enya dark sky island Enya《Dark Sky Island》歌词

  Dark Sky Island - Enya

  Listen to the waves speak up

  The blue voice of the sea

  And they whisper as they touch the shore

  Come back to me

  Come back to me

  Boat by boat upon the waves

  All come to find the light

  In the darkness of the sky above

  Come back to me

  Come back to me

  Capella auriga

  Eta carinae sagitta

  Aquila alpha centauri

  Twilight comes to close the day

  And let the night break free

  And from deep blue skies the heavens rise

  Come back to me

  Come back to me

  Come back to me

  Come back to me

  Capella auriga

  Eta carinae sagitta

  Aquila alpha centaurii

  Moonlight brings the ocean's storms

  Like waves upon the sea

  And the midnight shore calls out once more

  Come back to me

enya dark sky island Enya《Dark Sky Island》歌词

  Come back to me

  Come back to me

  Come back to me

  Come back to me

  Come back to me


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/5902571/321029400.html




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