lier and accuser歌词 林俊杰《Lier and Accuser》歌词

  Lier and Accuser - 林俊杰



  Oh come fill these dried waters

  That is my heart's one desire

  The one who does not falter

  You are my heart's one desire

  I'd be with you just a little longer

lier and accuser歌词 林俊杰《Lier and Accuser》歌词

  They don't even know me

  With their tongues they crucify me

  Won't you vindicate me

  Fend me from those false accusations

  So the lier and accuser

  Shall be judged by the father's fire

  So as they feed on my honour

  They will also feed his anger

  Those words are fuelling the flame

  They don't even know me

  With their words they terrorise me

  Won't you vindicate me

  Fend me from those false accusations

  Save me from this wretched perversion

  Destroying those disguises

  Ushering the misguided

  May your light shine through

  May your light shine

  Shine shine shine

  Destroying those disguises

  Ushering the misguided

  May your light shine through

  May your light shine

  Shine shine shine

  Oh come fill these dried waters

  That is my heart's one desire

  The one who does not falter

  You are my heart's one desire

  To be with you just a little longer


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林俊杰live 林俊杰《你,有没有过 (Livehouse版)》歌词

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