Illumina公司是遗传变异和生物学功能分析领域的优秀的产品、技术和服务供应商。通过帮助客户加快实现生物信息的采集、分析和应用,来改善人类健康。北京时间2014年2月19日上午消息,美国权威杂志《麻省理工科技评论》(MIT Technology Review)于18日评出了“2014年度全球创新企业50强”,共有8家生物科技公司上榜,Illumina更是高居榜首。[1-2]
illumina_Illumina -公司简介
Illumina是由David Walt博士、CW 集团的Larry Bock、兽医学博士John Stuelpnagel、 Anthony Czarnik博士及Mark Chee博士于1998年4月共同组建。在与CW 集团风险投资公司合作期间,Larry和John在Tufts大学研究出了BeadArray技术,经过商议他们取得了该技术的专属授权。他们把Illumina的总部设于加利福尼亚的圣地亚哥,并于2000年7月首次公开上市。
Illumina于2001年开始提供SNP基因分型服务,并于一年后利用GoldenGate基因分型技术推出首个Illumina BeadLab系统。目前,Illumina针对日益成熟的基因序列分析市场,提供基于微阵列技术的产品和服务。我们的产品和服务范围包括:SNP基因分型、基因表达和蛋白质分析等。Illumina的技术可广范应用于全球相关领域内的科研院所、政府部门、医药、生物技术公司等。
illumina_Illumina -大事记
1999年,Illumina只是一家拥有25人的初创公司,主要销售微阵列芯片(microarray chip),这种芯片可用来检测基因组上特定部位的重要变化。
2013年收购了无创产前诊断公司Verinata Health。自2005年以来,Illumina在并购领域的投资已超过12亿美元。
illumina_Illumina -公司发展历程
Illumina founded by David Walt, Ph.D., of Tufts University (inventor of BeadArray technology), Larry Bock of the CW Group, John Stuelpnagel, D.V.M., Anthony Czarnik, Ph.D., and Mark Chee, Ph.D.
1998年11月1日: 公司总体框架形成
Illumina begins with a staff of seven, secures a 10,000 sq. ft. facility in San Diego, CA, and begins developing core technology and intellectual property portfolio with initial funding of $8.6 million.
Jay Flatley joins Illumina as President and Chief Executive Officer.
Illumina’s IPO raises over $100 million.
2001年上半年: 推出快速基因分形服务
Illumina offers genotyping services using its production-scale systems and GoldenGate Genotyping Technology. The first services contract with GlaxoSmithKline comes through in May 2001.
2002年年中: 推出BeadLab 系统
Illumina’s turnkey, fully-integrated production SNP genotyping system was introduced as a commercial solution for leading genotyping facilities around the world. More than 60% of the data for the International HapMap project Phase I was generated using this platform and the GoldenGate Assay.
2003年9月1日: 推出基因表达阵列
Illumina launches a second genetic analysis application, gene expression profiling. Illumina’s gene expression arrays feature the world’s first multi-sample chip formats and the industry’s only 100% array QC.
2004年上半年: 推出BeadStation系统
Illumina technology becomes available to core labs and researchers around the globe with the launch of the BeadStation system, a benchtop solution that runs both DNA and RNA analysis applications. The Illumina BeadStation brings scalability and flexibility to genetic analysis researchers through its modular format and integrated options.
2004年1月1日: 推出DASL Assay
Illumina launches the DASL Assay, a powerful new approach for generating gene expression profiles from partially degraded RNA samples such as those found in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded samples (a common method of preserving samples from biopsies). An estimated 400 million FFPE samples exist in the U.S. for cancer alone.
2005年2月1日: 收购CyVera
Illumina acquires CyVera Corporation, the developer of VeraCode Technology, a complementary, low-multiplex technology that is ideal for target validation and molecular test development.
2005年2月5日: 推出全基因组基因表达阵列
Illumina launches the world’s first multi-sample, whole-genome expression microarrays. The Human-6 and HumanRef-8 BeadChips deliver industry-leading quality and pricing.
2005年年中: 推出Infinium全基因组基因分型
Illumina launches the Infinium Assay, a revolutionary genotyping assay that provides intelligent SNP selection and unlimited access to the genome. The first Infinium product, the Human-1 Genotyping BeadChip, includes over 100,000 markers on a single BeadChip.
2005年9月1日: 推出全基因组表达阵列
Illumina introduces the world’s first whole-genome expression arrays for mouse, an important model organism.
2006年1月1日: 推出Infinium HumanHap300 芯片
Illumina announces the availability of the HumanHap300 Genotyping BeadChip, which leverages tag SNP content to deliver over 300,000 markers on a single microarray.
2006年3月1日: Expansion of GoldenGate panels offered
Illumina expands its standard panel offering for GoldenGate genotyping with three new panels for the MHC region, cancer, and sample quality assessment.

2006年3月1日: 推出Infinium HumanHap550 芯片
Illumina announces the next BeadChip in its Infinium whole-genome genotyping offering, the HumanHap550 BeadChip, with over 550,000 markers on a single microarray.
2006年6月1日: 推出Infinium HumanHap550+ 和 iSelect 产品
Illumina announces custom content for Infinium genotyping with the HumanHap550+ and iSelect BeadChip.
2006年6月1日: 推出Infinium HumanHap650Y 芯片
Illumina announces the third BeadChip in its Infinium whole-genome genotyping offering, the HumanHap650Y BeadChip, with over 650,000 markers on a single microarray and enriched content for African populations.
2006年8月1日: 推出合格服务供应商活动
Illumina announces a program certifying service labs around the world to provide genotyping and gene expression services using its BeadArray technology.
9/1/2006: 推出大鼠全基因组基因表达阵列
Illumina introduces the world’s first whole-genome expression arrays for rat, an important model organism.
2006年11月1日: 收购Solexa
Illumina announces the acquisition of Solexa, the developer of a genomic-scale sequencing technology. Combined, illumina now offers the ultimate tool set for genetic analysis.
Illumina launched the GoldenGate Methylation Cancer Panel, capable of surveying up to 1,536 methylation sites across 96 samples simultaneously,
2007年1月10日: 推出Infinium Human1M and Human450S 芯片
Combining an unprecedented level of content for both whole-genome and copy number variation analysis, the Human1M and Human450S BeadChips include additional unique, high-value genomic regions of interest - all on a single microarray chip.
2007年1月29日: Illumina被福布斯评为发展最快的科技公司
Illumina posted its first profitable 12-month period in five years, making its way to #1 on Forbes’ fastest growing high-tech list.
2007年3月12日: 推出Infinium HumanCNV370-Duo 芯片
Developed in collaboration with deCODE genetics, the HumanCNV370-Duo, is the world’s first microarray designed to specifically target novel regions of the genome that show copy number variation.
2007年3月21日: 推出BeadXpress系统
Utilizing uniquely inscribed digital microbeads, the VeraCode technology provides high-quality data, broad multiplexing capability, and assay flexibility. Researchers can assay tens to hundreds of analytes in a single sample at one time.
2007年4月16日: 推出自定义DNA甲基化
Using the custom DNA methylation panels investigators now have the option to select their favorite genes or gene regions to cost-effectively survey up to 1,536 methylation sites of choice across 96 samples simultaneously.
2007年5月1日: 推出IlluminaConnect
IlluminaConnect is a bioinformatics software partnership program established to advance data integration and analysis. This program offers Illumina customers seamless access to third-party bioinformatics providers of advanced data analysis applications for processing Illumina array data.
2007年6月11日: 提供行业内第一个数据库控制
iControlDB is the first industry-hosted genotyping control repository available for researchers conducting case-control whole-genome association studies.
2007年7月24日: 推出数字基因表达
New Digital Gene Expression (DGE) applications including small RNA and Gene Expresion profiling use Illumina’s Genome Analyzer to generate genome-wide sequencing-based expression profiles of messenger and small RNA.
2007年8月2日: 推出Infinium HumanHap550-Duo 芯片
The HumanHap550-Duo BeadChip is the Company’s fourth multi-sample DNA Analysis solution for genome-wide association studies. The HumanHap550-Duo BeadChip provides the same content as the HumanHap550 BeadChip but in a dual-sample format, resulting in significantly greater throughput and lower cost per sample.
2007年9月6日: 推出Infinium HumanLinkage-12芯片
The HumanLinkage-12 BeadChip is Illumina’s fifth multi-sample Infinium BeadChip and the Company’s first standard panel to take advantage of a twelve-sample format for linkage analysis.
2007年10月22: 推出使用BeadArray技术的MicroRNA 测试
Priced at $95 per sample, the MicroRNA Assay for Gene Expression profiling is the only tool available to allow rapid and reproducible miRNA expression profiling at a price less than half that of other commercially available methods.
2007年10月25日: 推出Infinium DNA 甲基化芯片
New DNA Methylation BeadChip assays 27,000 CpG sites per sample, covering more than 14,000 well-annotated genes with single CpG resolution.
2008年1月4日: 宣布公司重组
Illumina reorganized its operating structure to further leverage the synergies between its sequencing and genotyping businesses.
The Infinium HD Human1M-Duo (two samples/chip) and the Human610-Quad (four samples/chip) feature up to 2.3 million single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) per BeadChip, doubling sample throughput and reducing DNA input requirements by as much as 70 percent.
2008年1月15日: 发行Infinium BovineSNP50 芯片
The Infinium BovineSNP50 BeadChip is a 12-sample genotyping product featuring 54,000 SNPs for detecting genetic variation in any breed of cattle.
2008年2月6日: Illumina测出第一个非洲人基因组的序列
Illumina scientists sequenced the genome of an anonymous African male (Yoruba from Ibadan, Nigeria), using the Genome Analyzer. This achievement establishes the direct utility of Illumina’s sequencing technology for accurately sequencing large and complex genomes