Luke Bryan ,美国乡村创作歌手。出道前曾为Travis Tritt和Billy Currington等乡村歌手创作歌曲。2006年年底正式以歌手身份出道,歌手生涯首单All My Friends Say引发热议,当时诸多音乐人看好Luke的前途。到15年3月份,Luke已发行六张Spring Break EP、一张Spring Break合辑和四张录音室专辑,成为美国当红乡村歌手之一。Luke在07年8月发行了自己个人的首张专辑I'll Stay Me,之后Luke以两年一张的速度发专:09年10月发行第二张专辑Doin' My Thing,这张专辑中诞生了两首乡村榜冠军单曲;11年8月发行第三张专辑Tailgates & Tanlines,这张专辑获得了巨大的成功,拥有700万的单曲下载量和230万的专辑销量,也让Luke在美国村界的地位大幅提升;13年8月发行第四张专辑Crash My Party,这张专辑不仅首周大卖50W,累积销量超过230W,还诞生了五首乡村电台冠军单曲,这也使Luke成为继Brad Paisley和Blake Shelton之后第三个获得一专五冠的乡村歌手。
luke bryan_Luke Bryan -个人简介
Luke Bryan and Huge Jackman
姓名:Luke Bryan (Thomas Luther Bryan)
来自美国的乡村歌手Thomas Luther 'Luke' Bryan
生于1976年7月17日,Lessburg,Georgia。在2006年年底他发行了自己的首支单曲'All My Friends Say',并且在Billboard乡村榜上最高排名第5,引发热议。当时诸多音乐人看好Luke的前程,而后来Luke也不负众望,逐渐成为美国乡村歌手中生代的代表人物。
Luke在07年8月发行了自己个人的首张专辑I'll Stay Me,之后Luke以两年一张的速度发专:09年10月发行第二张专辑Doin' My Thing,这张专辑中诞生了两首乡村榜冠军单曲;11年8月发行第三张专辑Tailgates & Tanlines,这张专辑获得了巨大的成功,拥有700万的单曲下载量和230万的专辑销量,也让Luke在美国村界的地位大幅提升;13年8月发行第四张专辑Crash My Party,这张专辑不仅首周大卖50W,累积销量超过230W,还诞生了五首乡村电台冠军单曲,这也使Luke成为继Brad Paisley和Blake Shelton之后第三个获得一专五冠的乡村歌手。此外他还开辟了自己独有的Spring Break系列EP,这系列EP从09年开始每年3月发行一张,春假EP主打沙滩派对的主题,在学生团体中有巨大的影响。Luke在13年3月发行的首张Spring Break合辑,首周空降Billboard专辑榜冠军,成为了他的第一张冠专。
15年1月,Luke宣布15年3月将发行最后一张Spring Break EP,春假系列也就此正式结束。
15年5月19日,发行全新单曲Kick The Dust Up,并宣布第五张录音室专辑Kill the Lights将于8月7日发行。
在国内,Luke Bryan的粉丝对其有两种称呼,一种是撸撸(来自Luke的谐音,比较亲切的一种称呼),另一种是白牙(因为Luke的牙齿很白,而Bryan的谐音也与“白牙”相近)。国外的粉丝则一般会亲切地叫Luke的原名Luther。
Luke's Family
Luke Bryan曾经有一个哥哥Chris Bryan和一个姐姐Kelly Cheshire,结果哥哥Chris死于车祸(1995年)。而姐姐在带领全村人看了一场Luke的演唱会后几天无故死于家中(2007年),哥哥和姐姐的相继去世让Luke十分伤心,这也成为了他的阴影。在2013年发行的专辑Crash My Party里的歌曲Drink A Beer
2006年12月8日,Luke和他的大学恋人Caroline Boyer结婚。2008年3月18日两人生下他们的第一个儿子Thomas Bryan,2010年8月11日两人再生一子Tatem Bryan。
Bryan在Georigia,Leesburg长大。在他14岁的时候,他的父母给他买了一把吉他。在学会了弹奏吉他之后,Bryan加入了许多当地的乐队并且开始在当地的俱乐部中演出。高中毕业后,Bryan计划搬到田纳西州的Nashville,但是由于兄弟Chris的过世这一计划不得不被延迟。在那之后他考入了Georgia Southern大学并且成为Sigma Chi兄弟会的一员。在大学期间,Luke继续在他的唱歌和作曲技巧上努力不懈,创作并发行了一张专辑,并且在他表演的时候发售。
正式出道前,Luke参与创作的Billy Currington的歌曲Good Diretions在乡村分榜上夺冠,为他积累了一定的人气。
Luke Bryan
2007年8月7日,Luke通过Capitol发行了个人的第一张专辑I'll Stay Me。
在2009年的3月,Luke通过数字渠道(iTunes/Amazon等)发行了一张名为Spring Break With All My Friends的EP专辑。自此每年的3月左右(除13年),Luke都会发行一张Spring Break EP。发行EP的同时,Luke与来自Lady Antebellum的Charles Kelley及Dave Haywood一起创作了'Do I',Lady Antebellum的主唱Hillary Scott在这首歌中以背景声的身份出现。该歌曲于2009年5月9日首发并且排在了乡村单曲音乐第53的位置。最高排名为亚军,这首歌也成为了Luke的代表作之一。
2009年10月6日,Luke发行了他的第二张专辑Doin' My Thing。该专辑除了收入了在美国Billboard乡村分榜上排名第二位的'Do I',还包含了一首翻唱OneRepublic的'Apologize',这首歌让不少国内的音乐爱好者第一次知道Luke Bryan这个人。此外,专辑的两首单曲Rain Is A Good Thing和Someone Else Calling You Baby在乡村榜上夺冠。
Luke Bryan
2011年8月9日,Luke发行了他的第三张专辑Tailgates & Tanlines,首周空降Billboard专辑榜第二。虽然首单Country Girl(Shake It For Me)在乡村榜上最高只取得第四的成绩,但之后由于各种原因,反而成为了Luke至今累计销量最高的单曲,也成为了他的代表作之一。接下来的三首单曲I Don't Want This Night to End、Drunk On You、Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye都顺利在分榜上夺冠,而Drunk On You同样成为了脍炙人口的作品。
2013年3月5日日,Luke将前四张EP的歌曲再加上两首新歌共十四首歌曲打包,发行了第一张Spring Break合辑――Spring Break...Here To Party,首周空降BIllboard专辑榜冠军,Luke也收获了职业生涯的第一张冠军专辑。
2013年8月13日,Luke发行了自己的第四张正式专辑Crash My Party,首周卖出50W、并再次空降专辑榜冠军。该专辑六首单曲的五首歌Crash My Party、Drink A Beer、Play It Again、Roller Coaster和I See You都顺利在乡村电台榜上夺冠,Luke也成为继Brad Paisley和Blake Shelton后第三位获得一专五冠的乡村歌手。第二首单曲That's My Kind Of Night虽然累计销量不错,成绩也好,但由于主题隐含Bro-Country而饱受许多其它乡村歌手的诟病。
2014年3月11日,Luke继续自己的Spring Break系列,发行了Spring Break 6...Like We Ain't Ever,空降专辑榜亚军。
2015年1月21日,Luke举行了发布会,宣布将于15年5月8号开启Kick The Dust Up Tour,也就是他的个人第三轮巡演。同时宣布了3月10日将发行Spring Break系列的最后一部――Spring Break...Checkin' Out.,并表示正式的新专辑已完成4首歌的录制,将于15年发行
15年3月10日,Spring Break...Checkin' Out发行,春假系列圆满结束。
15年5月1日,Luke在巡演上首演了新歌Kick The Dust Up,5月8日宣布该歌曲将在两周内发行,个人第五张专辑将于下半年发行。5月19日,该歌曲正式发行,在采访中宣布新专辑Kill the Lights将于8月7日发行。
luke bryan_Luke Bryan -音乐唱片
2007I'll Stay Me 2007年8月14日
2009 Doin' My Thing 2007年8月14日
2006 Luke Bryan EP 2006年10月31日
2009 Spring Break with All My Friends 2009年3月10日
2007 "All My Friends Say"
2007"We Rode in Trucks"
2008 "Country Man"
2009 "Do I"
2010 "Rain Is a Good Thing"
2008 "Run Run Rudolph"
2007"All My Friends Say"
2007 "We Rode in Trucks"
2008 "Country Man"
2008 "Run Run Rudolph"
2009 "Do I"
2010 "Rain Is a Good Thing"
luke bryan_Luke Bryan -专辑资料
专辑英文名: I'll Stay Me 歌手: Luke Bryan 风格:乡村 发行时间: 2007年8月14日 唱片公司: Capitol 地区: 美国 语言: 英语 简介: 专辑介绍: Luke Bryan的首发专辑《I'll stay me》可以说一问世就惊艳了所有挑剔的耳朵,BILLBOARD杂志在年初就将他作为唯一的乡村乐歌手列入“2007年最值得关注的新面孔”的名单中。 在这种专辑中,Luke 包揽了大多数的词曲创作,收割机、田地里撒野、乡下的老妈妈就是他的真实生活。从每一首歌里都可以感受他的才华和质朴的心灵,他的感情和对生活的积极解读。源于生活、写实生活也许就是乡村乐永远最打动人心的一面吧。 专辑曲目: 01. All My Friends Say 02. Baby's On the Way 03. The Car In Front Of Me 04. Pray About Everything 05. We Rode In Trucks 06. I'll Stay Me 07. First Love Song 08. Country Man 09. Over the River 10. You Make Me Want To 11. Tackle Box
专辑英文名: Doin' My Thing 歌手: Luke Bryan 风格: 乡村 发行时间: 2009年10月6日 唱片公司: Capitol 地区: 美国 语言: 英语 简介: 专辑介绍: 对于这张专辑的声音,Bryan在接受CMT的采访时说到,“我们想创作一张大卖的专辑,和我之前的专辑有些不同全新专辑。我想通过该专辑的音乐和歌词向人们展示我的进步。” 专辑曲目: 01. Rain Is a Good Thing 02. Doin' My Thing 03. Do I 04. What Country Is 05. Someone Else Calling You Baby 06. Welcome to the Farm 07. Apologize 08. Every Time I See You 09. Chuggin' Along 10. I Did It Again 11. Drinkin' Beer and Wastin' Bullets 12. Ya'll Can Have This Town
luke bryan_Luke Bryan -单曲成绩
年份所属专辑单曲名Billboard Airplay
BillboardBillboard Canda
2007I'll Stay Me"All My Friends Say"559―"We Rode in Trucks"33――2008"Country Man"1074―2009Doin' My Thing"Do I"23466年份所属专辑单曲名
Billboard CountrBillboard Country AirplayBillboardBillboard Canada CountryBillboard Canada认证情况2010Doin' My Thing"Rain Is a Good Thing"―137―57"Someone Else Calling You Baby"―156―842011Tailgates & Tanlines"Country Girl (Shake It for Me)"―422―50"I Don't Want This Night to End"―122―482012"Drunk on You"―116―28"Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye"3129―462013Crash My Party"Crash My Party"2118118"That's My Kind of Night"1215219"Drink a Beer"11311342014"Play It Again"1114120"Roller Coaster"5143156"I See You"11411512015Kill the Lights"Kick The Dust Up"28261115-
注:1.“―” 代表未统计或未进榜。下同。
4.2012年后乡村榜单改革,因此在2012年前没有Billboard Country的成绩。
年份单曲名主唱Billboard CountryBillboard Country AirplayBillboardBillboard Canada CountryBillboard Canada认证情况所属专辑2012"The Only Way I Know"Jason Aldean (with Eric Church)5140253Night Train2014"This Is How We Roll"Florida Georgia Line1216220Here's to the Good Times...This Is How We Roll年份
单曲名Billboard Country
Billboard Country Airplay
Billboard Hot 100
Canada Billboard 100
2008"Run Run Rudolph"―42――Country for Christmas2010"Wild Weekend"――117―Spring Break 2… Hangover Edition2013"Buzzkill"20597463Spring Break… Here to Party"Just a Sip"37―118―"In Love with the Girl"40―――"Suntan City"43―――"If You Ain't Here to Party"44―――"Take My Drunk Ass Home"49―――"Dirt Road Diary"32―117―Crash My Party"Beer in the Headlights"45―――2014"Hairy Christmas" (with Willie Robertson)4945――Duck the Halls: A Robertson Family Christmas"Good Lookin' Girl"31―――Spring Break 6… Like We Ain't Ever"She Get Me High"33―――"Like We Ain't Ever"37――522015"Games"21209246Spring Break… Checkin' Out"Spring Breakdown"33―116―"You and the Beach"39―――"My Ol' Bronco"44―――
2007"All My Friends Say"Shaun Silva"We Rode in Trucks"2008"Country Man"Luke Bryan"Run Run Rudolph"Unknown
2009"Do I"Shaun Silva2010"Rain Is a Good Thing"2011"It's a Shore Thing"Potsy Ponciroli"Country Girl (Shake It for Me)"Shaun Silva"If You Ain't Here to Party"Michael Monaco"I Don't Want This Night to End"Shaun Silva2012"Suntan City"Michael Monaco"Drunk on You"Shaun Silva"Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye""The Only Way I Know" (live)
(with Jason Aldean and Eric Church )Paul Miller2013"Buzzkill"Michael Monaco"Crash My Party"Shaun Silva"That's My Kind of Night" (live)Michael Monaco"That's My Kind of Night"Shaun Silva"Drink a Beer" (live)Paul Miller2014"This Is How We Roll"
(with Florida Georgia Line )Marc Klasfeld"She Get Me High"Michael Monaco"Play It Again""Roller Coaster"2015"Spring Breakdown"
luke bryan_Luke Bryan -获奖记录

CMT Music Awards
ACC Awards (原ACA)
luke bryan_Luke Bryan -巡演
Luke Bryan
巡演嘉宾:Thompson Square、Florida Georgia Line
"Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye"
"Country Man"
"Someone Else Calling You Baby"
"Rain Is a Good Thing"
"Crash My Party"
"That's My Kind of Night"
"Muckalee Creek Water"
"Suntan City"
"If You Ain't Here to Party"
"One More Night" (Maroon 5 cover)
"Locked Out of Heaven" (Bruno Mars cover)
"Too Damn Young"
"Dirt Road Diaries"
"Drink a Beer"
"Do I"
"The Only Way I Know"
"Drinkin' Beer and Wastin' Bullets"
"Drunk on You"
"Enter Sandman" (Metallica cover) /"All My Friends Say"
"I Don't Want This Night to End"
"Dynamite" (Taio Cruz cover)
"Country Girl (Shake It for Me)"
场馆城市上座量 / 总门票量收入(单位:美元)Ford CenterEvansville9,415 / 9,415 (100%)418,778Von Braun CenterHuntsville7,175 / 7,175 (100%)340,980Landers CenterSouthaven9,145 / 9,145 (100%)430,641Germain ArenaEstero6,527 / 6,527 (100%)319,890Florence Civic CenterFlorence7,139 / 7,139 (100%)335,928Tyson Events CenterSioux City7,742 / 7,742 (100%)370,785Delaware State FairHarrington9,093 / 9,093 (100%)392,217West Virginia University ColiseumMorgantown9,090 / 9,090 (100%)393,877Huntington CenterToledo8,097 / 8,097 (100%)401,021Resch CenterGreen Bay8,403 / 8,403 (100%)401,159Crown ColiseumFayetteville9,100 / 9,100 (100%)432,992Charleston Civic CenterCharleston9,618 / 9,618 (100%)468,634Peoria Civic CenterPeoria9,865 / 9,865 (100%)481,028Oak Mountain AmphitheatrePelham10,391 / 10,391 (100%)495,465Mizzou ArenaColumbia10,888 / 10,888 (100%)519,862Isleta AmphitheaterAlbuquerque15,028 / 15,067 (99%)533,050INTRUST Bank ArenaWichita11,769 / 11,838 (99%)578,436Bethel Woods Center for the ArtsBethel16,020 / 17,515 (92%)590,107John Paul Jones ArenaCharlottesville12,575 / 12,575 (100%)591,846PNC Bank Arts CenterHolmdel17,043 / 17,054 (~100%)599,280CMAC Performing Arts CenterCanandaigua14,214 / 14,214 (100%)599,499Fiddler's Green AmphitheatreGreenwood Village16,962 / 16,962 (100%)603,917Bryce Jordan CenterUniversity Park12,743 / 12,743 (100%)604,582BOK CenterTulsa12,443 / 12,443 (100%)607,378Time Warner Cable Music Pavilion at Walnut CreekRaleigh19,980 / 19,980 (100%)613,822Verizon Wireless AmphitheaterCharlotte18,806 / 18,806 (100%)629,362Verizon Wireless AmphitheaterIrvine14,944 / 14,944 (100%)635,008Farm Bureau Live at Virginia BeachVirginia Beach19,840 / 19,840 (100%)649,456Riverbend Music CenterCincinnati20,476 / 20,476 (100%)658,292U.S. Cellular ColiseumBloomington13,960 / 14,116 (99%)659,737Aaron's Amphitheatre at LakewoodAtlanta18,965 / 18,965 (100%)667,613合计
Luke Bryan
巡演嘉宾:Lee Brice、Cole Swindell、Dierks Bentley、Brantley Gilbert
"That's My Kind of Night"
"Rain Is a Good Thing"
"Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye"
"All My Friends Say"
"Roller Coaster"
"Country Man"
"Someone Else Calling You Baby"
"Crazy Girl" (Eli Young Band cover) (with Lee Brice)
"Shut It Down"
"Do I"
"This Is How We Roll" (Florida Georgia Line cover) (with Cole Swindell)
"Dirt Road Anthem" (with Brantley Gilbert)
"Suntan City"
"Crash My Party"
"Drink a Beer"
"Drunk on You"
"I Don't Want This Night to End" (mashed up with Taio Cruz's "Dynamite")
"Can't Hold Us" (Macklemore & Ryan Lewis cover)
"If You Ain't Here to Party"
"Muckalee Creek Water"/"Drinkin' Beer and Wastin' Bullets"
"How Am I Doin" (with Dierks Bentley)
"Dust On The Battle" (David Lee Murphy cover) (with Dierks Bentley)
"Fishin In The Dark" (The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band cover) (with Dierks Bentley)
"Play It Again"
"Country Girl (Shake It for Me)"
"The Only Way I Know"
收入North America Leg 1January 16, 2014ColumbusUnited StatesSchottenstein CenterLee Brice
Cole Swindell13,178 / 13,178 (100%)$682,812January 18, 2014KnoxvilleThompson-Boling Arena14,289 / 15,501 (92%)$748,048January 23, 2014UncasvilleMohegan Sun Arena13,484 / 14,383 (94%)$1,293,069January 24, 2014January 25, 2014New York CityMadison Square Garden14,600 / 14,600 (100%)$1,293,069January 30, 2014LubbockUnited Spirit Arena9,948 / 9,948 (100%)$574,233January 31, 2014Oklahoma CityChesapeake Energy Arena11,891 / 11,891 (100%)$574,233February 6, 2014Molinei wireless Center10,330 / 10,330 (100%)$542,300February 7, 2014Cedar FallsUNI-DomeN/AN/AFebruary 8, 2014OmahaCenturyLink Center Omaha11,891 / 11,891 (100%)$723,925February 14, 2014Wilkes-BarreMohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza7,978 / 7,978 (100%)$437,872February 15, 2014Atlantic CityBoardwalk Hall12,143 / 12,143 (100%)$689,104February 17, 2014Greensboro*Greensboro ColiseumLee Brice13,345 / 13,345 (100%)$752,573February 21, 2014Lexington*Rupp ArenaLee Brice
Cole Swindell18,276 / 18,276 (100%)$742,539February 28, 2014FargoFargodome19,418 / 19,418 (100%)$1,034,228March 1, 2014BismarckBismarck Civic Center6,533 / 6,533 (100%)$362,190March 2, 2014Saint PaulXcel Energy Center14,740 / 14,740 (100%)$825,915March 7, 2014MemphisFedEx Forum13,272 / 13,272 (100%)$665,058March 8, 2014Bossier CityCenturyLink Center12,292 / 12,292 (100%)$678,063North America Leg 2May 3, 2014VancouverCanadaRogers ArenaLee Brice
Cole Swindell14,139 / 14,139 (100%)$675,195May 4, 2014KelownaProspera Place5,344 / 5,344 (100%)$366,358May 6, 2014Dawson CreekEnCana Events Centre8,785 / 8,785 (100%)$577,378May 7, 2014May 9, 2014CalgaryScotiabank Saddledome12,634 / 12,634 (100%)$624,498May 10, 2014EdmontonRexall PlaceN/AN/AMay 12, 2014May 29, 2014CharlotteUnited StatesPNC Music Pavilion18,286 / 18,286 (100%)$661,344May 30, 2014BristowJiffy Lube Live42,709 / 42,709 (100%)$1,606,434May 31, 2014June 1, 2014HolmdelPNC Bank Arts Center16,618 / 16,618 (100%)$750,662June 6, 2014Virginia BeachFarm Bureau Live19,198 / 19,198 (100%)$657,492June 7, 2014RaleighWalnut Creek Amphitheatre38,938 / 38,938 (100%)$1,326,559June 8, 2014June 12, 2014Maryland HeightsVerizon Wireless Amphitheater38,709 / 38,709 (100%)$1,361,831June 13, 2014June 18, 2014ClarkstonDTE Energy Music TheatreN/AN/AJune 19, 2014June 21, 2014PittsburghHeinz FieldDierks Bentley
Lee Brice
Cole Swindell
DJ Rock52,621 / 52,621 (100%)$3,173,249June 28, 2014MilwaukeeMarcus Amphitheatre21,158 / 22,861 (93%)$1,044,470July 18, 2014MonticelloGreat Jones Fair―11,429 / 11,429 (100%)$798,885July 23, 2014BirminghamOak Mountain AmphitheaterLee Brice
Cole Swindell20,580 / 20,580 (100%)$887,036July 24, 2014July 25, 2014AtlantaAaron's Amphitheatre37,803 / 37,803 (100%)$1,295,732July 26, 2014August 1, 2014HopewellCMAC14,906 / 14,906 (100%)$698,340August 10, 2014FoxboroughGillette StadiumDierks Bentley
Lee Brice
Cole Swindell
DJ Rock56,048 / 56,048 (100%)$4,349,568August 15, 2014PhiladelphiaLincoln Financial FieldBrantley Gilbert
Lee Brice
Cole Swindell
DJ Rock48,576 / 48,576$3,896,840August 16, 2014DarienDarien LakeLee Brice, Cole Swindell21,482 / 21,482$790,396August 17, 2014Saratoga SpringsSaratoga Performing Arts Center24,634 / 24,634$887,625August 21, 2014Cuyahoga FallsBlossom Music Center40,846 / 40,846$1,456,937August 22, 2014August 23, 2014CincinnatiRiverbend Music CenterN/AN/AAugust 24, 2014August 29, 2014NoblesvilleKlipsch Music Center49,428 / 49,428$1,549,389August 30, 2014August 31, 2014ChicagoSoldier FieldDierks Bentley
Lee Brice
Cole Swindell
DJ Rock50,529 / 50,529$3,754,362September 11, 2014ManchesterVerizon Wireless ArenaLee Brice
Cole Swindell9,059 / 9,059$498,248September 12, 2014New York CityMadison Square Garden14,655 / 14,655$1,029,052September 13, 2014HartfordXFINITY Theatre24,306 / 24,306$782,1;4September 14, 2014BrooklynBarclays Center13,528 / 13,528$952,378September 18, 2014San AntonioAT&T Center14,572 / 14,572$739,925September 19, 2014The WoodlandsCynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion16,338 / 16,338$641,000September 20, 2014DallasGexa Energy Pavilion20,139 / 20,139$699,689September 25, 2014TampaMidFlorida Credit Union Amphitheatre36,179 / 36,179$1,457,547September 26, 2014September 27, 2014West Palm BeachCruzan Amphitheatre19,454 / 19,454$682,387North America Leg 3 ― Farm TourOctober 1, 2014KnoxvilleUnited StatesMaple Lane FarmsCole Swindell
The Peach Pickers
Chanice Neal
DJ RockN/AN/AOctober 2, 2014AuburnIngram FarmsN/AN/AOctober 3, 2014TallahasseeCross Creak PlaceN/AN/AOctober 4, 2014GainesvilleWhite Hurst Cattle CompanyN/AN/AOctober 8, 2014StatesboroPerry FieldN/AN/AOctober 9, 2014AthensMeldon FarmN/AN/AOctober 10, 2014ColumbiaCuller FarmsN/AN/AOctober 11, 2014MaconCentral City ParkN/AN/ANorth America Leg 4October 16, 2014SacramentoUnited StatesSacramento Valley AmphitheaterLee Brice
Cole SwindellN/AN/AOctober 17, 2014ConcordConcord Pavilion13,685 / 13,685$615,944October 18, 2014Mountain ViewShoreline Amphitheatre22,021 / 22,021$747,531October 23, 2014PhoenixAk-Chin Pavilion20,174 / 20,174$751,053October 24, 2014Chula VistaSleep Train Amphitheatre19,639 / 19,639$793,773October 25, 2014Los AngelesHollywood Bowl17,461 / 17,461$1,143,528October 26, 2014InglewoodThe Forum12,247 / 12,247$814,109North America Leg 5February 10, 2015Grand RapidsUnited StatesVan Andel ArenaRandy Houser
Dustin Lynch――February 11, 2015EvansvilleFord Center――February 12, 2015LouisvilleKFC Yum! Center――February 18, 2015EsteroGermain Arena――February 19, 2015OrlandoAmway Center――February 21, 2015EuropeFebruary 28, 2015StockholmSwedenEricsson GlobeN/A――March 1, 2015OsloNorwayOslo SpektrumN/AMarch 3, 2015GlasgowScotlandClyde AuditoriumN/AMarch 7, 2015LondonEnglandThe O2ArenaN/AMarch 8, 2015DublinIreland3ArenaN/ANorth America Leg 6March 22, 2015HoustonUnited StatesNRG Stadium―――May 1, 2015HamiltonCanadaFirstOntario CentreMay 2, 2015OttawaCanadian Tire CentreMay 3, 2015LondonBudweiser GardensMay 6, 2015WinnipegMTS CentreMay 7, 2015TOTAL$47,396,443986,876 / 990,690 (99%)
Luke Bryan
巡演嘉宾:Randy Houser、Dustin Lynch、Florida Georgia Line、Thomas Rhett。
15年1月21日,Luke在发布会上宣布了即将开始第三轮巡演,并公布了巡演的场次和时间。巡演嘉宾中Randy Houser和Dustin Lynch作为开场嘉宾将全程伴随,而Florida Georgia Line和Thomas Rhett将作为七场体育馆演唱会的特邀嘉宾出席。
Luke Bryan 2015 Kick the Dust Up Tour Dates: