symbol of Buddhism. Peking Opera describes the history of our country. (65 words)

However, traditional arts are leaving contemporary people further and further away, one of the main reasons for which is that the authorities concerned and some institutes lack funds and professionals, which are quite essential to the research and promotion of traditional culture. Another radical reason should be attributed to the impact of western cultures on traditions. Young people, especially youngsters, are addicted to western music like rock and roll, without any knowledge about traditional musical instruments. With the economic globalization, traditional culture and arts will be in the danger of assimilation. How to maintain and develop traditional arts becomes the biggest concern of a government. (105 words)

Firstly, the government should lay a fund for the research and promotion of traditional arts. Secondly, the research institutes and universities should work out a long-term developing scheme, organizing systematic research on traditional arts. Arts belong to a nation and the whole world as well. The prosperity of traditional arts will diversify the culture of the world. (57 words)

(285 words totally)

雅思写作范文100篇 雅思写作参考范文:政府补贴艺术家?


1, cathedral 大教堂

2, pagoda (尤指佛教)塔

3, Christianity 基督教

4, Buddhism 佛教

5, Baroque 巴洛克(17世纪盛行于欧洲的一种艺术形式,以奢华的装饰为特色。)



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