afraid, fearful, awful, dreadful, frightful, terrible, horrible, terrific, appalling
1. afraid :指由于胆小或怯懦而不敢说或做某事。
I am afraid I can't help you(恐怕我帮不了你。)
2. fearful :普通用词,既指外界情况变化而引起的恐惧,又指来自内心的害怕与焦虑。
I have ever witnessed a fearful accident.(我曾目睹一场可怕的事故。)
3. awful :指威严得令人害怕或敬畏,有一定的感情色彩。
The weather is awful today.(今天天气坏透了。)
4. dreadful :指使人非常恐惧,毛骨悚然,也使人感到讨厌而退缩。
He told me a dreadful story.(他给我讲了一个可怕的故事。)
5. frightful :指使人陷入短暂的惊恐或产生毛骨悚然的感觉。
It was with the greatest difficulty that the boy gathered the strength to speak, but spoke with a frightful emphasis.
6. terrible :侧重指给人以长久的惊骇,极端的恐怖,令人难以忍受。
The little boy is playing the terrible game.(那小男孩正在玩恐怖的游戏。)
7. horrible :指因骇人听闻的丑恶而令人毛骨悚然,着重厌恶的成分多于害怕。
The decision they made was horrible.(他们做出的决定令人感到恐怖。)
8. terrific :多指外表、形状或力量等的可怕。
This movie relates that a hero defeats a monster with a terrific figure by himself.(这部电影讲述的是一位英雄独自打败一个外形可怕的怪兽的故事。)
9. appalling :指既令害怕又使人惊异、胆寒。
The Halloween masks are very appalling.(万圣节的面具可真够吓人的。)