杰西・麦卡尼(Jesse McCartney),演员、歌手,1987年出生于纽约。2004年发行首张个人专辑《天使的心》,迅速在全球卖出180 万张,专辑中的同名单曲《天使的心》蝉联美国迪士尼电台排行榜11周冠军,成功打进全美流行单曲榜第5名,热门单曲榜第15名,同时也在澳洲、意大利、菲律宾排行夺冠,在台湾一周夺下各西洋销售冠军,另一首抒情单曲《她不是你的》持续抢攻全美流行单曲点播榜TOP40。《天使的心》最终获得白金唱片,同时在全美流行专辑榜停留达65周之久。在台湾地区的G-Music风云榜、五大金榜都夺下冠军宝座,还连冠Hit FM、飞碟电台、 ICRT、 KISS Radio四大电台。杰西・麦卡尼的演艺事业也让他两度入围艾美奖日间节目类最佳年轻男演员奖。2013年推出歌曲《Back Together》。
杰西麦卡尼_杰西・麦卡尼 -个人档案
身高:IMDb 5' 10" (1.78 m)
体重:150 Pounds (68 kg)
杰西麦卡尼_杰西・麦卡尼 -人物介绍
杰西生于美国纽约韦斯特的一个基督教家庭。他的父母亲分别是Ginger McCartney和Scott McCartney,外祖父母分别是Dick Sarber和Joyce Sarber。在1988年,他的家人迁往Ardsley,威彻斯特郡。他是家里最大的孩子,他有一个妹妹Lea Joyce McCartney(生于1991年7月7日) 和一个弟弟Timothy (Timmy) Glover Mark McCartney (生于1996年12月20日)。
1999年,杰西加入美国流行男孩乐队Dream Street,一直到2002年,他形容其经验对他的独奏生涯是个很好的“踏脚石”。在15岁时,他开始独立发展工作,他在当地先组了一支乐队,Dillon Kondor (吉他手),Peter Chema (男低音) ,Katie Spencer (键盘手) ,Alex Russek (鼓手) ,Karina LaGravinese (背景声乐) ,并Sharisse Francisco (背景声乐)。在Ginger McCartney和Sherry Goffin Kondor的策划下,制作了第一张专辑─《天使的心》(Beautiful Soul)。
杰西在2003年7月发表了首张个人唱片专辑精选的三首歌:《天使的心》(Beautiful Soul),《没有你》(Don't You)和《你为什么不吻她》(Why Don't You Kiss Her) 。2004年,他与Anne Hathaway共同合唱了《不要去打破我的心》(Don't Go Breaking My Heart)
*他的键盘手Katie Spencer认为Jesse是一个很有魅力的人,但是他仅仅把她当作好朋友
*当Katie和Jesse在一个叫Sugar Beats少儿团体的时候,她就对Jesse一见钟情,她当时才10岁,而Jesse才9岁!
杰西麦卡尼_杰西・麦卡尼 -个人经历
杰西生于美国纽约韦斯特的一个基督教家庭。他的父母亲分别是Ginger McCartney和Scott McCartney,外祖父母分别是Dick Sarber和Joyce Sarber。在1988年,他的家人迁往Ardsley,威彻斯特郡。他是家里最大的孩子,他有一个妹妹Lea Joyce McCartney(生于1991年7月7日) 和一个弟弟Timothy (Timmy) Glover Mark McCartney (生于1996年12月20日)。
1999年,杰西加入美国流行男孩乐队Dream Street,一直到2002年,他形容其经验对他的独奏生涯是个很好的“踏脚石”。15岁时,他开始独立发展工作,他在当地组了一支乐队,队员包括Dillon Kondor(吉他手),Peter Chema(男低音),Katie Spencer(键盘手),Alex Russek(鼓手),Karina LaGravinese(背景声乐)和Sharisse Francisco(背景声乐);在Ginger McCartney和Sherry Goffin Kondor的策划下,制作了第一张专辑――。

杰西在2003年7月发表了首张个人唱片专辑精选的三首歌:,和。 2004年,他与Anne Hathaway共同合唱了。
1997年与The Who合唱团大将Roger Daltrey(罗杰道崔)在纽约麦迪花园广场一同演出「A Christmas Carol」(圣诞礼赞)
1998-2001年参与晨间节目艾美奖得奖影集「All My Children」的演出
1999年5月成为Dream Street乐团主唱
2002年8月Dream Street乐团因卷入制作人之间的合约纠纷而宣告解散
2005年9月10日「The Beautiful Soul Tour」巡回演唱于加州的Madera画下句号
2005年11月15日发行现场演唱特辑「Live:The Beautiful Soul Tour」
2005年加入一个帮助孩童音乐教育的慈善组织「Little Kids Rock」
2006年 在游戏“Kingdom Hearts”国际版中替Roxas一角配音
2006年6月11日应邀在「A Time For Heroes Celebrity Carnival」慈善活动中担任演唱嘉宾,此一活动是在为「伊莉莎白葛蕾丝儿童艾滋基金会」所进行的抢救生命计画进行募款
2006年8月29日 单曲于全美发行
2006年9月8、12日重返ABC电视网影集「All My Children」担任特别演出
2008年1月为新人Leona Lewis创作的单曲顺利拿下2007英国最畅销单曲
2011年 客串CBS电视网犯罪剧《犯罪现场调查:拉斯维加斯》,饰演一个名叫“Wes”的角色
杰西麦卡尼_杰西・麦卡尼 -个人生活
杰西麦卡尼――出现于网路上询问度最高的少男偶像歌手,他的声音出现于许多门的电影原声带中,包括:《麻辣公主》(与女主角安娜海瑟威合唱“Don't Go Breakin' My Heart”)、《灰姑娘的玻璃手机》(“Best Day Of My Life”、“Beautiful Soul”)、《麻雀变公主2:皇家有约》(“Because You Live”)。他青春跃动的嗓音及热情洋溢的人生观,立即打动歌迷,加上标准金发帅哥外表使他征服少男少女的心。
现年17岁的杰西歌声完全感觉不到任何的稚气,充份展现不同于同龄歌手成熟稳重并带点R&B灵魂的唱腔。7岁便开始站在表演的舞台上,先后加入“Sugar Beats”、“Dream Street”两个少年团体,不但累积了许多表演经验,更拥有许多死忠拥护的歌迷,而他的演技也不容小觑,还曾经获得艾美奖2项提名。2003年杰西与好莱坞唱片公司(Hollywood)签约,成为音乐小甜心希拉蕊的师弟。
杰西首张个人专辑《Beautiful Soul》,由空前超级制作阵容打造,包括:Mattew Gerrard (希拉蕊、尼克卡特)、Robbie Nevil (天命真女、洁西卡)、Andreas Carlsson (布兰妮)等精心催生,杰西也动手创作专辑中部份歌曲,就如他所形容专辑是表现他青春无敌的奔放纪事及内心情感世界,活力澎湃直击人心!整张专辑有感人浪漫的情歌,也有充满年轻人活泼舞动的轻快歌曲。吉他及弦乐合奏出节奏强烈的“She's No You”、同名单曲“Beautiful Soul”、扭腰摆臀的舞池必备曲“Get Your Shine On”、带点初恋般微甜的“Take Your Sweet Time”、还有略带雷鬼混合摇滚气氛的“Without U”、真挚情歌“Why Don't You Kiss Her?”,有些舞台剧震撼效果的“Because You Live”,专辑曲风非常丰富,杰西带来属于17岁的音乐魔力。
杰西麦卡尼_杰西・麦卡尼 -恋爱经历
他的键盘手Katie Spencer认为杰西是一个很有魅力的人,但是杰西仅仅把她当作好朋友
当Katie和杰西在一个叫Sugar Beats少儿团体的时候,她就对杰西一见钟情,她当时才10岁,而杰西才9岁。
Jesse and Cassidy
杰西曾经与女星Katie Cassidy谈恋爱约两年半的时间,现已结束了关系。杰西在意大利公开宣布他是“单身男子”,Katie Cassidy则发送以下信息给他们的影迷网站――JKfans。
杰西麦卡尼_杰西・麦卡尼 -社会活动
2004年,杰西参加Come Together Now的慈善活动,帮助于2004年亚洲海啸和2005年飓风的受害者,杰西参加了一个由非盈利慈善组织的计划,免费向在公立学校的儿童提供免费的乐器训练及教育。2005年,杰西将巡回救灾录制电台节目推广的收益捐给慈善机构,为孩子们建立一个“无毒的美国运动”,更是圣犹大儿童研究医院的发言人,并参与慈善机构创办的一些活动,杰西希望音乐会演出的会令癌症中心获益。
杰西麦卡尼_杰西・麦卡尼 -获奖记录
全美儿童直选大奖迪士尼电台音乐大奖全美青少年艺人大奖全美音乐奖意大利TRL大奖意大利儿童直选大奖全美青少年直选大奖MTV音乐录影带大奖杰西麦卡尼_杰西・麦卡尼 -个人事件
经常有人认为杰西・麦卡尼的爸爸是保罗・麦卡特尼,但实际上两人没有任何关系(杰西的父亲叫Scott McCartney)。
杰西麦卡尼_杰西・麦卡尼 -英语版本
Fave Color: Orange
Fave Actresses: Joan Cusack,Jennifer Love Hewitt and Cady McClain Fave Actors: Robin Williams,Will Smith and Jim Carrey
Fave Singers/band: Eve 6,Aerosmith,Sting,James Taylor,BBMak
Fave Music: Hip Hop,Pop,Rock and some R&B.
Fave DS Song: "It Happens Everytime"
Fave Song That isn't theirs: Mario's New Song("Braid My Hair")?
Fave Christmas Song: "Silent Night"
Fave Subject: Math and Physical Education
Least Fave Subject: History
Best Subject: Spanish
Fave Store: Abercrombie and Fitch,Structure,Tommy,Guess,and Gap
Fave Drink: Pepsi and Root Beer
Fave Food: Steak,California Rolls,Bagels & Cream Cheese.
Fave Fruit: Kiwi and Strawberry
Least Fave Veggie: Brussel Sprouts
Fave Candy: Gummy Bears & Sour Patch Kids
Fave Lollipops: Raspberry tootsie roll pops.
Fav Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate
Fave Phrase: "Zip It!"
Fave Sports Team: NY Yankees and New York Giants
Fave Sports: Baseball and Football
Fave TV Show: Friends,
Fave Movies: The 6th Sense,Grease and American History X
Fave Type of Books: Biographies
Fave Type Of Clothing: Structure
Fave Cars: Farrari and Lamborghini Diablo
Fave Cartoon: Anything with Elmer Fud and Porky Pig.
Fave person you have ever worked with?: Hayley Mills
Fave Superhero?: God!
Fave Breakfast Meal: Scrambled Eggs and also Pumpkin Pie
Other Facts
Hobbies: Playing baseball,playing his sax,four wheeling,singing and acting
What sports do you play?: Baseball!!
Future Car: BMW M3. Baby Blue or Electric Blue
Commercials: K-Mart (1999),Lowes,Spokesperson for Kids for a Drug FreeAmerica 60 sec radio spot Broadway (and National Broadway Tours): "The King and I" w/ Hayley Mills (as Louis),"A Christmas Carol" as Young Scrooge (Madison Square Garden),A Sunny Delight Commercial (2002),Charmin' Ultra w/ Greg (2002),Auditioning for a pizza & hockey commercial..
Most Prized Possession: baseball glove and phone.
What Do You Look For In A Girl?: Personality and a nice smile.
Name Of His Baseball Team: The Panthers
Boxers or Briefs?: Boxers baby! (go Jess! lolz)
Biggest Like: Snow/Water Skiing
If you have a dramatic scene where you have to cry,how do you get ready for it and do it?: I think of things that made me upset a long time ago.
How did you get started in the business?: My parents used to be in it and they taught me everything they know.
What was your first acting job?: "Oliver," in a local theatre.
First Kiss?: It was in the sixth grade. He liked her a lot!
Biggest Fear: Car accidents
Future College?: UCLA
Type Of Cologne: Acqua Di Gio by Giorgio Armani
First Date: "My first date was with a girl who is now one of my good friends. We went to Great Adventure for the day. We still laugh about it. It was a lot of fun."
Last Date(March 03): "About a month ago a friend of mine and I went on a double date and went clubbing. It was a dance workout. Good for the legs and lots of fun!"
Worst Date: "Looking back. my worst date is probably one of the funniest ones. It had been set up by a friend and so I didn't know the girl very well. We went to the mall. Everything went fairly well for the first hour or so until I stepped on the escalator and my shoelace got stuck in the stairs. I couldn't move. Eventually I had to take my shoe off and leave the laces stuck in the escalator. I had to wear my shoe for the rest of the night without a lace and it was embarrassing."
Best Date: "I was in LA and a quite wonderful girl and I went out to dinner in an open-air restaurant right on the beach in Venice Beach. We walked down the bike trail there on the beach for a mile watching the Street Performers do their thing and then we took our shoes off and ran down the beach after dark right along the shoreline. The weather was beautiful,the girl was beautiful and I decided I may have to live in California at some point."
Did You Know...?
-Jesse wears glasses for fashion -Jesse's Mom and Dad are were both singers who have had an acappella vocal group that sang doo-wop. Jesse and Lea have both sung doo-wop background vocals at home with his Mom and Dad for several years. -Jesse use to act on the soap opera All My Children. He played Adam Chandler Junior (JR)
-Jesse drinks coffee [Jesse uses creme and two pacts of sugar]
-Jesse got braces at the end of December of 2001
-Jesse's rat Mocha just recently died
-Jesse was too shy to tell his crush that he liked her so he told her friend totell her and realized that she liked him too!
-That the McCartney family did several shows together for several months a year before dream street.
-Their producer says that Jesse is the bad boy of the group. He says "I know he's the one who will be arrested first,out of anyone in the group." ::Credit to:: Untouchable
-When Jesse auditioned for Dream Street,he sang a Backstreet Boys' song,forgot the words,and covered it up with an "Ooh ooh ooh". That's when the producer knew he wanted Jesse for the group. ::Credit to:: Untouchable
-Jesse once got beaten up by some boys just for being an actor and model. ::Credit to:: New York Newspaper Article Untouchable
-He doesn't like the sound of squeaky shoes
-Filing finger nails gets on Jesse's nerves
-Jesse prized possession is his four wheeler
-Jesse says his best feature is his smile
-Jesse plays the Saxaphone
-Jesse was a member of a singing group called Sugar Beats
-Jesse is now going back on performing on Broadway
-Jesse might be going solo!
-Jesse's fastest pitch is about 65 MPH. People strike out on the curve ball.
-Jesse and his friends cook! They come up with their own concoctions.
-Jesse's fave animal is a Giraffe..
-Jesse usually stays up until about 11:00 PM on school nights and on weekends about 12:30 or 1:00 AM.
-Jesse was born on a Thursday
-Jesse's dad is a volunteer firefighter
-Jesse thinks himself as a 'preppy person'
-Jesse would love to meet Will Smith and work with him sometimes on music or movie
-Jesse has a scar on his left eyebrow
-If he could change his name he'd want it to be Boris (err...ok..?)
-He uses aerosol spray deodorant
-His favorite roller coaster is the Goliath
-His favorite colonue is Acqua di Gio by Armani
-He hates Snowcones
-He wears shoes most of the time,not sneakers
-He tried out for the 6th sense (THIS i never knew!)
-He had braces (Jan. 23,2002- May 10,2002)
-He was in a NFL commercial as Peyton Manning
-He was in a sunny delight commercial
-A fan once gave Jesse a 24 k-gold bracelet with his name engraved on it.
-His favorite X-Box game is NHL Fever
-His first crush was a girl named Samantha
-The longest he had a relationship for was 8 months in 9th grade
-He prefers to wear hats over visors
-In March of 2003,Jesse's producer,Sherry,posted on his message board: "And okay,Jesse's eyebrows are a bit bushy but he's just too manly to wax or tweeze. I actually asked him if he would. Negative on that." aww! lolz
-Greg's little cousin Teresa has a huge crush on Jesse!
-During the filming of the music video for It Happens Every Time,a piece of firework exploded too close to the boys and a part of the rocket fell onto Jesse's arm and burned him!