singing in the rain Simple Plan《Singing In The Rain》歌词

  Singing In The Rain - Simple Plan


  I'm reading through the Sunday paper

  And it's all bad news

  I'm looking for a smile on the street

  But there's just no use

singing in the rain Simple Plan《Singing In The Rain》歌词

  Sing with me now

  I'm dropping to my car

  Turn the key but it just won't start

  No it just won't start

  I got a text from my ex it's official she just broke my heart

  She just broke my heart

  Storm clouds are circling around

  But I won't let that shit drive me down

  So I'll be singing I'll be singing

  I'll be singing I'll be singing

  I'll be singing in the rain singing in the rain

  So I'll be singing I'll be singing

  I'll be singing I'll be singing

  I'll be singing in the rain singing in the rain

  I got a song in my heart and I'm bulletproof

  There's nothing in the world that's gonna kills this mood

  No matter what life wants to throw my way

  I'll be singing I'll be singing in the rain

  I went to see a fortune teller and she said I'm doomed

  What the hell does she knows

  Was she trying to break my groove

  All of life colours turn to grey

  Then you turn around and you smile my way

  Suddenly all my problems disappear I'm cure

  All because of you

  Storm clouds are circling around

  But I won't let that shit drive me down

  So I'll be singing I'll be singing

  I'll be singing I'll be singing

  I'll be singing in the rain singing in the rain

  So I'll be singing I'll be singing

  I'll be singing I'll be singing

  I'll be singing in the rain singing in the rain

  I got a song in my heart and I'm bulletproof

  There's nothing in the world that's gonna kills this mood

  No matter what life wants to throw my way

  I'll be singing I'll be singing in the rain

  Storm clouds are circling around

  But I won't let that shit drive me down

  No no no no no no no

  So I'll be singing I'll be singing

  I'll be singing I'll be singing

  I'll be singing in the rain singing in the rain

  So I'll be singing I'll be singing

  I'll be singing I'll be singing

  I'll be singing in the rain singing in the rain

  I got a song in my heart and I'm bulletproof

  There's nothing in the world that's gonna kills this mood

  No matter what life wants to throw my way

  I'll be singing I'll be singing in the rain

  Singing in the rain



  简单计划(Simple Plan)

  是一支来自加拿大蒙特利尔且颇具实力的流行朋克乐团。乐队歌曲核心部分的突出特点是低沉圆润而抒情,乐队专家水准的曲调主要由查克和皮埃尔执笔2002年推出首张专辑一炮打响,仅仅一年,他们周游了五大洲,演出300多场,被众多媒体与乐迷誉为流行乐坛的新一代天王。2011年乐队积蓄三年能量推出的第四张兼具朋克与流行多重音乐元素的专辑《Get Your Hearts On》,让他们不但成为加拿大电台票选的年度风云人物,以及2012年法国NRJ电台音乐奖(被誉为法国“格莱美”)最佳年度组合,亦开启了与专辑同名的世界巡演之旅。


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王上《青春大概》MP3下载+《青春大概》歌词 青春大概 mp3

又是一个毕业的季节,为大家推荐与青春有关的歌:青春大概(王上)。青春大概就是这样 不停折腾使劲折腾 到你累了的时候 你却依然不会后悔今天的选择。毕业快乐。也许还有遗憾,甚至很多,但我相信共你没有白活。王上《青春大概》MP3下载王上

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  陈奕迅新歌《非礼》歌词:  作词:小克  频频能能谁来胡混  越望越撞越褪  跌跌碰碰要到医院插队接生  肥肥揗揗孩童藏笨  越骂越越坏哒  喊喊叫叫冷笑拳头强过叶问  抖腿抖出哪副德行  或袋里有些痕 

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