st james infirmary 《St. James Infirmary Blues》歌词

  St. James Infirmary Blues - Various Artists

  Written by:Traditional

  I went down to St. James Infirmary

  To see my baby there

  She was lying on a long wooden table

  So cold so still so fair

  I went up to see the doctor

  She's very low he said

  I went back to see my baby

  Good God she's lying there dead

  I went down old Joe's bar room

  On the corner of the square

  They were serving the drinks as usual

  And the usual crowd was there

  To my left stood Old Joe McKennedy

  His eyes were bloodshot red

  He turned to the crowd around him

  And these are the words he said

  Let her go let her go God bless her

  Wherever she may be

  She could search this whole wide world over

  But she'll never find another man like me

  She could search this whole wide world over

  But she'll never find another man like me

  When I die please Lord bury me

  In my ten-dollar Stetson hat

  Put a twenty-dollar gold piece on my watch chain

  So my friends know I died standing pat

  Get six gamblers to carry my coffin

  And six choir girls to sing me a song

  Stick a jazz band on my horsewagon

  To raise hell as I go along

  Now that's the end of my story

st james infirmary 《St. James Infirmary Blues》歌词

  Let's have another round of booze

  And if anyone should ask you

  Just tell them I got the St. James Infirmary blues


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  陈奕迅新歌《非礼》歌词:  作词:小克  频频能能谁来胡混  越望越撞越褪  跌跌碰碰要到医院插队接生  肥肥揗揗孩童藏笨  越骂越越坏哒  喊喊叫叫冷笑拳头强过叶问  抖腿抖出哪副德行  或袋里有些痕 

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