剑鱼行动_剑鱼行动 -剧情介绍
WhentheDEAshut down itsdummycorporation operation codenamed SWORDFISH in 1986, they had generated $400 million which they let sit around; fifteen years of compound interest has swelled it to $9.5 billion. A covert counter-terrorist unit called Black Cell, headed by the duplicitious and suave Gabriel Shear, wants the money to help finance their raise-the-stakes vengeance war against international terrorism, but it's all locked away behind super-encryption. He brings in convicted hacker Stanley Jobson, who only wants to see his daughter Holly again but can't afford the legal fees, to slice into the government mainframes and get the money.
剑鱼行动_剑鱼行动 -演职员表
角色演员配音备注Gabriel Shear约翰・特拉沃塔John Travolta--------Stanley Jobson休・杰克曼Hugh Jackman--------Ginger Knowles哈莉・贝瑞Halle Berry--------Agent J.T. Roberts唐・钱德尔Don Cheadle--------Senator James Reisman山姆・夏普德Sam Shepard--------Marco维尼・琼斯Vinnie Jones--------Melissa德瑞・德・玛泰Drea de Matteo--------Axl TorvaldsRudolf Martin--------Assistant Director Bill JoyZach Grenier--------Holly JobsonCamryn Grimes--------Torres (as Angelo Pagán)Angelo Pagan--------SWAT LeaderChic Daniel--------Axel's LawyerKirk B.R. Woller--------Agent卡门・阿金齐亚诺Carmen Argenziano 蒂姆・迪凯Tim DeKay--------HelgaLaura Lane--------Ad Agency ExecutiveTait Ruppert--------CoronerCraig Braun--------Gabriel's Crew威廉・麦鲍瑟William Mapother Ilia Volokh Jon Fraser Shawn Woods Leo Lee--------HostageMarina Black Kerry Kletter Ryan Wulff Ann Travolta Margaret Travolta 达娜・喜 Denney Pierce Jeff Ramsey Joey Box Debbie Evans Tim Storms--------Hostage (as Samuel J. Travolta)Sam Travolta--------Club KidJason Christopher Jonathan Pessin--------FBI GeekScott Burkholder Mark Soper--------Customs AgentCraig Lally Rusty McClennon Mark Riccardi--------Helga's FriendDebbie Entin 纳塔丽・索科洛娃Natalia Sokolova Anika Poitier--------Dark SuitNick Loren--------PolicemanTom Morris Richard Householder Michael Arias--------Holly's TeacherBrenda Eimers--------Agent ThomasTimothy Omundson--------Bank ExecutiveAstrid Veillon--------Security Guard (as Dean Rader Duval)Dean Rader-Duval--------Bystander (uncredited)George A. Chase--------Hostage (uncredited)Corinne Chooey--------School Guard (uncredited)Russ Cootey--------Senator Reisman's Assistant (uncredited)泰特・多诺万Tate Donovan--------Little Girl (uncredited)Sierra Farber--------(uncredited)Mimi Fletcher--------Nightclub Goer (uncredited)Cory Parella--------School Child (uncredited)Travis Rosario--------Advertising Executive (uncredited)George Marshall Ruge--------Los Angeles Times reporter (uncredited)Kevin F. Sherry--------上一页|1|2|3|默认显示 | 全部显示职员表
制作人乔・西尔沃Joel Silver、Bruce Berman、Dan Cracchiolo、Anson Downes、Linda Favila、乔治・D・克兰恩/Jonathan D. Krane监制乔纳森・D・克兰 Jonathan D. Krane、乔尔・西尔弗 Joel Silver导演多米尼克・塞纳Dominic Sena副导演(助理)丹・布拉德利Dan Bradley、 Katie Carroll 、Mark Cotone、 John Elmore 、Christina Fong、Basil Grillo编剧Skip Woods摄影Paul Cameron配乐Paul Oakenfold 、克里斯托弗・杨Christopher Young剪辑Stephen E. Rivkin选角导演Lora Kennedy艺术指导杰夫・曼恩Jeff Mann美术设计Geoff Hubbard、 Andrew Laws 、Jeff Wallace服装设计Ha Nguyen视觉特效Cosmas Paul Bolger Jr.、Chris Bond、Mitchell S. Drain、Marc Kolbe、Craig A. Mumma、博伊德・舍米斯Boyd Shermis录音uysdg布景师Jay Hart演职员表参考资料来源
剑鱼行动_剑鱼行动 -角色介绍
剑鱼行动_剑鱼行动 -相关评论
Log on. Hack in. Go anywhere. Steal everything.
Once you know the password you can go anywhere.
Log In. Log Out. Leg It!
Password Accepted
Log On. Hack In. Go Anywhere. Get Everything.
剑鱼行动_剑鱼行动 -精彩花絮
・剑鱼行动的开场是华氏兄弟历史上视觉效果最复杂的一部。矩阵独特的慢镜头由加拿大的马尼托巴湖Frantic Films of Winnipeg拍摄。其中包含太多合成因素,以至于影片制作者和导演都无法辨认哪些是真实的,哪些是电脑制作的。
・标题来源于马科斯兄弟的经典电影《马鬃》Horse Feathers (1932)。“剑鱼”是影片中最古怪的一处场景--地下酒吧,进入的口令,并且成为了原始密码(至少对于那些年长的电影爱好者而言)。
1. Hugh Jackman had to take stunt driving classes to prepare for his role in Swordfish.
2. The opening scene of Swordfish is the most complicated visual effect in Warner Brothers history. It was shot using Matrix-like effects by Frantic Films of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. The effect has so many composites in it that the producers and director of the film could not determine what was real and what was created by computer.
3. The title comes from the classic 1932 Marx Brothers' film, Horse Feathers (1932). "Swordfish"' was the password for entering the speakeasy - one of the movie's funniest scenes - and became the archetypal password (at least for older movie-goers).
剑鱼行动_剑鱼行动 -幕后制作
剑鱼行动的开场是华氏兄弟历史上视觉效果最复杂的一部。矩阵独特的慢镜头由加拿大的马尼托巴湖Frantic Films of Winnipeg拍摄。其中包含太多合成因素,以至于影片制作者和导演都无法辨认哪些是真实的,哪些是电脑制作的。
剑鱼行动_剑鱼行动 -音乐原声
专辑曲目演唱歌手ChasePaul OakenfoldDark MachinePaul OakenfoldGet Out Of My Life NowPaul OakenfoldLapdanceNerd Featuring Lee Harvey & VitaNew BornMuseOn Your MindPatient SaintsPasswordPaul OakenfoldPlanet RockPaul Oakenfold Vs. Afrika Bambaataa & The Soul Sonic ForceSpeedPaul OakenfoldStanley‘s ThemePaul OakenfoldSwordfish (Intro)John TravoltaThe WordDope SmugglazUnafraidJan Johnston音乐原声参考资料来源
剑鱼行动_剑鱼行动 -制作发行
〖摄影机〗Panavision Cameras and Lenses
〖洗印厂〗Technicolor, USA
〖摄制格式〗35 mm (Kodak)
〖制作处理方法〗Panavision (anamorphic)
〖洗印格式〗35 mm
〖胶片长度〗2780 m (Spain)
Jonathan Krane Group [美国]
NPV Entertainment
Village Roadshow Pictures [澳大利亚]
华纳兄弟公司Warner Bros. [美国]
Warner Bros. GmbH [德国] ..... (Germany)
华纳兄弟公司 Warner Bros. [阿根廷] ..... (Argentina)
华纳兄弟公司 Warner Bros. [法国] ..... (France)
华纳家庭视频公司 Warner Home Video [美国] ..... (USA) (DVD)
Warner Sogefilms A.I.E. [西班牙] ..... (Spain)
Amalgamated Pixels [美国]
Digital.Art.Media [美国] ..... (as Digital.Art.Media/VisionArt Design & Animation)
Frantic Films [美国] ..... (as Digital.Art.Media/VisionArt Design & Animation)
PostLogic Studios [美国] ..... (as Digital.Art.Media/VisionArt Design & Animation)
Riot [美国] ..... (as Riot Pictures)
The Post Group [美国] ..... (as Riot Pictures)
Tinsley TransfersInc.[美国] ..... (prosthetic bodies)
VisionArt [美国] ..... (as Digital.Art.Media/VisionArt Design & Animation)
Animal Actors of Hollywood [美国] ..... animals provided by
Bill Young's Precision Driving Team [美国] ..... stunt driving
Chapman/Leonard Studio Equipment [美国] ..... camera dollies
Danetracks Inc. [美国] ..... sound post-production
Film Permits Unlimited [美国] ..... location permits
LondonRecords..... soundtrack published by
Pacific Title [美国] ..... opticals
PictureMill [美国] ..... titles designed by (as The Picture Mill)
Sire Records ..... soundtrack published by
Spacecam Systems Inc. [美国] ..... spacecam aerial camera provided by
Technicolor [美国] ..... color timing
TechnocraneLtd. [美国] ..... remote crane
Warner Sunset Records [美国] ..... soundtrack published by
剑鱼行动_剑鱼行动 -影片评价
剑鱼行动_剑鱼行动 -获奖情况
金酸梅奖(Razzie Award)2010
十年最差男演员 (提名)
最差男主角 (提名)
World Stunt Awards(Taurus Award)2002
Best Specialty Stunt (提名)
Tim Rigby
Best Specialty Stunt (提名)
Mark Hicks
Best Specialty Stunt (提名)
Jay Caputo
Best Specialty Stunt (提名)
Jack West
Best Specialty Stunt (提名)
Ben Bray
Best Specialty Stunt (提名)
Steven Ito
Best Specialty Stunt (提名)
Leonard Creer Jr.
Best Specialty Stunt (提名)
Chris Howell
Best Specialty Stunt (提名)
Frank Lloyd
Best Specialty Stunt (提名)
Ray Lykins
Best Specialty Stunt (提名)
Randy Beckman
Best Specialty Stunt (提名)
Norb Phillips
Best Specialty Stunt (提名)
Richard Burden
Best Specialty Stunt (提名)
Vladimir Orlov
Best Specialty Stunt (提名)
Mark Norby
Best Specialty Stunt (提名)
Chris Palermo
Best Driving (提名)
Scott Rogers
Best Driving (提名)
Gilbert B. Combs
Best Driving (提名)
Brett A. Jones
Best Driving (提名)
Bobby Ore
Best Driving (提名)
Best Driving (提名)
Mike Justus
Best Driving (提名)
David Kilde
Best Driving (提名)
Troy Gilbert
Best Specialty Stunt (提名)
Mark Norby
Best Specialty Stunt (提名)
Kevin L. Jackson
Best Specialty Stunt (提名)
Scott Rogers
Best Specialty Stunt (提名)
Darrin Prescott
Best Specialty Stunt (提名)
Jim Hart
Best Stunt Coordinator and/or 2nd Unit Director: Sequence (提名)
Image Awards2002
Outstanding Actress in a Motion Picture
BMI Film & TV Awards2002
BMI Film Music Award
BMI Film Music Award
Paul Oakenfold
剑鱼行动_剑鱼行动 -影片幕后

1. Boom mike visible: When Stanley Jobson is hacking the Defense site, there is a boom visible in one of the mirrors.
2. Continuity: After being chased by Agent Roberts, Stanley Jobson is thrown against the front wing of Agent Robert's car, leaving the wing of the car dented. The next time we se the wing, the dents have gone.
3. Continuity: After driving his daughter home, Stan reverses his car and hits the door of the FBI agents' car, breaking its passenger side window. When the car later catches up to him, you can see that its door and window are still in perfect shape.
4. Continuity: After the bomb on the woman blows up at the beginning of the movie shattering all the glass in the area, Stanley's daughter runs out of the intact glass doors of the bank.
5. Continuity: As Gabriel walks away from the trunk of his car and starts firing his machine gun, the trunk is open and has bullet holes. In the next shot (taken from behind the car), the trunk is closed and has no damage.
6. Continuity: Bullet holes disappear from Gabriel's car during the car chase.
7. Continuity: In the beginning, at passport control, the officer is examining a German passport. Another officer finds another passport from his computer bag, which is also a German passport (green covers). The passport in the first officer's hands changes to Finnish passport, and he starts to compare Finnish and German passports same time. Futhermore, Finnish passports has never had green covers; the old cover color is dark blue, the new cover color is red.
8. Continuity: The headrest in Stanley's car changes position when he drops his daughter off.
9. Continuity: When Stanley is talking to his ex-wife Melissa on the phone, the length of her cigarette changes several times.
10. Continuity: While Gabriel is in the bank and talking to the FBI on the phone, his facial hair is missing. Moments later it returns.
11. Crew or equipment visible: When Stanley and the two agents are talking after going down the hill, a camera is reflected in the car.
12. Factual errors: Most references to cryptography and computer security, and the ease with which they can be defeated, are fantasy.
13. Factual errors: The terrorists on the bus fail to Earth the helicopter prior t
o the bus being attached as an under-slung load. All aircraft generate tremendous static charge when airborne, so by simply touching the wires they would have exposed themselves to a massive electric shock.
14. Revealing mistakes: After his daughter escapes from the bank, Stanley is thrown against the teller counter, and the counter gives way.
15. Revealing mistakes: During the car chase, when Stan and Gabriel cross the street, there are tire tracks before the cars pass, indicating a previous take.
16. Revealing mistakes: When TJ Roberts slams the hacker against the wall in the interrogation room, the wall shakes.