bios中英文对照表 为什么腊八节要泡腊八蒜中英对照


  Jade Jasper Laba garlic: Laba garlic bulbs in the north, especially in North China, a custom. As the name suggests, is the eighth day of the twelfth lunar day to cook garlic. In fact, very simple materials, that is, vinegar and garlic petal. Approach is also extremely simple, the skinned garlic kid can be sealed into a jar, then pour vinegar, sealed port, into a place where the temperature cooler. Slowly, the garlic soaked in vinegar will turn green, and finally become whole body green as jade. Eighth day of the twelfth lunar month old customs, peeled garlic into the vinegar soak, a few days the color of green garlic.


  Luedaisuanwei, called Old Beijing people, one to the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, one day surpass the atmosphere of Chinese New Year day in most parts of north China this day be useful in the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month vinegar and garlic bulbs custom, called "LaBa Garlic".


  According to antique people say, Laba garlic garlic word, and , should be thought clear ample on this day, Laba this day to be sub-debt creditors, owed him money to go to the people Songxin Er, the ready money behind.Beijing saying Minyan: lest this reckoning, Pro Year Old Beijing, hutongs are tracks to sell hot edible and can no sell Laba garlic. Why is this? You meditation, ah, Laba garlic have shouted it to sell, how to exclaim? Direct call Besides, you whom one worker to do what mini trading! People do not like you count on the good, so can not be beneath the street calling, Laba garlic, is a one Laba garlic bulbs yourself, give yourself do the math, this annual, how the years ahead.

bios中英文对照表 为什么腊八节要泡腊八蒜中英对照

  据老人讲,腊八蒜的蒜字,和“算”字同音,这是各家商号要在腊八这天拢账,把这一年的收支算出来,可以看出盈亏,其中包括外欠和外债,都要在这天算清楚, “腊八算”就是这么回事。腊八这天要债的债主子,要到欠他钱的人家送信儿,该准备还钱。北京城有句民谚:“腊八粥、腊八蒜,放账的送信儿,欠债的还钱。” 后来有欠人家钱的,用蒜代替“算”字,以示忌讳,回避这个算账的“算”字,其实欠人家的,终究是要还的。老北京临年关,街巷胡同有卖辣菜的,可没有卖腊八蒜的。这是为什么呢?您想啊,卖腊八蒜得吆喝吧,怎么吆喝?直接喊“腊八蒜来!”(腊八算来)欠债的人听见吆喝心里咯噔一下,怎么街上还有喊着催债呀!再说了,你一个做小买卖的跟谁算哪!人家不跟你算就不错了,所以腊八蒜不能下街吆喝,都是一家一户自己动手泡腊八蒜,自己先给自己算算,今年这个年怎么过。


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