Annie Walker(Piper Perabo)是一名尚在训练中的初级间谍,最近突然被中央情报局「提拔」为外勤特工。她出众的语言才能或许是上司看重的一个原因,但那不是最主要的--她的上司似乎对她曾经遇到过的某个人(前男友)更感兴趣。Christopher Gorham扮演一个为中央情报局效命军事情报特工,在一次任务中失去了双眼。他是Annie的导师兼行动负责人。Anne Dudek扮演Annie的姐姐,一位有两个孩子的母亲。Kari Matchett扮演中情局「国内保安局」的主管Joan。Peter Gallagher扮演她的丈夫Arthur,中情局秘密行动处主任,同时也是Joan的上司。该剧集测谎、动作、美女、斗智、枪战于一身,金发美女带你看她的间谍双重生活,精彩连连,惊心动魄。
邻家女特工_邻家女特工 -剧情简介
第一季11集,包括一个90分钟的首集。该剧由Piper Perabo(《比佛利拜金狗》)、Christopher Gorham(《丑女贝蒂》、《夺命岛》)、Sendhil Ramamurthy(《超能英雄》)、Kari Matchett(《入侵》)和Anne Dudek(《豪斯医生》、《广告狂人》)主演,Peter Gallagher(《橘子镇男孩》)参与演出。
第一季:Annie Walker是一位会多种语言的CIA实习生,而因为前男友受到CIA的关注,提前结束实习,成为了正式CIA探员。
第二季:Annie的个人生活仍然继续被她的工作所扰乱。作为一名秘密特勤人员,她竭尽全力想要在这种伪正常式的生活和高度紧张的冒险工作之间找到一种平衡。结束和Ben在斯里兰卡的一次任务之后,Annie被派遣作为爱沙利亚籍职业网球运动员Nadia Levandi的经理人。Nadia同时还是一名长期为CIA提供情报的线人。当Nadia向CIA提出别去麻烦Annie时,Annie开始担心那是Nadia在试图让她明白自己正陷于危险的处境当中。
邻家女特工_邻家女特工 -演职员表
角色演员备注Annie Walker派珀・佩拉博----Auggie Anderson克里斯托弗・高哈姆----Eyal Lavin奥德・菲尔----Conrad Sheehan III埃里克・里夫利----Ben Mercer艾恩・贝利----Joan Campbell卡瑞・玛切特----Danielle安妮・达德克----Arthur Campbell彼得・盖勒----Jai Wilcox森德希・拉玛莫西----CIA Agent文森特・托马斯----Victor Ponces朱利安・阿克斯达----Teo Braga马诺洛・卡尔多纳第四季加入Calder Michaels希尔・哈勃第四季加入,第五季常驻职员表
导演 Director:提姆・麦锡森Tim Matheson
编剧 Writer:Matt Corman、Chris Ord
制作人 Produced by:
Gavin Barclay
Dave Bartis
Matt Corman

道格・里曼Doug Liman
Chris Ord
James D. Parriott
Sean Ryerson
摄影 Cinematography:
Jamie Barber
剪辑 Film Editing:
Robert A. Ferretti
选角导演 Casting:
Susie Farris
艺术指导 Production Designer:
Franco De Cotiis
美术设计 Art Direction by:
Aleksandra Marinkovich
服装设计 Costume Design by:
Catherine Ashton
Joanne Hansen
副导演/助理导演 Assistant Director:
Sebastian Aguirre ....daily assistant director
Tim Cushen ....third assistant director
Artie Malesci ....second unit director
Mark Tataryn ....first assistant director
邻家女特工_邻家女特工 -角色介绍
Annie Walker,女主角,天生喜欢冒险,并精通多国语言,凭借自己的特殊技能成功加入了美国中情局。
邻家女特工_邻家女特工 -分集剧情
S01E01:Annie在结束斯里兰卡一段没有结局的浪漫史后投身C.I.A.,是个会说6种语言,驾驶和骗术成绩非常优秀的准特工。因为Annie的语言天赋,Annie被调去DC协助一宗案子。Annie凭着自己的冲劲挽救了任务,在千钧一发的时候,Annie昏迷前看见自己的前男友救了自己。Joan证实了Annie被招进D.C.是因为想通过她找到她间谍前男友Ben。Arthur联系记者Liza Hearn想弄清楚谁是她在局里的线人,不过没成功。
S01E04:一次普通间谍任务出现了状况,Annie不得不自己应付在瑞士的活动。意外的是Annie和本应在机场碰面的土耳其Eyal接头人竟然在躲藏的安全屋内遇见了。C.I.A.进了大大规模的排查工作,竟然是为了找记者Liza Hearn的内线。Annie不得不在没有handler的情况下自己判断该怎么继续。
S01E11:Ben返回C.I.A.组织,并在测谎仪下解释了一切。Anton是一个可以帮恐怖分子制造化学武器的科学家,2年前C.I.A.为了最终任务决定牺牲Anton,Ben为了保护Anton违反组织规定私自将Anton藏在香港。Anton再次被绑架,Ben不得不求助于C.I.A。Auggie劝Annie不要接跟Ben有关的任务,不过Annie坚持,Auggie给了Annie一张救急卡以防万一。Liza Hearn准备发表一篇报道将会陷整个CIA于危机中。(不得不说,美剧实在是,当Ben和Annie骑摩托车狂奔时,不管什么地方所有人全部都让出路站在那儿什么都不干光看着,太不真实了)。
No. inseriesNo. in
seasonTitleDirected byWritten byOriginal air dateProduction
codeU.S. viewers
(millions)441"Vamos"Stephen KayMatt Corman & Chris OrdJuly16,2013CA4012.39Henry's secret file contains evidence that Arthur is covertly sending money to a Colombian "terrorist" named Teo, also known as "the Puma". Annie and Auggie, now lovers, travel to Colombia to investigate. They meet Teo, who helps them when Auggie is shot but then rejects them when someone shoots at him and Annie. On the plane back, Auggie tells Annie that Teo is Arthur's son and they plan to disclose their relationship to Arthur. Arthur tells a woman, involved in the money transfers, that he is breaking off relations. The next day, he announces that he is resigning as DCS (just as Henry had earlier predicted to Annie) because he has had an extramarital affair.452"Dig For Fire"Félix AlcaláStephen HootsteinJuly23,2013CA4022.67After a somewhat revealing conversation with Arthur, Annie meets with Henry and then follows him to the offices of an oil company whose operations in Colombia have been a target of Teo's group. Auggie and Annie determine that Seth, Joan's old flame and recovery acquaintance, was part of a phone conversation with Henry and the oil people. Seth is also attempting to romance Joan, who has just learned that she is pregnant. Arthur admits to Annie and Auggie that the alleged affair is a ruse to protect Joan from involvement in Arthur's problems, but Auggie knows more about this than he is yet telling Annie. Annie breaks into Seth's apartment when he is supposed to be on a date with Joan, but Joan decides not to go on the date so Seth returns early and finds her. In the resulting fight Seth falls off a bridge and apparently drowns. Joan confronts Arthur with both her pregnancy and her conclusion that the affair never happened. Annie meets again with Henry, who asks her to return to Colombia and kill Teo before he again attacks "American interests".463"Into the White"Stephen KayJulia RuchmanJuly30,2013CA4032.29Arthur tells Annie that he has been running Teo as an unauthorized double agent within the ALC terror organization. Annie agrees to take Teo an "exit package" to help him leave Colombia. Teo refuses it in a brief meeting, but Annie is able to put a tracking device on him. This allows CIA Colombia station chief Calder Michaels (Hill Harper) to organize an assault on an ALC base, capture Teo, and bring him to a black site where he interrogates him about a coming ALC bomb attack. Teo will not talk to Michaels or to Annie and manages to escape, but Annie has determined the target. She finds Teo with a sniper rifle, watching the hotel where an oil company meeting is about to occur. He now claims to be still loyal to the CIA; Annie trusts him enough to let him fire the sniper rifle, killing an ALC operative in an explosive vest. Annie agrees to run him as a mole within the international terror world, and as a show of good faith he gives her the names of two money launderers in Washington. Meanwhile, Auggie tells Joan about Seth's apparent death. Joan cleans Seth's apartment of evidence of the fight with Annie, and also opens Seth's safe to find compromising pictures of a hostile senator, allowing her to win confirmation as the new DCS.474"Rock A My Soul"Félix AlcaláThania St. JohnAugust6,2013CA4042.66Auggie is made Joan's interim replacement as head of DPD, and his first job is to investigate the Chens, the married Chinese couple identified by Teo as terrorist financiers. Annie follows the Chens to a meeting with Henry, who offers them a graceful end to their relationship with him. Henry then meets with Annie, telling her about a gap in Auggie's pre-blindness service record. He also meets with Arthur and vows to destroy Teo in revenge for Jai's death. Auggie meets secretly with Teo, who for some reason is in DC. The Chens prepare to flee; Annie, against Auggie's orders, reveals herself and gets them to a safe house. Seeing that such conflicts are threatening their relationship, Auggie reveals that he was training Teo during that gap, and that bad intel provided by Teo led to the death of another CIA agent, Auggie's lover. The safe house is attacked, the Chens are killed, and their evidence is taken. Auggie is removed from his interim post and Calder Michaels becomes the new head of DPD.485"Here Comes Your Man"Sylvain WhiteHank ChiltonAugust13,2013CA4052.22Auggie learns that Henry was behind Calder's promotion. Calder sends Annie to Vienna to establish a business relationship with an arms dealer named Stavros, replacing Auggie with himself as her handler and forbidding the two lovers to communicate. Annie proceeds with Calder's plan to buy some missile launchers from Stavros, until she aborts the mission when she finds Calder's proposed "terrorist buyer" to be inadequate. Stavros sends his man to kill her, but she is rescued by Teo, who was notified by Auggie on his secret untraceable phone. Annie offers Teo as a buyer and the deal is concluded, but Teo then kills Stavros and his man, destroys the secret phone, and leaves, possibly with some of the launchers. Annie tells Calder she killed the men in self-defense. Back in Washington, her reunion with Auggie is interrupted by Henry, who requests a meeting to tell Annie that Seth's body has been found.496"Space (I Believe In)"Nick CopusZak SchwartzAugust20,2013CA4062.46Joan appoints Annie as CIA liaison to the FBI investigation of Seth's death, in the hope that she can tie Seth to Henry. It is led by Vincent, an FBI man Annie has clashed with in the past. He quickly deduces that Seth was killed in a fight (by an assailant he will soon be able to identify by DNA testing) and that the CIA cleaned his apartment, but Annie is able to steal the flash drive that was in his jacket, replacing it with one prepared by Auggie. Henry offers Annie a full-time job with his new consulting company. He then sets a plan in motion to save Annie from charges: A credit card hit leads Vincent to a drug dealer, who is killed in a fight when Vincent visits his apartment. After a conversation with Henry, Vincent announces that the DNA found on Seth was the drug dealer's, and the case is closed. Henry then meets with Annie and makes his "final offer" of a job. When she refuses, he threatens her and tells her that Auggie's ex-lover Helen is not dead as Auggie had claimed.507"Crackity Jones"Emile LevisettiTamara Becher-WilkinsonAugust27,2013CA4072.36Annie recognizes an old photo of Helen ( Michelle Ryan ) as Teresa, the woman who was delivering Arthur's payments to Teo. Confronted, Arthur explains that Helen's apparent death was an elaborate ruse on her part and that she now works for him on weapons proliferation. Helen visits Auggie and explains that she needed to be independent of him to continue in the CIA. Helen has learned that Stavros' missing launchers were diverted by an Interpol official working with Henry, and she and Annie are sent to Lyon by Arthur to try to buy them back. When Henry shows up there, Helen urges Annie to abort the mission and then rescues her from a setup when she tries to pursue the deal anyway. Barber and another tech decode an image from Seth's flash drive for Auggie, and it shows that Henry was in Colombia with Eduardo, a terrorist linked to Teo. Calder determines that Annie lied about who killed Stavros. When Annie returns to Washington, she and Auggie suspend their romantic relationship.518"I've Been Waiting for You"J. Miller TobinJulia RuchmanSeptember3,2013CA4082.64Auggie is able to locate Teo in Scotland with his new tracking system. Annie meets with him and convinces him to meet with Arthur in Virginia; they are far from reconciled but agree to work together. Calder asks Joan for permission to investigate Annie, and she responds by transferring Annie to work directly for her. The plan is for Annie to move Eduardo from one CIA prison to another in Indiana, using Joan's authorization, placing Eduardo and Teo together in the back of a van to elicit information. Calder arrives to question Eduardo, just after Annie has left with him and added Teo to the back of the van. Eduardo says that Henry has been funding the ALC for years and arranged the bombing that killed Teo's mother. Suddenly an unknown driver forces the van to crash and begins shooting. Teo and Annie escape separately and Eduardo is apparently killed in an explosion. Annie returns to DC to find her new apartment ransacked by the CIA. She warns Auggie, who is able only to wipe his hard drives before Calder and a large team arrive. They find his safe, containing Seth's real flash drive, and Calder takes Auggie away for questioning.529"Hang Wire"Jamie BarberStephen HootsteinSeptember10,2013CA4092.20Annie follows Teo to Copenhagen, where Henry is attending a conference, and disrupts Teo's attempt to assassinate him. She is held by Danish authorities and then suddenly released, to be picked up by Henry and shown his full plan for revenge on Arthur. Henry's men have captured Teo and have one of the missing missile launchers; they use it to destroy a helicopter with six aboard (including an American official) in a way that makes it appear that Teo fired it. In DC, Arthur consults a lawyer about his plan to come clean about Teo. She says that he may escape treason charges as long as Teo's terrorist activities have not resulted in the death of any Americans. Calder tells Auggie that he wants to learn the truth from him rather than turn him in for evidence tampering. They return to CIA headquarters where Auggie helps decrypt the flash drive. Calder is surprised to see the photo of Henry and Eduardo, and Auggie and Joan conclude that he is not working for Henry after all. Annie helps Teo escape from Denmark, but he is shot in the thigh. She drives him to a US base in Germany, where Arthur meets them, but the doctors are unable to save Teo. Rather than return to DC, Annie remains in Germany to find out what Henry is doing there.5310"Levitate Me"Félix AlcaláMatt Corman & Chris OrdSeptember17,2013CA4103.03In the wake of the missile attack and Teo's death, Arthur is brought back to DC and placed in custody, Joan is relieved of duty as DCS, Annie is a fugitive in Germany, and Calder is sent with a team to bring Annie back. She is able to reach Frankfurt, evade pursuit, and discover that Henry had dinner with a woman there on his way to Copenhagen. But Henry's man kills the head of Calder's team; the CIA believe Annie did it and reclassify her as a rogue, to be met with deadly force. Henry is brought into the CIA building as a consultant at the urging of the senator Joan earlier blackmailed. Auggie attacks him and is led out of the building. Auggie and Joan (the latter in the hospital withpreeclampsia) learn that the woman Henry met with was Sana, his ex-wife and Jai's mother. Annie is able to meet with Calder alone on a rooftop and asks for his help. He lets her escape and tells his team and the CIA that she is going to attack a particular floor of a bank. When she does so, he intercepts her elevator and apparently shoots her, telling the CIA she is dead. As she is moved out, Henry's man checks her pulse and believes her dead. She is loaded onto a hearse driven by Eyal, who revives her with an injection, gives her a Mossad file on Sana, and wishes her well as she disappears into the night.5411"Dead"Christine MooreThania St. JohnOctober17,2013CA4112.05Annie changes her appearance and travels to Geneva, where she rents an apartment and join's Sana's grief support group. After a few weeks, Sana has befriended her and given her a job with her fiance's consulting firm. But one of that firm's potential clients turns out to be "Goodman", the agent of Henry's who framed Teo for the helicopter attack. He recognizes Annie, but she is able to attack and subdue him before he can text Henry. As she is loading Goodman into the trunk of his car, Sana stops her at gunpoint. Annie at least temporarily convinces Sana to work with her, and they bring Goodman to Annie's apartment. She begins an enhanced interrogation while Goodman mocks her technique. As she is about to escalate to electric shock, Sana interrupts the interrogation and inadvertently allows Goodman to escape, until he is fatally shot in the ensuing fight with Annie. Annie and Sana then clean the apartment and flee. Meanwhile, in Washington, only Calder and Auggie know that Annie is still alive, and they plot to drive a wedge between Henry and the new DCS, Braithwaite. Joan returns to work in an obscure CIA office, and Arthur is released to house arrest to be with her.5512"Something Against You"Larysa KondrackSteve HarperOctober24,2013CA4121.69Annie and Sana return to Goodman's hotel room where Annie finds a laptop and flash drive in a safe. She cannot break into the laptop without help, but the flash drive contains "evidence" linking Sana's fiance David to the helicopter attack. Without consulting Sana, Annie launches her plot against Henry by planting the evidence on David's computer, whereupon he is taken away for questioning by Interpol. Annie then gets an angry Sana to beg Henry to come to Geneva, where she interrupts their meeting by texting Henry on Goodman's phone. As Goodman, she extorts a large sum of money from Henry, in the hope of identifying his financial network. But just as Henry is about to transfer the money, he learns that Goodman is dead. He finds and confronts Sana (while Annie hides and observes), threatening her and also saying that he will find and kill the "Jessica Matthews" who led her to betray him. Sana then breaks off cooperation with Annie, saying that she has become a monster like Henry. In Washington, Joan notices Auggie talking to Calder in the building (to advance their plot to split Henry and Braithwaite) and she confronts him, but he does not reveal that Annie is alive. Arthur and Joan send Helen to Geneva to find out more about Henry. She visits Auggie before leaving, saying she still loves him. In Geneva, she follows Henry to his last meeting with Sana and afterward observes Annie leaving.5613"No. 13 Baby"Roger KumbleHank ChiltonOctober31,2013CA4131.87Annie and Helen both return to DC, where Annie arranges to meet Calder. Henry asks Calder to find Jessica Matthews, the killer of CIA deep-cover agent Deric Hughes (a/k/a Goodman). Annie finds Hughes' daughter and learns of a cabin in the Virginia woods at a site she knows Henry to have visited; she goes there and takes photos of the interior but cannot get in alone. Calder leads a team to the cabin, but it explodes when they try to enter. From the photos, Auggie and Barber are able to find the key to abook cipherand read an incriminating message from Hughes to Henry on the laptop. Joan and Arthur decide to depose themselves in order to try and reveal the truth about Henry, but Arthur is dismayed when he learns that Joan had authorized Teo's torture in Medellin. Auggie asks Helen to find Annie, who is not yet communicating with him. She tries and fails to tail Calder, but then observes a meeting between Annie and Calder at Annie's gravesite. Annie detects her afterward and they talk. Helen and Auggie have sex, but they both realize that Auggie is still in love with Annie. Annie prepares to go to New York by bus to find Nelson Smith, the man who was going to transfer money to Henry. Henry tracks her to the bus terminal but Helen intercepts him there. He asserts that she is Jessica Matthews; she agrees, whereupon he shoots her. Annie gets off the bus and goes to Auggie's apartment. She knocks on the door, but does not respond when he answers.5714"River Euphrates"Christopher GorhamStephen Hootstein & Julia RuchmanNovember7,2013CA4141.63Annie comes to Auggie with the news of Helen's murder. Auggie, distraught, asks Eric Barber to monitor Henry's house. Annie tracks down Nelson Smith, who ultimately gains the drop on her and threatens to expose her to Henry, only to have her remind him that Henry will likely have him killed once he's finished his work. Smith gives her 48 hours to stop Henry and informs her that he has been moving his money through a Brooklyn diamond dealer to Hong Kong. Joan is visited by Annie's FBI acquaintance Vincent who tells her Henry has been using CIA funds to finance his activities and laundering them through a diamond dealer in New York. Joan visits the dealership and runs into Annie, who explains to her what she's been doing. Joan calls Calder and asks him to detain Henry. Both Calder and Auggie send in teams to raid Henry's house only to find a decoy. Annie, Auggie, and Calder head to Hong Kong to find Henry once and for all.5815"There Goes My Gun"Stephen KayTamara Becher-Wilkinson & Zak SchwartzNovember14,2013CA4151.75In Hong Kong, Annie and Calder track the courier carrying Henry's diamonds but lose him in a crowd just before he passes them off and is then killed by a passing car. Annie goes to the Hong Kong police as a bystander to see their surveillance tapes, and determines that the recipient of the diamond was Oliver Lee, an official of the Chinese Ministry of State Security. They grab Lee and offer to let him keep the diamonds if he helps them catch Henry. Henry foils their attempt to capture him when he meets with Lee, and Annie finally allows herself to be captured in order to give Auggie and Calder time to escape and take Lee to the US in their plane. (Henry is bemused to learn that she is still alive.) Auggie, however, decides at the last minute to remain in Hong Kong. Meanwhile, in DC, Arthur's lawyer Bianca urges him to take a plea bargain, and he determines that she is in league with Henry. When he confronts her at her stables, an assassin arrives and both kills Bianca and stabs Arthur before being killed by Arthur. Arthur is barely able to warn Joan, who kills another assassin sent to their house.5916"Trompe Le Monde"Stephen KayStory by:Matt Corman & Chris Ord
Teleplay by:Lynn Renee MaxcyNovember21,2013CA4162.34Henry takes Annie to his Hong Kong business office. Auggie obtains help at the US consulate, but before his team can assault Henry's office, another strike team does so. Henry escapes in the confusion and takes Annie to a safe house known to the MSS . An MSS agent soon arrives and Henry trades Annie to him for the promise of asylum and protection. He leaves and the agent prepares to interrogate Annie with drugs, but she overpowers him and his companion, extracting at gunpoint the fact that Henry is headed for the train station to escape to Beijing. Auggie creates a traffic jam, forcing Henry to walk where Annie is able to find him in an alley and shoot him. He is presumed dead. In DC, Calder determines that Braithwaite ordered the attack on the office to kill Henry before he could reveal the extent of their cooperation; Braithwaite dies by hanging himself in his office. Calder is made interim DCS and arranges to get Annie out of Hong Kong. On her way out, she talks to Joan and a recovering Arthur, who have just become proud parents of a baby boy.
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(millions)601"Shady Lane"Félix AlcaláMatt Corman & Chris OrdJune24,20141.88Annie has been off the grid for four months since killing Henry; her story of a quiet stay at a beach convinces a polygraph but not Auggie or Calder. Khalid (from season 3) resurfaces in Chicago. He is found and killed but leaves evidence leading to Borz Altan, a Muslim veteran of both the US military and the private security firm of Ryan McQuaid. With a clue given by McQuaid, Annie identifies what appears to be a terror threat against the Chicago Board of Trade but is actually a ruse to get a suicide bomber (Borz' brother) into the CIA's secret Chicago facility, where he kills twelve agents including a close friend of Auggie's. Calder remains as interim DCS, and Joan is placed under him as head of DPD on her return from maternity leave. Annie asks to return to working with Auggie as her handler, but she is concealing a medical condition that causes sudden respiratory attacks. Arthur accepts a job with McQuaid Security. Calder assigns Annie the mission of finding Borz and his backers, who clearly have inside knowledge of CIA operations.612"False Skorpion"Stephen KayStephen HootsteinJuly1,20141.72Annie follows Borz' trail toMaracaiboand tracks him to a mosque, where she instead finds McQuaid with three men. He proposes that they work together, saying his intention is to capture Borz, interrogate him privately for an hour, then turn him over to the CIA. Annie refuses and is eventually able to locate Borz on her own, but in the ensuing struggle she has another attack and passes out. McQuaid takes and questions Borz and his doctor treats Annie; she tells him she has a heart condition and McQuaid agrees to keep her secret. Now cooperating as he proposed, they prepare to drive Borz over the border into Colombia. Meanwhile, Arthur's first day of work includes a dinner meeting with McQuaid's deputy Caitlyn Cook, and Auggie's debriefing by Hayley Price, a member of theNational Counterterrorism Center, leads to a romantic encounter that evening.623"Unseen Power of the Picket Fence"Stephen KayTamara Becher-WilkinsonJuly8,20141.44When their first attempt to leave Venezuela fails, Annie and McQuaid separate from his men and take Borz to Caracas, where he dies in spite of McQuaid's valiant attempts at medical treatment. Annie gets a chance to question Borz first, and by claiming to be able to help his sister (actually dead by Annie's hand) she learns that he met in Washington with someone called "the Postman". Auggie asks an eccentric ex-CIA operative, Roger Bennett, for help in finding this Postman and Bennett reports some results. Caitlyn arranges for Annie and McQuaid to leave Venezuela, and on their return Annie receives a new handgun as a present from McQuaid. Meanwhile, Hayley disclaims any intention to continue having sex with Auggie, but contrives an excuse to visit him and do so. Calder is frustrated with his new administrative responsibilities, and confides this to the prostitute he is regularly seeing.634"Silence Kit"Félix AlcaláZak SchwartzJuly15,20141.52Auggie learns that the Chicago bombers bought their inside information from an NSA employee named Wilson who lives in Washington. Annie is injured in a car accident and hospitalized, where doctors find evidence of her heart condition. She sets out after Wilson on what she believes will be her last night as a CIA field operative, while Senator Pierson receives an award at a gala party. Annie finally tells Auggie about the heart condition, revealing that she went to Eyal to get it diagnosed without the CIA's knowledge. Annie breaks into the office of Wilson's psychotherapist, learns that he is having an affair, and unsuccessfully attempts to use this information to turn Wilson's wife against him. Returning home in despair, she is attacked by Wilson and kills him with her new gun. Evidence then found at Wilson's house prevents an attack on another CIA facility and suggests that the money for the Chicago information came from someone in Paris. Meanwhile, at the party, Arthur convinces Pierson to give a lucrative contract to McQuaid Security, and Joan discovers Calder's secret relationship and urges him to end it. The next day, Annie discovers that Auggie has altered her medical records, so that they can continue to work together.645"Elevate Me Later"Jamie BarberKaren CampbellJuly22,20141.70Auggie and Annie travel to Paris, where Auggie is to get his old hacker friend Natasha (from season 1) to build a software key that will allow them to break into the computer of an ex-FSB man, Ivan Kravec, who is connected to the Chicago bombing. Natasha agrees in return for the FBI dropping the charges that make her unable to travel freely in the US. She builds the key, but the FBI denies Calder's request to clear her. Auggie tells Natasha this against Annie's advice, having vowed to be honest with her. They have sex, and Auggie awakes to find that Annie has stolen the key and used it to complete the mission, drugging Kravec in such a way to make him believe they had a night of rough sex. The bank data from Kravec' computer shows that he paid for the Chicago bombing. Auggie is crushed that Annie betrayed his trust; Annie tells Natasha that she alone was responsible, and Natasha later appears at Auggie's home in DC. Meanwhile, Arthur and Caitlyn visit Iraq and make a sale, and each impresses the other with their bravery when their convoy is attacked.656"Embassy Row"Jamie BarberHenry Alonso MyersJuly29,20141.66Annie flies to Paris, where Kravec is planning a big meeting. He invites her to a party at the Russian embassy; Auggie and his techs disable the computer systems so she will not be recognized by fingerprint or face. But Kravec, not fooled by his earlier encounter, forcibly drugs Annie and puts her in a car trunk planning to take her to Moscow. McQuaid, who was attending the same party intending (he says) to buy Russian helicopters for the DIA , follows and rescues her, also wounding and capturing Kravec for interrogation. Asked again by Annie about his private interview with Borz, he says that he has a mole in his company who is selling secrets, but that Borz was no help in his investigation. In DC, Auggie harbors Natasha and plans to break up with Hayley, but the latter's investigation is turning toward Annie and he decides to continue dating her to monitor it. The same investigation turns up a driver's license for Calder's paramour in her apparent real name, Stephanie Banks. Calder confirms his trust in her and is then told that she was just part of a random check of the attendees at gala. Joan asks Auggie for information on Arthur's trip and learns that he was in serious danger in Iraq. She tells Arthur this and they mutually bemoan their situation. Joan then asks Calder to bring Arthur in to Langley as an outside consultant on Russian intelligence.667"Brink of the Clouds"Félix AlcaláHayley TylerAugust5,20141.64Kravec tells interrogators that he handled the finances of the Chicago bombing for the reclusive terrorist Farouk Al-Tabrizi, who is actually rogue former CIA agent Nathan Mueller, who worked with Auggie before going off the grid several years ago. Kravec sent a courier with cash cards to find him inAzerbaijan, and Annie follows along with McQuaid and two of his men. With the help of a local warlord, they find Mueller's base. Since it is too strong to attack, Calder orders a drone strike to destroy it. Annie and her team are captured and brought inside the base, but are able to escape before the missiles hit. She is grateful to McQuaid, who helped her with another attack during the mission and assures her that she is not in danger of similarly going rogue. In DC, Hayley tells Auggie that she knows about Annie's condition, but he convinces her to at least delay reporting it. Natasha is going out against Auggie's wishes, and observes his date with Hayley by hacking a traffic camera. When he declines to abandon the CIA and run off with her, she leaves, but not before Hayley sees them together. Stephanie is arrested with a Russian client; Calder gets her released and then breaks off with her, but this keeps him away from Langley at a crucial time and earns him a rebuke from Joan. Bennett tells Auggie he has important further information about Mueller.678"Grounded"Larysa KondrackiHank ChiltonAugust12,20141.62Hayley reports Annie's heart condition to Calder, who removes Annie from field work, and to her superiors, who become suspicious about the entire CIA investigation of the bombing. Bennett tells Auggie and Annie that Kravec (now back in Russia after a spy trade) lied about Mueller being his backer. For $100K, Bennett says, a source in the Russian embassy will give him files revealing the truth. Annie gets the money from McQuaid, who conceals its destination from Caitlyn, and takes it to Bennett's apartment. There she is disturbed when Bennett lashes out at an unfamiliar man in the hallway. Summoned along with Calder and Joan to a meeting with the deputyDirector of National Intelligence, Annie leaves the building to answer a frantic call from Bennett asking her to meet him at adistant train station. McQuaid takes her there in his helicopter, but they find Bennett dead, hit by a car and leaving a briefcase filled with documents about conspiracy theories. Calder is nearly replaced, and Joan suspends Annie from duty. Later she tells Arthur that she is worried that the CIA will find out what happened several years ago in the Balkans. Annie visits McQuaid at his house, and after a pleasant overnight conversation they are interrupted, Annie by a phone call from Auggie (who suspects that Bennett was framed and killed), and McQuaid by a visitor (the dog walker from Bennett's hallway).689"Spit on a Stranger"Emile LevisettiJoseph SousaAugust19,20141.63Having learned with Auggie that the dog walker is a former McQuaid employee, Annie resigns from the CIA and takes up McQuaid's offer of a job. With Auggie's help she is soon able to copy the files on McQuaid's computer, and they find that several former McQuaid employees including Borz are part of an organization called "Flint". McQuaid then tells Annie, before being asked, that Flint does covert operations for the DoD outside of McQuaid's main company. Arthur is able to more or less verify this for Annie, and also provide an address linked to Flint. There Annie finds a deserted factory, and as she begins to investigate a basement she is met by Caitlyn, who says she followed her there to protect the company from her spying. They both go downstairs where they are attacked by two men; Caitlyn kills one and the other escapes. Arthur, Caitlyn, and Annie then examine the basement, find signs of a recent explosion, and conclude that it was used to plan the Chicago bombing. They tell Calder and Joan, who order McQuaid's arrest. That night McQuaid comes to Annie's apartment, tipped off about the manhunt. Held at gunpoint by Annie, he tells her to trust her instincts and either shoot him or let him go. She chooses the latter, and then lies to Auggie about having seen him. Calder learns that Auggie falsified Annie's medical records, but declines to pursue the matter after Auggie and Annie's suspicions are vindicated.6910"Sensitive Euro Man"Larysa KondrackiTamara Becher-WilkinsonAugust26,20141.79With Ryan a fugitive, Arthur and Caitlyn attempt to carry out McQuaid Security's last contract, providing security for the signing of a treaty negotiated by US-educatedGeorgiandiplomat Alex Belenko. Caitlyn opens the firm to the CIA's investigation of Ryan, but hides Ryan's personal laptop. Annie meets with Ryan in an arboretum, then watches with a sniper rifle when Ryan meets with Caitlyn. She gives him the laptop, in which Ryan discovers a tracking device set to transmit when he turns it on. Ryan and Annie go to the former's well-prepared safe house, where they have sex and then turn on the laptop. Three assassins soon arrive and are easily overpowered. They have brought material which Annie realizes is meant to frame Ryan for a bomb attack on the treaty signing. She tells Auggie to have the hotel evacuated and both go there. Annie is stopped by Hayley, who eventually trusts her enough to help her stop the motorcade, where one of the cars contains the bomb. Ryan enters the building and confronts Caitlyn, who shoots him. Annie then finds Caitlyn in the parking garage; they fight, but Alex arrives and shoots Caitlyn dead before Annie can capture her. Alex returns to Georgia, telling someone on the phone that his plan in Istanbul will continue without Caitlyn's help. Ryan is hospitalized, and Auggie and Hayley agree to a truce as she leaves for a new job. Meanwhile, Calder asks his former paramour for help in getting information from her Russian embassy client, after Joan's embassy asset proves uncooperative.7011"Trigger Cut"Stephen KayStephen HootsteinNovember6,20147112"Starlings of the Slipstream"November13,20147213"She Believes"November20,20147314"Transport is Arranged"December4,20147415"Frontwards"December11,20147516"Gold Soundz"December18,2014
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