kaya scodelario_Kaya Scodelario -生平
卡雅・斯考达里奥Kaya Scodelario 生于1992年3月13日(Kaya在twitter亲口所言),有着一幅成熟的外表,并且非常上镜。
kaya scodelario_Kaya Scodelario -作品年表
2007-2008 Skins S01 Effy Stonem
2008-2009 Skins S02 Effy Stonem
2009-2010 Skins S03S04 Effy Stonem
2010《泰坦之战》Clash of the Titans
kaya scodelario_Kaya Scodelario -介绍
Kaya Scodelario was born onMarch 13, 1992, in London, England. Right away, there was something different about her. Although she had a British upbringing, Kaya Scodelario had Brazilian roots and she spent time learning Portuguese until she was fluent in the language.
At the age of 14, Kaya Scodelario decided to pursue acting and she auditioned for Skins, the debut series for new channel E4. Amazingly, Kaya Scodelario won the role of Effy despite the fact that she had no other acting experience to speak of. Maybe it was a stroke of luck or aglimpseof raw natural talent, but either way, Kaya Scodelario was pleased to have the opportunity and joined the show in January 1997.
Kaya Scodelario on Skins
After an inauspicious debut in which she had no lines, Kaya Scodelario’s role of Effy proved to be quite a test. At the forefront of many disasters, including stalkers, death and sexual pressures, Effy became a fan favorite for her ability to somehow resolve testing life situations while keeping her head above water. As the role became more challenging, Kaya Scodelario came to like it even more since she likened Effy’s difficulties and loss of friends to real life.
After two seasons of Skins, the series endured anoverhaulat the end of 2007. Feeling that most of the characters had run their course, every character was written out of the series except for Effy. This was a significant change because it meant that Kaya Scodelario would be the mostrecognizableface for season three.
Kaya Scodelario joins models 1 and moon
As Kaya Scodelario waited for the new season of Skins to begin, she has taken advantage of her recent clout to seek out additional career opportunities. She joined the elite agency Models 1 and soon had a photo-op as the cover model for SUPERSUPER Magazine.
Kaya Scodelario may be fostering her modeling career, but she is also making her feature film debut with a role in the 2009 film Moon. It stars Sam Rockwell as an astronaut suffering fromsurrealencounters while on the lunar planet. With Mars filming underway and her successful TV series to fall back on, Kaya Scodelario definitely won’t run out of things to do.
正当卡雅在等待新一季skins开播的同时,她充分地利用skins为她带来的全新影响力,去寻找额外事业的机会。她加入了最杰出的机构Model 1并且很快得到了为SUPERSUPER杂志做封面人物的拍照时间。
卡雅或许是在促进她model事业的发展但是她也同样地拍摄长片,首次在2009新电影MONN担任一个角色。流行明星(itstar我真的想不出怎么翻译,it girl还比较好翻译)Sam Rockwell 所扮演的宇航员在月球上遇到超现实的遭遇。在这套星球电影的热映中和她成功的电视剧系列的回归,卡雅肯定会有做不完的事要去做。

kaya scodelario_Kaya Scodelario -补充介绍
Kaya Scodelario (born Kaya Rose Humphrey on 13March 1992 in Paddington, London[1]) is an English actress and model. She is best known for her role as Effy Stonem in the E4 drama Skins.
With no prior acting experience, Scodelario was cast in the first series of Skins in 2007 as Effy Stonem, and was renowned for having very limited speaking lines. She returned to the second series in which her character was developedconsiderably, before eventually becoming the central character in the 2009 series. Scodelario and Lisa Backwell (who plays Pandora Moon) are the only actors from the original cast to return to the latest season. She has described how, in this role, at the age of only 16, she was able to cope with having to disrobe for several 'racy scenes':
“ Obviously it's slightly embarrassing to be standing in a room full of fifty men in your underwear. But you just had to laugh at yourself. We had to do one in the woods at night. It was freezing cold and I was like, 'Why, why would you do this in the woods?' ... But she [Effy] has always wornskimpyoutfits, so I've got used to the fact she's a very sexy girl.[2] ”
Scodelario will also appear in sci-fi thriller Moon, which is due for release in 2009.[3] In addition, she is signed to Models 1,[4] and is featured as the cover star of London's SuperSuper new rave culture magazine.[5] She also appeared on the cover of NME with Skins co-stars Jack O'Connell and Luke Pasqualino.[6]
On March 12 2009 it was announced on the official Skins website that a fourth season of Skins has been planned, in which Scodelario along with her co-stars are expected to reprise their roles.[7] Scodelario has admitted that she doesn't know whats in store for her character, but expects to be filming in July.[8]
She was included in Entertainment Weekly's 2009 "Summer Must List", being named "Summer's Must Bad Girl" for herportrayalof Effy. She is close friends with fellow actressEmma Watson.
Personal life
Scodelario is half Brazilian and speaks fluent Portuguese.[9] She has said that The Who are one of her favourite bands.[10]
在此之前没有任何表演经验,斯考达里奥却在2007年的Skins系列电视剧里扮演Effy Stonem,并且因为有限的声音出演而出名。在成为2009skins中心演员之前因为她的角色发展的很不错所以她回到了第二季的演出。斯考达里奥和丽莎(在里面饰演潘多拉)是这唯一两个原剧组的演员回到最近一季系列里。只有16岁的她对在这个角色里能否对付好为拍几个“不雅的场景”而脱去衣服进行描述:
斯考达里奥也同样出现在科幻恐怖小说《moon》里面,这片应该在2009年公映。另外她和Models 1 签约了,并号召成为伦敦SuperSuper杂志的封面明星。她同样也和skins的主演Jack O'Connell和Luke Pasqualino出现在NME杂志封面里。
她因扮演Effy被列入娱乐周刊 2009”summer must list”里,被命名为“summer’s must bad girl’。她是小演员艾玛(这个不用介绍了吧,哈利波特里面的赫敏)亲密的朋友 。
卡雅有一半的巴西血统并且能说一口流利的葡萄牙语。她曾经说过The Who 是她喜欢的乐队之一。
kaya的现任男友是英国电视剧演员Elliot Tittensor。The Two
Elliott Tittensor 生于1989.11.3 曼切斯特是一名英国演员。代表作品是shameless,他在里面扮演Carl Gallagher一角,和kaya同在e4频道。有个双胞胎兄弟 Luke