读音:/h?nd/中文拼写:汉德,名字含义:手,名字来源:英语,使用Hand英文的名人,Learned Hand 利恩德・汉德:(1872~1961),美国法学家。
hand_hand -词条解析
Learned Hand 利恩德・汉德:
hand_hand -短语

hand down
hand on
hand out
hand over
all hands on deck
at (或 by) the hands (或 hand) of
bind (或 tie) someone hand and foot
get (或 keep) one's hand in
give (或 lend) a hand
hand in glove
hand in hand
from hand to mouth
hands down
hands off
a hand's turn
hands up!
have one's hands full
have one's hands tied
have to hand it to someone
in safe hands
make (或 lose 或 spend) money hand over fist
many hands make light work
off someone's hands
on every hand
on someone's hands
on the one (或 the other) hand
the right hand doesn't know what the left hand's d
a safe pair of hands
set (或 put) one's hand to
stay someone's hand
take a hand
turn one's hand to
wait on someone hand and foot
with one hand tied behind one's back
hand something down
hand something in
hand someone off
hand something on
hand something out
hand someone/thing over
hand something round (或 北美