節氣solar term 立春the Beginning of Spring 雨水Rain Water 驚蟄the Walking of Insects 春分the Spring Equinox 清明Clear and Bright 穀雨Grain Rain 立夏the beginning of Summer 小滿Grain Full 芒種Grain in Ear 夏至the Summer Solstice 小暑Small Heat 大暑Great Heat 立秋the Beginning of Autumn 處暑the Limit of Heat 白露White Dew 秋分the Autumn Equinox 寒露Cold Dew 霜降Frost season 立冬the beginning of Winter 小雪Small Snow 大雪Great Snow 冬至the Winter solstice 小寒Small Coal 大寒Great Coal
氣象meteorology 天氣預報weather forecast 晴天clear, fine 陰天overcast 多雲cloudy 小雨Drizzle 陣雨shower 大雨Heavy rain; pour 暴雨rainstorm 雪天snowy 暴風雪snowstorm; blizzard 霜凍frost 露水dew 冰雹hail 雨夾雪sleet 風向wind direction 風力wind-force 風暴windstorm 風級wind scale 颱風typhoon 風速wind velocity 季節風monsoon 信風trade wind 旋風whirlwind; cyclone 無風clam 一級風light air 二級風light breeze 三級風gentle breeze 四級風moderate breeze 五級風fresh breeze 六級風strong breeze 七級風moderate gale 八級風fresh gale 九級風strong gale 十級風whole gale 十一級風storm 十二級風hurricane 陣風gust 雷電thunder & lightning 層雲stratus 閃電lighting 積雲cumulus 卷雲cirrus 雨雲 nimbus 霧haze, fog, smog 少雲partly cloudy 無雲cloudless 雲霧天soupy weather 雷雨thunderstorm 雨量rainfall 地震earthquake, seism 龍捲風tornado 旱澇drought and water-logging 零星小雨occasional drizzles, scattered showers 降水量precipitation