Online Learning
Harvard has produced online courses and other forms of digital learning for several decades with the goal of making educational content available to a global audience. On this page, you will find links to a selection of Harvard's publicly available online learning content. Experience courses, public lectures, and other unique examples of Harvard's learning content on the web.
edX / HarvardX
View and register for HarvardX courses available through edX.
Harvard on YouTube
edX / HarvardX
Harvard on YouTube
· The Longwood Seminars - Harvard Medical School faculty members discuss topics ranging from meditation to aging in these mini-med school classes for the public.
· Harvard Thinks Big - Harvard Thinks Big is a student-run event that invites some of Harvard’s renowned faculty to speak to the undergraduate community in Sanders Theatre.
· Science and Cooking - This public lecture series discusses concepts from the physical sciences that underpin both everyday cooking and haute cuisine. Each lecture features a world-class chef who visited and presented their remarkable culinary designs.
· 朗伍德研讨会-哈佛医学院教职工讨论从冥想到衰老有关的所有话题,致力于让公众更了解这方面的知识。
· Harvard Thinks Big -这是一个学生组织的活动,他邀请哈佛大学有名的教师在桑德斯剧院对本科生进行演讲。
· 科学与烹饪-这是一个公共系列讲座。它讨论每天烹饪所涉及的物理科学知识。每次讲座都会邀请一个世界级的厨师带着他的享誉盛名的菜肴来节目做客。
Harvard on iTunesU
· Michael Sandel’s “Justice” - Justice is one of the most popular courses in Harvard's history. Nearly one thousand students pack Harvard's historic Sanders Theatre to hear Professor Sandel talk about justice, equality, democracy, and citizenship.
· Statistics 110: Probability - Statistics 110 (Probability), is taught by Joe Blitzstein (Professor of the Practice, Harvard Statistics Department) and contains lecture videos, review materials, and over 250 practice problems with detailed solutions. This course is an introduction to probability as a language and set of tools for understanding statistics, science, risk, and randomness.
· Culture & Belief 23: The Hebrew Scriptures in Judaism and Christianity - This course surveys how the interpretation (and reinterpretation) of the Hebrew Scriptures spawned two rival cultural systems, Judaism and Christianity.
· Michael Sandel’s “Justice” -公正是哈佛大学历史上最受欢迎的课程。有将近1000名学生去哈佛大学萨德斯剧院聆听桑德尔教授的讲授关于公正,公平,民主及公民权。
· Statistics 110: Probability-统计110(概率),这门课程由Joe Blitzstein(哈佛大学统计系,实践教授)担任。课程包含演讲视频,复习资料,及超过250个实用的问题及解决方案。这是一门概率论的入门课程,是理解统计,科学,风险,随机概率的工具。
· 文化&信仰23:犹太教和基督教的希伯来圣经-这门课程致力于阐明希伯来圣经如何孕育出两个相互敌对的文化系统:犹太教和基督教。
Harvard on SoundCloud
· The Forum at HSPH
· Lectures from the Shorenstein Center
· HSPH论坛
· 斯坦中心的演讲
Harvard Extension School
· Distance Education: Online Courses at Harvard
· Harvard Open Courses - Open Learning Initiative
· Courses at the Harvard Extension School
Harvard Kennedy School
· Executive Education: Online Programs - Currently offers 8 to 14 week online programs for nonprofit and NGO leaders from around the world. Participants receive one-on-one access to Harvard Kennedy School faculty and participate in live, interactive discussions with classmates.
· 执行教育:在线课程-现在有8-14个星期的在线课程,这个课程非盈利的有世界各地的NGO领导者组织。参与者可以一对一的接触哈佛大学肯尼迪学院,并与同学进行实时互动。
Harvard Medical School
· Department of Continuing Education - Continuing Medical Education Online provides interactive courses and sample cases for health care professionals.
· 哈佛大学医学院
· 继续教育学院-继续医学教育学院针对专业健康护理开设了互动课程及样品课程。
· Explore online exhibits from the museums of Harvard University.
· The Harvard Museum of Natural History sponsors dozens of public lectures each year by Harvard faculty and other scientists and naturalists.
· 博物馆
· 你可以从哈佛大学博物馆找到在线展示
· 哈佛大学自然历史博物馆每年赞助十来个有哈佛大学教师或其他科学家或自然学者进行的公共演讲。
· A selection of web-accessible collections from the Harvard University Libraries
Chandra X-ray Observatory Center
· NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, which was launched and deployed by Space Shuttle Columbia in July of 1999, is the most sophisticated X-ray observatory built to date. Chandra is designed to observe X-rays from high energy regions of the universe, such as the remnants of exploded stars. View images captured by the observatory and investigate the research being done.
钱德拉 X-射线 天文台中心
The Forum at Harvard School of Public Health
· On Demand Webcasts In the 21st Century, decisions about health issues require intense cooperation and understanding between scientific experts and those in a position to make and implement policy decisions affecting populations worldwide. The Forum at Harvard School of Public Health hopes to provide decision-makers with a global platform to discuss policy choices and scientific controversies, allowing participants to leverage their collective knowledge.
Great Teachers
· Harvard’s Great Teachers invites you to discover our faculty sharing their ideas, very much as they do every day with undergraduates at Harvard College. Through classroom discussions, lectures, interviews and performances, you can experience firsthand the liberal arts college at the heart of one of the world's premier research universities. For each faculty member we profile, you will find a collection of interrelated videos that, taken together, offer you a portrait of his or her work as a teacher here at Harvard.

Harvard DASH
· A central, open-access repository of research by members of the Harvard community
HBS Working Knowledge
· Harvard Business School Working Knowledge provides an early look at the latest research from the Harvard Business School faculty.
The Institute of Politics John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum
· Past Forum Videos - An archive of videos featuring world leaders, diplomats, government officials, celebrities, and political strategists discussing issues affecting politics around the globe.
Life Sciences Outreach Program
· The Harvard Life Sciences Outreach Program features video of numerous public lectures on topics ranging from Evolution to the biology of cancer. This program is hosted by The Department of Molecular and Cellular Biologyand the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
哈佛大学生命科学项目,包含一系列公共演讲视频,话题涉及进化,癌症生物学等。由分子与细胞生物学系及Howard Hughes医学研究院组织。
Usable Knowledge
· The goal of the Usable Knowledge web site is to provide educational leaders with crisp and convenient access to research that can be used to improve education – learning, teaching, institutional organization, and policy. Usable Knowledge is a creation of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, where research, practice, and policy work together to advance learning.
WIDE World: Online learning for educators
· WIDE World is a program designed to help educators explore in their classrooms and schools teaching for understanding, assessing for understanding, and multiple intelligences.
WIDE World: 为教育者提供的在线学习资料
WIDE World 是一个致力于帮助教育者开发课堂和学校教育以更好的理解,评估理解的程度,智力多元化的项目。
Woodberry Poetry Room
Home to an unparalleled collection of 20th and 21st century English-language poetry materials, the Woodberry Poetry Room features a circulating collection of poetry monographs and anthologies, an encyclopedic array of poetry journals and magazines, a landmark collection of audio recordings, and the Blue Star collection of rare manuscripts, chapbooks and ephemera.
· The Listening Booth
· The Vocarium
the Vocarium