“南无”,是梵文Namas的音译,读作那谟,亦有译作“南谟”、“那谟”等。意为致敬、归敬、归命。 常用来加在佛、菩萨的名称或经典题名之前,表示对佛、法的尊敬和虔信,如南无喝罗、南无三宝等。“南无阿弥陀佛”系佛教术语,意思是“向阿弥陀佛归命”。
Chin/ O-Mi-T'o-Fo; Jpn/ Amida; Vn/ A-Di-Da. The word Amitabha is used in English to represent two Sanskrit terms,
"Amitabha" ("Infinite Light") and "Amitayus" ("Infinite Life"). Amitabha is the most commonly used name for the Buddha of Infinite Light and Infinite Life, "theARCHETYPEof cosmic compassion" (T. Cleary). A transhistorical Buddha venerated by all Mahayana schools (T'ien-T'ai,esoteric, Zen ...) and, particularly, Pure Land. Presides over the Western Pure Land (Land of Ultimate Bliss) or Sukhavati, where anyone can be reborn through utterly sincere (i.e., singleminded) recitation of his name, particularly at the time of death.