
血拼_血拼 -歌曲
血拼,实际上就是英文shopping的中文谐音,由于社会的发展,人们生活水平的提高,人们经常会逛街买很多东西,而花费很多的金钱,故人们形象地将此行为称作“血拼”。表示花钱后的心疼,“血”“拼”啊!徐子珊- 血拼
Gold Mountain编曲
C.Y. Kong /Davy Chan监制:C.Y. Kong / Davy Chan越快越愉快 越爱越想戴
越买越未买 这疯狂女人街
明明今天很想戒 明天激安境界
继续拼命拜 拼命拜 Yo
顽强换季版图 狂迷入货警号
潮流盛世打造 拼拼 未够好
红唇热吻温度 型男烈女倾慕
霓裳大战风暴 谁来引路
(名模 OL 空姐 政客) You wouldn't understand
(神婆 警花 公关 印佣) they drive me insane
(名模 OL 空姐 政客) I want my bling-bling
(神婆 警花 公关 印佣) oh let's get moving
越快越愉快 越爱越想戴
越买越未买 这疯狂女人街
名牌未看懂吧 年龄未记起吧
欲望未满足吧 试试 愉快吗
从华丽里倒下 从糜烂里倒下
从迷幻里倒下 来朝圣吧
(名模 OL 空姐 政客) You wouldn't understand
(神婆 警花 公关 印佣) they drive me insane
(名模 OL 空姐 政客) please take away my pain
(神婆 警花 公关 印佣) oh let's get moving
MC Gold Mountain:
Uh uh - why you girls always want more?
You want more? Here's eight Gold Bars check it
Thought you was pretty but I just don't know
like a 假金捞 with the spray on gold
You might think people see you and they're like whoa
but when they are up close they're all like nooooo
Oh well not that you care
you think your value lies in the sale over there