try 派伟俊 派伟俊《Try》歌词

  Try - 派伟俊 /周杰伦





  小派:You always have to do something

  Just to show the world that you exist

  So you try

  You hope they'll see

  If on this brand new day you'll look

  On the bright side of the same old street

  You will see

  What you deserve

  Jay:Let's go





  合:La la la la la la la la la


  Jay:You just have to try

  To be who you are

  And you ought to fly

  Step into the light

  小派:And soon you will find

  Be yourself

  Somewhere deep inside

  There's a universe right there waiting to be unlocked

  The key lies in looking into yourself

  Jay:Oh Try try try try

  Just do what is right

  You'll fly so high

  Let go of the brakes

  Be who you are

  Be yourself 'cause your power is on

  合: When you believe in what you've got

  You know you're perfect just be who you are

  小派:So they don't see what you're made of

  But I like you and I know they're wrong

  Now it's time

  To show them what you got

  Let the blue skies cheer you on

  Embrace the wind we'll ride along

  You're perfect when you're who you are





  合:La la la la la la la la la


  小派:You just have to try

  To be who you are

  Jay:And you ought to fly

  Step into the light

  小派:And soon you will find

  Be yourself

  Somewhere deep inside

  There's a universe right there waiting to be unlocked

  The key lies in looking into yourself

  Jay:Oh Try try try try

  Just do what is right

  You'll fly so high

  Let go of the brakes

  合: Be who you are

  Be yourself 'cause your power is on

  When you believe in what you've got

  You know you're perfect just be who you are

  小派:You just have to try

  To be who you are

  Jay:And you ought to fly

  Step into the light

  小派:And soon you will find

  Be yourself

  Somewhere deep inside

  There's a universe right there waiting to be unlocked

  The key lies in looking into yourself

  Jay:Oh Try try try try

  Just do what is right

  You'll fly so high

  Let go of the brakes

  合: Be who you are

  Be yourself 'cause your power is on

  When you believe in what you've got

  You know you're perfect just be who you are

try 派伟俊 派伟俊《Try》歌词




  16岁创作新人 派伟俊 Patrick Brasca, 外号「小派」, 是个在台湾土生土长的中加混血儿。

  3岁时爸爸教他打非洲鼓, 小派自此爱上了音乐; 11岁时音乐老师鼓励他参加歌唱比赛, 小派从此找到了梦想。

  与生俱来的特色嗓音, 搭配多半靠自学而成的木吉他、爵士鼓演奏, 小派在电视儿童歌唱比赛节目中获得不少观众喜爱。 当时稚嫩脸庞坚定宣示着『我要当歌手!』的可爱模样, 也进而接获各个选秀及达人秀电视节目的演出邀约。

  13岁时, 一次参加节目录影的机缘, 小派遇见了偶像「周杰伦」; 一个简单的口头约定, 小派进入了「杰威尔音乐」当起训练生。

  经过令人苦恼的青春期变声阶段, 撑过对乐理一知半解的学习障碍; 在坦然接受自己没有儿时幻想的天才超能之后, 小派用"真实的努力"去开创属于自己的未来。 终于在16岁的现在, 他正式跨过被专业认可的门槛。

  2015冬季, 你将听见这个热情呼叫华语乐坛的年轻声音, 用音乐暖和这个时代的创作男孩--- 派伟俊。


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详细解构《少年派的奇幻漂流》的谜题 少年派的奇幻漂流


电影《少年派的奇幻漂流》观后感 少年派奇幻漂流观后感

电影《少年派的奇幻漂流》  1、李昌顺:  下午,电影课程来的太突然了,马老师把自己的历史课贡献出来,让我们看电影。这是无私啊!  刚开始许多的小动物出现在我的眼前,啊!这是到了动物园吗?过后,一个男人回忆起小时候他和一个叔叔学习


吴建伟:《机械摆钟》实录时间:2013年4月17日地点:温州市广场路小学活动:浙江省2013年小学科学课堂教学评比活动执教:嘉兴市实验小学 吴建伟【课前谈话】“我们又见面了,记得我叫什么吗?”组号安排、组合 人员分工。试话筒,让学生说

电影《少年派的奇幻漂流》的寓意 少年派的奇幻漂流寓意


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