《雨中曲》(Singin' in the Rain),是一部美国彩色电影,纵横影坛多年,不仅是一部不朽的音乐歌舞片杰作,同时也是一部展现好莱坞影坛从无声时代过渡到有声王朝的电影史喜剧。在AFI百年百大歌舞电影中名列第一,被公认为电影史上最伟大歌舞片之一。二十世纪中期好莱坞开始了有声电影,很多无声电影明星遭遇到声音考验,也产生了淘汰与幕后的掩饰工作。本片故事背景就放在这个年代,对好莱坞这种工作场所造成的弊病提出批评及抗议。尽管是用批评的态度反映昔日好莱坞的面目,但却用轻松愉快的歌舞方式表达减低了尖锐性。让观众欣赏到动听歌曲、优美舞蹈融合于一体的电影大宴。
雨中曲_雨中曲 -电影剧情
故事发生在1927年,唐和琳娜是默片时代一对著名的银幕情侣。无声电影时代,演员的形体远远比声音重要。琳娜(简・哈根 Jean Hagen 饰)就是凭着讨好的外形,和唐(吉恩・凯利 Gene Kelly 饰)成为大受欢迎的明星搭档。琳娜假戏真做,爱上了唐,唐不得不回避她。随着技术的发展,有声电影问世,这就难倒了声音极其难听的琳娜。唐的嗓音条件很好,问题是琳娜不行。无论如何训练,她都不能把台词念得漂 亮。唐和琳娜的新电影要开拍了,制片方决定加入声音,拍一部音乐剧。于是,唐请来了声音甜美的合唱队女孩凯西(黛比・雷诺斯 Debbie Reynolds 饰),让她做琳娜音乐剧幕后的配音者,令琳娜的演出声名大振。而走红的琳娜更加目中无人。唐经常与凯西、好友科斯莫(唐纳德・奥-康纳 Donald O'Connor 饰)合作无间,唐更与凯西擦出火花,两人相互倾慕。一场大雨给了唐无限的灵感......琳娜自恃其以往的明星地位而自以为是,结果被观众和同行淘汰出局。凯茜后来成了观众喜爱的明星,并与洛克结为伉俪……
雨中曲_雨中曲 -演员表
角色演员备注Don Lockwood吉恩・凯利----Kathy Selden黛比・雷诺斯----Cosmo Brown唐纳・奥康纳----Lina Lamont琼・哈根----R.F. SimpsonMillard Mitchell----Dancer赛德・查里斯----Roscoe DexterDouglas Fowley----Zelda Zanders丽塔・莫雷诺----Lady-in-Waiting(uncredited)道恩・艾达丝Dawn Addams 伊莲・斯图沃特Elaine Stewart----Undetermined Role(uncredited)John Albright Bette Arlen Gail Bonney Lyle Clark Harry Cody Kay Deslys Michael Dugan Phil Dunham Helen Eby-Rock Marietta Elliott Don Fields 兰斯・富勒Lance Fuller Jeanne Gail Glen Gallagher A. Cameron Grant Beatrice Gray Marion Gray William Hamel Dean Henson Ivor James Morgan Jones Jimmy Kelly Virginia Lee Peggy Leon John Logan Gloria Moore Forbes Murray Ruth Packard Paul Salata Dee Turnell Tommy Walker Audrey Washburn Frank Hyers----Girl Friend(uncredited)Betty Allen Sue Allen Dorothy McCartyin "Beautiful Girl" NumberDancer in"Beautiful Girl" Number (uncredited)Marie Ardell Marcella Becker Gloria DeWerd Betty Erbes Shirley Glickman Joyce Horne Shirley Lopez Sheila Meyers Anne Neyland Joanne Rio Joette Robinson Audrey Saunders Norma Zimmer----Boy(uncredited)Jimmy Bates David Blair Timmy Hawkins Johnny McGovern----Wardrobe Woman(uncredited)Margaret Bert----Dora Bailey(uncredited)Madge Blake----Girl Talking with Cosmo at Party(uncredited)Gwen Carter----Quartet Dancer and Singer(uncredited)Bill Chatham Robert Dayo Ernie Flatt Don Hulbert----Hairdresser(uncredited)梅・克拉克Mae Clarke----Fencer(uncredited)Chick Collins Jean Heremans Allen Pinson Russell Saunders David Sharpe----Projectionist(uncredited)Pat Conway Joseph Mell----Dancer(uncredited)Jeanne Coyne Patricia Denise Pat Jackson Janet LavisB.Girl&All.I.DoMovie Usher(uncredited)Fred Datig Jr.----Sound Engineer(uncredited)Bert Davidson----Baron de la Ma de la Toulon(uncredited)John Dodsworth----Rod(uncredited)King Donovan----Phil - Villain in Barroom Brawl(uncredited)Richard Emory----Audience Member(uncredited)Charles Evans William Lester----Sid Phillips(uncredited)Tommy Farrell----uncredited)Bess Flowers Joan Maloney----Assistant Director(uncredited)Dan Foster----Matt - Policeman(uncredited)Robert Foulk----Phoebe Dinsmore(uncredited)Kathleen Freeman----Kid(uncredited)Jon Gardner David Kasday----Usherette(uncredited)Diane Garrett Jan Kayne Marilyn Moore Dorothy Patrick----Orchestra Leader(uncredited)Jack George----Mrs. Simpson(uncredited)Inez Gorman----Dancer in"All I Do Is Dream of You" NumberBetty Hannon(uncredited)J. Cumberland Spendrill III(uncredited)Stuart Holmes----Man in Audience of'Dancing Cavalier' (uncredited)Mike Lally----Olga Mara(uncredited)Judy Landon----Beautiful Blonde(uncredited)乔伊・兰辛Joi Lansing----Man in Black(uncredited)William Leicester----Male Tango Dancer(uncredited)Diki Lerner----Bert - Cowboy Knocked Out in Barroom BrawlBill Lewin(uncredited)Female Tango Dancer(uncredited)Sylvia Lewis----Filipino Butler(uncredited)Leon Lontoc----Dancing Fat Man at Party(uncredited)Paul Maxey----Girl at Party(uncredited)Ann McCrea----Villain(uncredited)Carl Milletaire----Dancer in"Beautiful Girl" NumberPeggy Murray----Fainting Girl(uncredited)Peggy Murray----Old Man(uncredited)'Snub' PollardGet Umbrella in S.In.The RainFruit Peddler(uncredited)Angi O. Poulis----Saloon Keeper(uncredited)Charles Regan----Dancer(uncredited)Shirley Jean Rickert Joey Robinson----Man in Forecourt(uncredited)Anthony Rocke----Cosmo as a Boy(uncredited)Dennis Ross----Messenger on Screen(uncredited)William Schallert----Leading Man(uncredited)Ben Strobach----Policeman in"Singin' in the Rain" NumberBrick Sullivan(uncredited)Don as a Boy(uncredited)Allen Sutherland----Man in Talking Pictures Demonstration(uncredited)Julius Tannen----Sound Technician(uncredited)Harry Tenbrook----Male Lead in"Beautiful Girl" Number (uncredited)Jimmy Thompson----Diction Coach(uncredited)Bobby Watson----Policeman(uncredited)Robert Williams----Rudy Vallee Impersonator(uncredited)Wilson Wood----Publicity Man(uncredited)Adam York----Gangster extra in Dream sequence'Gotta Dance'Robert Fortier(uncredited)Dancer in'Beautiful Girl' Number (uncredited)Betty Scott----上一页|1|2|3|4|5|默认显示 | 全部显示注:参考资料来源
雨中曲_雨中曲 -角色介绍
吉恩 唐:默片时代的男明星
雨中曲_雨中曲 -原声资料
01. Main Title - Gene Kelly/Debbie Reynolds/Donald O'Connor/M-G-M Studio Orchestra
02. Dignity - M-G-M Studio Orchestra
03. Fit As A Fiddle - Gene Kelly/Donald O'Connor/M-G-M Studio Orchestra
04. Stunt Montage - M-G-M Studio Orchestra
05. First Silent Picture - M-G-M Studio Orchestra
06. Tango (Temptation) - M-G-M Studio Orchestra
07. All I Do Is Dream Of You - Debbie Reynolds/M-G-M Studio Chorus
08. Gene Dreams of Kathy - M-G-M Studio Orchestra
09. All I Do Is Dream Of You (Outtake) - Gene Kelly
10. Make 'Em Laugh - Donald O'Connor
11. Beautiful Girl Montage - Jimmie Thompson/The Girl Friends/M-G-M Studio Orchestra And Chorus
12. Beautiful Girl - Jimmie Thompson
13. Have Lunch With Me - M-G-M Studio Orchestra
14. The Stage Is Set - M-G-M Studio Orchestra
15. You Were Meant For Me - Gene Kelly
16. You Are My Lucky Star (Outtake) - Debbie Reynolds/M-G-M Studio Chorus
17. Moses - Gene Kelly/Donald O'Connor
18. Good Morning - Gene Kelly/Debbie Reynolds/Donald O'Connor
19. Good Night, Kathy - M-G-M Studio Orchestra
20. Singin' In the Rain - Gene Kelly
21. From Dueling to Dancing - M-G-M Studio Orchestra
22. Would You