最后一片叶子读后感 最后一片叶子读后感(英文)

   "Last leaf" This article is my "Children's Literature" on the see. When I finished reading the article, I who had a deep admiration for the artist's talent and the kind of self-sacrificing spirit.

  What happened was this: So a good friend of Jones, unfortunately, contracted pneumonia, in their residence out of the window there is a cluster of ivy, through the baptism of wind and rain, and its leaves have disappeared into obscurity. Jones think when the last one leaves off the ivy-ray later, her life, coming to an end. SO this can not be racking their brains to dispel the idea of her, only to the downstairs, Mr. Berman for help. Berman is a painter, he knew that after a wet and windy night, in the ivy leaves off the light, when girls think that their certain death, when the old painter to allow girls to rekindle the fire of hope, he braved the wind and rain to leaves painted on the wall, for which he contracted pneumonia and died.

  Read it, tears blurred my eyes, I thought of how great the old painter. Him, an ordinary painter, in order to save itself has to give up on a girl, paid with his life. I seem to see the face of it after he leaves unfinished a brilliant smile. He finally has had his wish. That is, he hopes to complete his Jingshizhizuo during their lifetime. It seems to me that he did. I think if he were alive, he would think so.

最后一片叶子读后感 最后一片叶子读后感(英文)

  From the bottom of my heart I admire Mr. Berman, as well as the psychological Jones previously was sad. When people can not give up hope. Like our class a female classmate, she was very confident of their own. In a jumping goat, her teachers and fellow students rely on the constant encouragement, she finally jumped in the past. So, in our side, also need, as Mr. Berman did for our people to keep lit the fire of hope. In this way, our lives would flourishing.

  From each of a small matter, every word from the language, one from each eye, we are little by little to build our self-confidence. Therefore, we must be careful to do things, talk, do not give up someone else's confidence. A people do not have self-confidence, nothing can be done.

  When reading this article, I have been wondering: Why, Mr. Berman will be death? Because I did not know he was to die in order to draw a leaf, but did not know what was actually his paintings to their work. Until I saw the words of the last paragraph of the article. This is what the Soviet Union to the friends said, she said: "There are some things I must tell you, white mouse (Jones), Mr. Rae Mann died of pneumonia in the hospital today. He only sick for two days. The first day of the morning, to see found the door in his room very sick. His shoes and clothes were soaked, and cold Speranskia tuberculata did not know he was doing in that wind and rain the night went, only found a lantern, still lit; There is obviously just used a ladder; have a few to throw on one side of the brush; a Nianman yellow, green, two kinds of mixed-color palette, as well as … … my dear, you look out the window bar, wall ivy leaf on that last one! you not think Mody? Why wind and rain it does have a motionless? Oh. Dear Mr. Berman Jingshizhizuo this is?? That night, when the last leaf to fall, He took it painted on the wall. "


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/6838271/277935566.html



[经典回顾]一片叶子落下来:关于生命的故事2010-03-05 00:00http://hi.baidu.com/lewutian《一片叶子落下来》作者:〔美〕利奥·巴斯卡力亚春天已经过去,夏天也这样走了。叶子弗雷迪长大了。他长得又宽又壮,五个叶尖结实挺拔。春天的时候

绘本故事——《一片叶子落下来》 一片叶子落下来图片

【内容简介】  一片叶子落下来 作 者:(美)巴斯卡利亚著,任溶溶 译这是一本关于生命的童话,作者以一片叶子经历四季的故事讲述生与死之间的微妙平衡,文字简单,寓意深刻。  书中一片叫做弗雷迪的叶子和它的伙伴们经历了四季的变化,

虎娃金叶子主要内容 虎娃金叶子读后感

篇一:虎娃金叶子读后感 一个孩子出生在一个爱伲族的小村寨。他长着那第六根手指。爱伲族有一个古老风俗,凡是双胞胎和六指婴儿都被视为琵琶鬼的化身,要把他用火灰灸死。阿妈舍不得他被灸死灸抱他进了深山老林。 这个人就叫六指头。他

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