bule_bule -成员介绍
Simon Webbe全名:Simon Solomon Webbe
最喜欢的歌手:Method Man
最喜欢的专辑:Method Man的《Tical》,《Save The Last Dance》电影原声.
最喜欢的歌曲:Method Man的《Tical》
最喜欢的书:《Monster Kody》
最喜欢电影《Belly》(由DMX和Method Man主演)
最喜欢的影星:Wesley Snipes
最喜欢的足球队;Man Utd
最喜欢的服装品牌:Foot Locker
This means "hearkening" or "listening" from Hebrew shim'on. The New Testament presents Simon as the most importnat of Jesus' apostles. It is of Greek nationality, Hebrew orgin and means "God is heard".
This means "peace" from the Hebrew name Shlomo. Solomon was a king of Israel, son of David, renowed for his wisdom.
Can't find anything on this at the moment!
全名:Duncan Mathew James
最喜欢的歌手:Marvin Gaye
最喜欢的专辑:Natalie Imbruglia《Left Of The Middle》,《Reservorir Dogs》电影原声
最喜欢的歌曲:Marvin Gake的《What's Goin'on》
最喜欢的书:《Catcher In The Rye》
最喜欢电影:《The Fifth Element》
最喜欢的影星:Brad Pitt
自我形容:"我喜欢Robbie Williams一切,和尊重所有喜欢Robbie Williams的Fans"
A two syllable boy's name of Celtic orgin. Means a dark one, chief. The ethnic background of Duncan include Scottish, English and Welsh. Also means "brown warrior" and "dark chief".
"Gift of Jehovah" from the Hebrew name Mattityahu.
This is of English nationality and it's origin is Hebrew. It means "the surrplanter".
全名:Antony Daniel Costa
最喜欢的歌手:George Michael
最喜欢的专辑:George Michael的《Faith》
最喜欢的歌曲:《Father Figure》
最喜欢的书:《Off Mice And Men》
最喜欢电影:《The Commitments》
最喜欢的电视节目:《Only Fools And Horses》
最喜欢的影星:Al Pacino
From the Roman family name Antonius, which is of unknownEtruscanorigin. It is sometimes claimed to mean "flower" from Greek anthos. Mark Antony was the Roman general who ruled the Roman empire jointly with Augustus for a short time. Their relationship turned sour however, and he and his mistress Cleopatra were attacked and forced to commit suicide. Shakespeare's tragedy 'Antony and Cleopatra' is based on them. Also, Saint Anthony was a 3rd-century hermit from Egypt who founded monasticism.
"God is my judge" from the Hebrew name Daniyel. Daniel was a Hebrew prophet whose story is told in the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament. He lived during the Jewish captivity in Babylon, where he served in the court of the king, rising to prominence by interpreting the king's dreams. The book also presents Daniel's four visions of the end of the world.
This is of Greek orgin and means "firm" and "constant".

全名:Lee Ryan
眼睛颜色:蓝 绿色
最喜欢的歌手:Stevie Wonder
最喜欢的专辑:BoyzIIMen的《Evolution》,Marvin Gaye的《Greatest Hits》
最喜欢的歌曲:Stevie Wonder的《Superstition》
最喜欢的书:《The Basketball Diaries》
最喜欢电影:《Fight Clur》
最喜欢的电视节目:《The Young Ones》
最喜欢的影星:Edward Norton
最喜欢的饮料: 红牛
最喜欢的味道:Cool Chanel
最喜欢的足球队:Charlton Athletic
bule_bule -乐队经历
2001年,Duncan与Antony提议要筹组一个和声团体,经过一番寻觅,找到了歌技出众的Lee与好友Simon,从此Blue就这样诞生了。那么为什么要取名叫Blue,其实理由很简单,因为他们每个人都拥有一副蓝调(Blue)好嗓,4人凭着绝佳默契和演唱实力,很快就受到Virgin集团旗下Innocent音乐厂牌赏识,并由当初打造 史上最早、早成功团体Take That的原班制作班底崭新策划,全力栽培他们成为英国新世纪第一R&B偶像实力双重合一男声团体。
Antony生于1981年6月23日的Middlesex。在他加入Blue之前就有着令人印象深刻的履历。曾经在<Grange Hill>、<The Bill>中担任角色,并且在BBC的节目中领衔。尽管他的声音比较平实,在遇到Duncan之前他也没有将演唱作为今生追逐的职业理想。
Lee他是乐队中年轻的成员,生于1983年6月17日的伦敦东南。在BlackheTH长大,在戏剧学校学习,但他却不喜欢老师,"他们老是让你朝着正统的音乐靠拢,而我只想成为乐队的一员。"在打定了主意后,Lee参加了多次的试唱,终于在Holby City遇到了Duncan和乐队的其他人。
Simon是乐队中最年长的,生于1979年3月30日的Manchester。多年来,Simon一直想成为一个职业足球运动员,也曾经和Port Vale队签约。在随队走过了多个城市后,很偶然地,他被伯明翰的一个Hip-Hop演唱组Criminal Damage的音乐吸引,最终他决定离开足球队,来到伦敦加入了Blue。
同年5月发行了他们大受欢迎的第一张单曲"All Rise",这支单曲在英国的单曲排行榜上取得了第4名的成绩并在前10名停留了5周。接下来的两支单曲"If You Come Back"和"Too Close"更是取得了骄人的成绩。这两首单曲都取得了英国的单曲排行榜的第一名,每一张单曲也卖出了超过20万。
随着他们倍受瞩目的<All Rise>专辑的推出,男孩们取得了更进一步的成功。<All Rise>到目前为止一共售出150万张,占据英国专辑排行榜榜首长达23周。同时被台湾偶像新代表B.A.D翻唱为中文版本"Oh I!",与Blue做了一次成功的跨国合作。
2002年,来自他们首张专辑<All Rise>的第4支单曲"Fly By II"也进了全英排行榜前10名。经过重新的编排和混音后成为了一首非常成功的电台热门歌曲,在电台的排行榜也列居榜首,直到现在这首歌也是英国许多电台节目最钟情的曲目。
在夏天完成了全球宣传后,2002年11月Blue发行了他们的第2张专辑<One Love>。这是一张非常经典的R&B和流行曲风的专辑,集合了许多最棒的音乐创作人和制作人,专辑取得了英国专辑排行榜的第1名。在英国售出了130万张而在全世界更是达到了270万张之多,专辑的主打歌<One Love>一经发行就直奔英国排行榜第3名,同时成为Blue又一首冠军电台歌曲。还与亚洲数多位歌手共同联手合作了一支亚洲版本的<One Love>,曲中伴奏带有很强的中国风格(二胡声),在亚洲的人气更是非同凡响!
很快另一支单曲也在年底12月发行。这是男孩们和国际巨星又被称为有"英国国宝"之称的Elton John合作翻唱他1976年的经典伤心情歌"Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word",这支单曲成为Blue的第三支英国冠军单曲。
随着第2张专辑<One Love>的发行,Blue也开始了他们第一次真正的巡演。在英国和爱尔兰的举办了演唱会。设非尔德、卡地夫、伯明翰、纽卡斯尔、格拉斯哥、曼切斯特以及伦敦... 演唱会非常的成功,他们每到一个地方都受到歌迷的热烈欢迎。
将快要结束的2002年里Bue取得了许多奖项,包括2002年度TOTP的最佳流行表演团体。Smash hits 2002年度最佳英国组合、最佳现场表演奖。在Heat、Hot Stars,Daily Star、的年终票选中也获得了最佳组合的称号。
2003年3月<One Love>专辑里的第三首单曲"U Make Me Wanna"紧随其后发行的第一周在英国排行榜就取得了第5名的佳绩,这支单曲的录影带在南非的一艘帆船上拍摄完成,十分具有美感,很快就流行于世界各地的各个音乐频道。也被评为<One Love>专辑里里最棒的一首歌!在这支单曲在英国发行之前,被萧亚轩翻唱为中文版本,和声以及录影带都是由萧亚轩和Blue合作完成的。
2003年6月,热爱和平的Lee同其他歌手共同完成了一张反战专辑<Warchild: Hope>。主要是说明在战争中受到伤害的孩子们.... 而Lee的这首反战歌曲"Stand Up As People"更是受到好评,在英国CD:UK也有表演。
Blue也获得了来自世界各地的奖项。首都电台最后欢迎的组合,"One Love"获得MTV日本台的最佳音乐录影带、MTV亚洲音乐大奖最佳国际流行组合连续两届。Blue的成功已不仅仅是在英国,他们在新西兰、意大利、德国、法国、比利时、瑞典、挪威、丹麦、香港、台湾、马来西亚、泰国、爱尔兰等国家都取得了巨大的成功。
2003年底Blue又获得了许多年终的票选大奖。The Sun读者最受欢迎的流行团体,在Heat、Hotstar、Stars、Daily Star也获得了最佳组合的称号。
在2003年12月Blue和被称为"传奇人物的"灵魂歌手Stevie Wonder与天后Angie Storn重新演绎了1970年Stevie Wonder的经典之作"signed,Sealed,Delivered,I'am Yours",男孩们飞到美国洛杉矶和Stevie Wonder与Angie Storn录制了这首歌,并且在洛杉矶的一屋顶和他们拍摄了很时尚的录影带。
成功进入了排行榜的前5名的"Breathe Easy"在2004年3月发行。这是一首由Lee与制作组Deekay共同完成并且非常动听的曲目,它在巡演中非常受欢迎。这支单曲的录影带是Lee和著名的录影带导演Cameron CAasey在布拉格共同完成的。"Breathe Easy"也成功的成为在全球都大受欢迎的歌曲,在许多排行榜上都进入了前10还特别制作了意大利语的版本"A Chi Mi Dice"在意大利取得了第一名。
2004年6月"Bubblin' "也和大家见面了,同时也进入了排行榜的前十名。这是Antony与制作组Deekay共同完成的,这首歌又回到了他们最擅长的R&B曲风。同时经过Simon的重新制作加入了由他的公司Love 4 Music一手打造的R&B组合L.A.D.E的说唱部分。而还有一个与法国组合Link Up合作的版本,命名为"You And Me Bubblin' "。
同月,Blue与Kool and the Gang以及著名说唱女歌手Lil Kim共同合作为Kool and the Gang这张合唱了专辑<The Hits Reloaded>的新歌"Get Down On It"。
2004年10月,Duncan与Keedie合唱了歌曲"I Believe My Heart",这是作为Blue时期,唯一以个人形式发行的单曲。
2004年11月15日Blue的精选辑<Best Of Blue>在前呼万唤中推出,这张由15首经典歌曲加上他们完美的合音再一次证明了Blue已经到达了事业的顶峰。他们为观众和那些热爱高水平音乐的人们创作和表演最经典最棒的流行歌曲。
在精选推出之前,11月8日一首全心的非常动听的单曲"Curtian Falls"和歌迷见面,这是男孩们和多产的制作人Stargate的合作。整首歌以Stevie Wonder的经典力作"Lasttime Paradise"为蓝本创作出来加以Blue强有力的声音以及极具感染力的合音使它成为一首完美的经典之作。同时也为法国歌迷特别制作了法国语的版本"Quand Le Rideau Tombe"
2005年年初1月,Blue又演绎了一个属于自己的"Get Down On It"版本,这是作为精选辑<Best Of Blue>的第2支单曲,而录影带的风格就类似了与BSB的"The One"录影带风格。
这时,Blue在意大利的人气简直是非同凡响的... 恰好Simon在意大利。2005年5月发行了这支意大利版本的"Only Words I Konw"其中增加了Simon用意大利语的说唱部分,这支单曲获得意大利单曲排行榜的第1名,这支单曲是男孩们以团队的形式发行的最后一张单曲。
随后,为了回报意大利的歌迷。发行了一张名为<4EVER Blue>的意大利地区专辑。主打歌曲就是Simon精心为意大利歌迷录制的"Only Words I Konw"意大利版本,而剩余曲目是来自Blue组建以来所有唱过的B-Side、一些现场版本以及Duncan的那支单曲"I Believe My Heart"。当然,这张专辑的成绩也非常棒,直蹦意大利专辑排行榜的第1名。
2005年6月,因Lee喉咙病情延期的<Best Of Blue>巡演恢复了... 巡演期间,男孩们在英国、德国等国家与地区进行了表演...
出乎预料的是,2005年7月。台湾也发行了名为<4EVER Blue>的专辑,而这就是属于台湾地区的版本了。在曲目方面与意大利版本的差异还是比较大,但另外增加了一张DVD/VCD视频内容。 从此可见Blue在台湾的人气真的是很高!在台湾作为男孩团体的No.1非Blue莫属。
Best Of Blue巡演虽然的落幕,但是我们可以肯定的是这仅仅是Blue故事第一张的结束...
bule_bule -歌曲推荐
Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest World(Feat. Elton John)
(Sorry seems to be the hardest word)
What I got to do to make you love me?
What I got to do to make you care?
What do I do when lightning strikes me?
And I wake to find that you're not there?
What I got to do to make you want me?
What I got to do to be heard?
What do I say when it's all over?
Sorry seems to be the hardest word.
It's sad, so sad
It's a sad, sad situation.
And it's getting more and more absurd.
It's sad, so sad
Why can't we talk it over?
Oh it seems to me
That sorry seems to be the hardest word.
What do I do to make you want me?
What I got to do to be heard?
What do I say when it's all over?
Sorry seems to be the hardest word.
It's sad, so sad
It's a sad, sad situation.
And it's getting more and more absurd.
It's sad, so sad
Why can't we talk it over?
Oh it seems to me
That sorry seems to be the hardest word.
What I got to do to make you love me?
What I got to do to be heard?
What do I do when lightning strikes me?
What have I got to do?
What have I got to do?
When sorry seems to be the hardest word.
see if you can relate to this one
hope i'm not disturbing you
because you look in thought right now
i don't mean to be rude
cause this is normally not my style
can i take you out
i feel if i don't ask chance will pass
and i'll never see your face again
i'll never see your face again
you may be thinking i am strange
not every single day
beauty comes my way,
do you believe in love at first sight,
tell me does that book that you are reading
tell the story of your life
do you believe in love at first sight
should i walk on by,
turn a blind eye, to love
love at first sight
i could be the man for you
i can make all your dreams come true
maybe i'm a fool
for saying i'm in love with you
you may be thinking i am strange
not every single day
beauty comes my way
do you believe in love at first sight,
tell me does that book that you are reading
tell the story of your life
do you believe in love at first sight
should i walk on by,
turn a blind eye, to love
love at first sight
you say fare well
i say so long
you say goodbye
i'll say you're wrong
cause here in my arms you belong
do you believe in love at first sight,
tell me does that book that you are reading
tell the story of your life
do you believe in love at first sight
should i walk on by,
turn a blind eye, to love
love at first sight
do you believe in love at first sight,
tell me does that book that you are reading
tell the story of your life
do you believe in love at first sight
should i walk on by,
turn a blind eye, to love
love at first sight
to love, love at first sight….
You know you make me wanna.
You know you make me wanna.
To start it off I know you know me
To come to think of it, it was only last week.
That I had a dream about us, oh.
That’s why I am here, I’m writing this song.
To tell the truth you know I have been hurting all along,
Someway let me know, you want me girl.
Everytime you see me what do you see?
I feel like I’m a poor man and you’re the queen.
Oh baby, you’re the only thing that I really need.
Baby that’s why…
You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night.
You make me wanna hold you till the morning light.
You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.
You make me wanna surrender my soul.
I know this is a feeling that I just can’t fight.
You’re the first and last thing on my mind.
You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.
You make me wanna surrender my soul.
Well I know that these feelings won’t end no, no.
They’ll just get stronger if I see you again.
Baby I’m tired of being friends.
I wanna know if you feel the same
And could you tell me do you feel my pain?
Don’t leave me in doubt.
Everytime you see me what do you see?
I feel like I’m a poor man and you’re the queen.
Oh baby, you’re the only thing that I really need.
And baby that’s why…
You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night.
You make me wanna hold you till the morning light.
You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.
You make me wanna surrender my soul.
I know this is a feeling that I just can’t fight.
You’re the first and last thing on my mind.
You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.
You make me wanna surrender my soul.
I’ll take you home real quick
And sit you down on the couch
Pour someDOM PERIGNONandHit The Lightsout.
Baby we can make sweet love.
Then we’ll take it nice and slow.
I´m gonna touch you like you’ve never know before
We’re gonna make love all night.
You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night.
You make me wanna hold you till the morning light.
You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.
You make me wanna surrender my soul.
I know this is a feeling that I just can’t fight.
You’re the first and last thing on my mind.
You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.
You make me wanna surrender my soul.
t's kinda funny
How life can change
Can flip 180 in a matter of days
Sometimes love works in
Mysterious ways
One day U wake up
Gone without a trace
I refuse to give up
I refuse to give in
You're my everythin'
I don't wanna give up
I don't wanna give in
So everybody sing
One love for the mother's pride
One love for the times we cried
One love gotta stay alive...I will survive
One love for the city streets
One love for the hip hop beats
One love ohI Do Believe
One love is all we need
Late at night I'm still wide awake
Feelin' this is one more than I can take
I thought my heart could
Never break
Now I know that's one big mistake
I refuse to give up
I refuse to give in
You're my everythin'
I don't wanna give up
I don't wanna give in
Everybody sing
One love for the mother's pride
One love for the times we cried
One love gotta stay alive...I will survive
One love for the city streets
One love for the hip hop beats
One love oh I do believe
One love is all we need
Baby just love me love me love me
Baby just hold me hold me hold me
Ooooh love me love me love me
Oh yeah..one love
Baby just love me love me love me
Baby just hold me hold me hold me
Ooooh love me love me love me
One love for the mother's pride
One love for the times we cried
One love gotta stay alive...I will survive
One love for the city streets
One love for the hip hop beats
One love oh I do believe
One love is all we need
One love for the mother's pride
One love for the times we cried
One love gotta stay alive...I will survive
One love for the city streets
One love for the hip hop beats
One love oh I do believe
One love is all we need
from the moment i met you
i just knew you'd be mine
you touched my hand
and i knew that this was gonna be our time
i don't ever wanna lose this feeling
i don't wanna spend a moment apart
'cause you bring out the best in me
like no-one else can do
that's why i'm by your side
and that's why i love you
every day that i'm here with you
i know that it feels right
and i've just got to be near you
every day and every night
and you know that we belong together
it just had to be you and me
'cause you bring out the best in me
like no-one else can do
that's why i'm by your side
and that's why i love you
and you know that we belong together
it just had to be you and me
'cause you bring out the best in me
like no-one else can do
that's why i'm by your side
'cause you bring out the best in me
like no-one else can do
that's why i'm by your side,
and that's why i love you
'cause you bring out the best in me
like no-one else can do
that's why i'm by your side
and that's why i love you