heartbeat song网盘 Heartbeat Song歌词


  演唱:Kelly Clarkson

  This is my heartbeat song and I'm gonna play it

  Been so long I forgot how to turn it

  Up up up up all night long

  Up up all night long

  You where the hell did you come from

  You're a different different kind of fun

  And I'm so used to feeling numb

  Now I got pins and needles on my tongue

  Anticipating what's to come

  Like a finger on a loaded gun

  I can feel it rising

  Temperature inside me

  Haven't felt it for a long time

  This is my heartbeat song and I'm gonna play it

  Been so long I forgot how to turn it

  Up up up up all night long

  Up up all night long

  This is my heartbeat song and I'm gonna play it

  Turned it on but I know you can take it

  Up up up up all night long

  Up up all night long

  I I wasn't even gonna go out

  But I never would have had a doubt

  If I'd have known where I'd be now

  Your hands on my hips

  And my kiss on your lips

  Oh I could do this for a long time

  This is my heartbeat song and I'm gonna play it

  Been so long I forgot how to turn it

  Up up up up all night long

  Up up all night long

  This is my heartbeat song and I'm gonna play it

  Turned it on but I know you can take it

  Up up up up all night long

  Up up all night long

  Until tonight I only dreamed about you

  I can't believe I ever breathed without you

  Baby you make me feel alive and brand new

  Bring it one more time one more time

  This is my heartbeat song and I'm gonna play it

heartbeat song网盘 Heartbeat Song歌词

  Been so long I forgot how to turn it

  Up up up up all night long

  Up up all night long

  This is my heartbeat song and I'm gonna play it

  Turned it on but I know you can take it

  Up up up up all night long

  Up up all night long

  This is my heartbeat song and I'm gonna play it

  Been so long I forgot how to turn it

  Up up up up all night long

  Up up all night long

  This is my heartbeat song and I'm gonna play it

  Turned it on but I know you can take it

  Up up up up all night long

  Up up all night long


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/4791271/280813533.html


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