bird set free sia Sia《Bird Set Free》歌词

  Bird Set Free - Sia

  Clipped wings I was a broken thing

  Had a voice had a voice but I could not sing

  You would wind me down

bird set free sia Sia《Bird Set Free》歌词

  I struggled on the ground

  So lost the line had been crossed

  Had a voice had a voice but I could not talk

  You held me down

  I struggle to fly now

  But there's a scream inside that we are frightened

  We hold on so tight we cannot deny

  Eats us alive oh it eats us alive

  Yes there's a scream inside that we are frightened

  We hold on so tight but I don't wanna die no

  I don't wanna die I don't wanna die

  I don't care if I sing off key

  I found myself in my melodies

  I sing for love I sing for me

  I shout it out like a bird set free

  No I don't care if I sing off key

  I found myself in my melodies

  I sing for love I sing for me

  I'll shout it out like a bird set free

  I'll shout it out like a bird set free

  I'll shout it out like a bird set free

  Now I fly hit the high notes

  I have a voice have a voice hear me roar tonight

  You held me down

  But I fought back loud

  But there's a scream inside that we are frightened

  We hold on so tight we cannot deny

  Eats us alive oh it eats us alive

  Yes there's a scream inside that we are frightened

  We hold on so tight but I don't wanna die no

  I don't wanna die I don't wanna die

  I don't care if I sing off key

  I found myself in my melodies

  I sing for love I sing for me

  I shout it out like a bird set free

  No I don't care if I sing off key

  I found myself in my melodies

  I sing for love I sing for me

  I'll shout it out like a bird set free

  I'll shout it out like a bird set free

  I'll shout it out like a bird set free

  I'll shout it out like a bird set free

  I'll shout it out like a bird set free

  I'll shout it out like a bird set free




  全名Sia Kate Isobelle Furler。出生于1975年12月18日。澳大利亚流行、爵士等流派的歌手、词曲人。其代表作品《Breathe Me》《Chandelier》《I'm in here》,合作作品《Titanium》《Wild Ones》等被人们熟知。其慵懒沙哑的声线,独特的咬字,以及非凡的唱功给人们留下了深刻的印象。


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