罗伯特・帕帝森(饰 塞德里克・迪戈里)在这一部哈利・波特电影中扮演了霍格沃茨在三强争霸赛中的正式代表,级长塞德里克・迪戈里。当然在最后一秒钟,哈利・波特也被鬼使神差地选中代表霍格沃茨参赛。
塞德里克_塞德里克 -概述
塞德里克罗伯特・帕帝森(饰 塞德里克・迪戈里)在这一部哈利・波特电影中扮演了霍格沃茨在三强争霸赛中的正式代表,级长塞德里克・迪戈里。当然在最后一秒钟,哈利・波特也被鬼使神差地选中代表霍格沃茨参赛。
罗伯特・帕帝森(饰 塞德里克・迪戈里)在这一部哈利・波特电影中扮演了霍格沃茨(赫奇帕奇学院)在三强争霸赛中的正式代表,级长塞德里克・迪戈里。当然在最后一秒钟,哈利・波特也被鬼使神差地选中代表霍格沃茨参赛。
《时代》中有一篇文章,列举了在国际影坛的认知中年轻及新进的英国演员谁会成为未来之星。在将上映的《哈利・波特与火焰杯》中扮演塞德里克・迪戈里演员 Robert Pattinson 名列其中。这篇文章说:没有什么演艺经验的 Robert Pattinson 击败了许多其他的演员,赢得了《哈利・波特与火焰杯》中的塞德里克・迪戈里一角――他是霍格沃茨级长,还是个多才多艺的好小伙。在此之前他仅有的荧幕经验是出演去年在美国上映的电视电影《Sword of Xanten》。这位年轻、上镜、散发出迷人魅力的18岁的演员倍受选角导演喜爱,他们认为他必将有很棒的未来。尽管他的开始是借助于哈利・波特(电影),Pattinson 赞扬了 Tim Burton 及Todd Solondz,钦佩作为选角导演的他们“打破了界限。”
塞德里克・迪戈里(Cedric Diggory):魔杖十二又四分之一英寸长,芯是独角兽的尾毛。
塞德里克_塞德里克 -档案
全名:Robert Thomas Pattinson
身高:1.85 m
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) .... Cedric Diggory
Ring of the Nibelungs (2004) (TV) .... Giselher
... aka Nibelungen, Die (Germany)
... aka The Sword of Xanten (UK: theatrical title)
Vanity Fair (2004) (uncredited) .... Older Rawdy
Date of birth (location)
13 May 1986
London, England, UK
Actor - filmography
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) .... Cedric Diggory
Ring of the Nibelungs (2004) (TV) .... Giselher
... aka Nibelungen, Die (Germany)
... aka The Sword of Xanten (UK: theatrical title)
Vanity Fair (2004) (uncredited) .... Older Rawdy
Filmography as: Actor, Himself
Himself - filmography
Harry Potter: Behind the Magic (2005) (TV) .... Himself
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This Or That Game Marilee11
OT: Something I have to say... Marilee11
Se.xier? Stanislav(Viktor Krum)or Robert(cedric diggory) elfin_little_angel
Yummy Photos! Marilee11
Work? hihi1310pinky
HE LIKES EMMA WATSON!!!! lucybird35
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Robert Pattinson
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Biography for
Robert Pattinson
Birth name
Robert Thomas Pattinson
6' 1" (1.85 m)
Mini biography
Robert Pattinson was born on May 13, 1986 in London, England. He was a highly skilled sportsman as he grew up and took part in sport games such as football, skiing, and snowboarding. He also enjoyed music and was an excellent musician; playing the guitar and keyboard.
When Robert was 15, he started acting in plays. Then he joined the Barnes Theatre Company and had roles of 'Macbeth' and 'Anything Goes and Tess of the D'Urbevilles.' After, he took screen role like Ring of the Nibelungs (2004) (TV)(Kingdom of Twilight) as Giselher and Vanity Fair (2004) as Rawdy Crawley.
In 2003, Robert took on the role of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) as Cedric Diggory and was the first person seen for the role of Cedric Diggory. He got his role a week later after meeting Mike Newell in late 2003.
IMDb mini-biography by
Is an excellent musician playing guitar and keyboards.
Is a highly skilled sportsman, taking part in everything from football and athletics to skiing and snowboarding.
Shares a birthday with fellow Harry Potter star Zoë Wanamaker.
Personal quotes
Up until I was 12 my sisters used to dress me up as a girl and introduce me as 'Claudia'! Twelve was a turning point as I moved to a mixed school and then I became cool and discovered hair gel.
Where are they now
(June 2004) Filming "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" (2005).