Aftera[I] readthe[去掉]?these 5 paragraphs, a questionpuzzle[puzzled]me. Is a fool man really unhappy, or oppositely,isa wise man reallyfeelhappy ?
According to myway of consideration, I think afool manmayhasless question[fewer questions]about his or her life, theymay never worried?about their future、their relationship、their income level、their self-value、their intelligence and so on.

By contrast, a wise man maylose lots ofBrains[?]to think about hisor herlife environment, be anxious about himself, evenglobal warming. A wise man may be too clever to concern himself about everythinghappenedin the world. That is atriedjob!
Compare these two actors in the society, who you will choose to act? That is ahard but easyproblem for me. But I hold [it]-