英式发音和美式发音的区别 The distinction between GA&RP
1. 美式发音的r 化音:当字母r 出现在单词的元音字母组合中时,北美英语会出现独特的卷舌音。
far car large charge smart dear clear fear
cheer here air dare pear their where for
more door pour before sure poor tour cure
her turn learn word first fire tired higher
liar buyer hour flour shower power tower destroyer
2. 英语中的元音[a:] 在用于[f] ,[w], [s] 或鼻音前时,美语发为[æ] 。但在字母组合-lm 前发音不变仍为[a:] 。
half bath pass sample dance calm palm
Read the following passage :
After Charles had left the country, he started to farm in Derbyshire. This was different from marching past a sergeant.
“I can’t play cards now,” thought Charles. “I can’t go to dances, nor laugh with my comrades-in-arms. But I shan’t break my heart,” he laughed. “I have a car, and life is sweet and calm.”
3. 美音中[t] 的变化:[t] 在单词中间和[ə] 、[i] 相连时会发生弱化,变成介于[t] 和[d] 二者之间一个比较模糊的音。
city forty butter water dirty matter writer better Betty
Tongue twisters :
Betty bought a bit of butter, “But” said she “this butter is bitter. If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter” So, She bought some better butter, better than the bitter butter, and it made her bitter batter better.