let it all go birdy 柏蒂Birdy《Let It All Go》歌词

  Let It All Go - Birdy Rhodes

  I've been sleepless at night

  Cause I don't know how I feel

  I been waiting on you

  Just to say something real

  There's a light on the road and I think you know

  Morning has come and I have to go

  I don't know why I don't know why

  We need to break so hard

  I don't know why we break so hard

  But if we're strong enough to let it in

  We're strong enough to let it go (oh oh oh oh)

  Let it all go

  Let it all go

  Let it all out now

  If I look back to the start now I know

  I see everything true

  There's still a fire in my heart my darling

  But I'm not burning for you

  We've started it wrong and I think you know

  We waited too long now I have to go

  I don't know why I don't know why

  We need to break so hard

  I don't know why we break so hard

  But if we're strong enough to let it in

  We're strong enough to let it go (oh oh oh oh)

  Let it all go

let it all go birdy 柏蒂Birdy《Let It All Go》歌词

  Let it all go

  Let it all out now

  Who says truth is beauty after all

  And who says love should break us when we fall

  But if we're strong enough to let it in

  We're strong enough to let it go (oh oh oh oh)

  Let it all go

  Let it all go

  Let it all out now

  Let it all go

  Let it all go

  Let it all out now

  We're strong enough to let it go (oh oh oh oh)



  Birdy (柏蒂)

  贾斯敏·范·登·博加尔德(Jasmine Van den Bogaerde),以艺名Birdy为人所知,英国创作型歌手。Birdy于2008年参加了Open Mic UK,一个音乐真人秀,并以获胜者的身份签约华纳唱片公司。她的首支单曲Skinny Love,翻唱自Bon Iver。2011年11月7日,Birdy发布了其同名专辑《Birdy》。2013年9月23日,她的第二张录音室专辑《Fire Within》于世界范围(除北美地区)发布。她的音乐被广泛评价为清幽温婉、空灵、打动人心。


  原名大卫·罗兹(David Rhodes)是英国音乐人和创作歌手。


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/6948271/865239964.html




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