坎特伯雷大主教_坎特伯雷大主教 -职位作用
Archbishop of Canterbury
坎特伯雷大主教继承了圣奥古斯丁的使徒统系,成为全英之主教长(The Primate of All Engand)。而约克大主教,是英伦的主教长(The Primate of England),坎特伯雷大主教的权威,不但是承受了他的历史事实,更是在大公教会中的圣礼事保持者。
他是全英国教会的主教长(The See of Church of England)又是全世界圣公会的主教长(The Patriarch of the Anglican Communion of Churches),普世圣公宗精神领袖(Leader of the Anglican Communion)。他主持自一八六七年起的每十年一次的全世界圣公会主教会议,虽然他在会中没有绝对的裁判权,但他的意向,从未为人所忽视。
坎特伯雷大主教_坎特伯雷大主教 -主要人物
104th The MostRevdRowan Williams (罗云威廉斯博士) 2003
103rd George Leonard Carey (佐治嘉里博士) 1991
102nd Robert Alexander Kennedy Runcie 1980
101st Frederick Donald Coggan 1974
100th Arthur Michael Ramsey 1961
99th Geoffrey Francis Fisher 1945
98thWilliam Temple1942
97th Cosmo Gordon Lang 1928
96thRandall Thomas Davidson1903
95th Frederick Temple 1896
94th Edward White Benson 1883
93rd Archibald Campbell Tait 1868
92nd Charles Thomas Longley 1862
91stJohn Bird Sumner1848
90th William Howley 1828
89th Charles Manners-Sutton 1805
88thJohn Moore1783
87th Frederick Cornwallis 1768
86th Thomas Secker 1758

85th Matthew Hutton 1757
84th Thomas Herring 1747
83rd John Potter 1737
82ndWilliam Wake1716
81st Thomas Tenison 1695
80thJohn Tillotson1691
79th William Sancroft 1678
78th Gilbert Sheldon 1663
77thWilliam Juxon1660
76th William Laud 1633
75th George Abbot 1611
74thRichard Bancroft1604
73rd John Whitgift 1583
72nd Edmund Grindal 1576
71st Matthew Parker (马太柏克) 1559
70th Reginald Pole 1556
69th Thomas Cranmer (多玛斯克蓝玛) 1533
68thWilliam Warham1503
67th Henry Deane 1501
66th John Morton 1486
65th Thomas Bourchier 1454
64th John Kempe 1452
63rd John Stafford 1443
62ndHenry Chichele1414
60th Thomas Arundel restored 1399
61st Roger Walden 1398
60th Thomas Arundel 1396
59th William Courtenay 1381
58thSimon Sudbury1375
57th William Whittlesey 1368
56th Simon Langham 1366
55th Thomas Bradwardine 1349
54th Simon Islip 1349
53rdJohn de Stratford1333
52nd Simon Meopham 1328
51st Walter Reynolds 1313
50th Robert Winchelsey 1294
49th John Peckham 1279
48th Robert Kilwardby 1273
47th Boniface of Savoy 1245
46th Edmund of Abingdon 1234
45thRichard le Grant1229
44th Stephen Langton 1207
43rd Hubert Walter 1193
42nd Baldwin 1184
41st Richard (of Dover) 1174
40th Thomas a Becket 1162
39th Theobald 1139
38th William de Corbeil 1123
37th Ralph d'Escures 1114
36th Anselm 1093
35th Lanfranc 1070
34th Stigand 1052
33rdRobert of Jumieges1051
32nd Eadsige 1038
31st Ethelnoth 1020
30th Lyfing 1013
29th Alphege 1005
28th Aelfric 995
27th Sigeric 990
26th Ethelgar c988
25th Dunstan 960
24th Aelfsige 959
22nd Oda 942
21st Wulfhelm 923
20th Athelm 914
19th Plegmund 890
17th Ceolnoth 833
16th Feologeld 832
15th Wulfred 805
14th Ethelhard 793
13th Jaenbert 765
12th Bregowine 761
11th Cuthbert 740
10th Nothelm 735
8th Berhtwald 693
7th Theodore 668
6th Deusdedit 655
4th Justus 624
3rd Mellitus 619
2nd Laurentius 604