如雷贯耳(rú léi guàn ěr),汉语成语,贯:贯穿,进入。像雷声传入耳朵。形容名声很大。出自元・无名氏《冻苏秦》第一折:“久闻先生大名,如雷贯耳。”
如雷贯耳_如雷贯耳 -成语信息
【注音】rú léi guàn ěr
【示例】小可久闻员外大名,如雷贯耳。(明・施耐庵《水浒全传》第六十二回) 文心海洋《重回明末辽东・听教睢阳袁可立》:“杨太曦忙上前恭谨施礼道:‘伯雄拜见巡抚大人,大人的威名小侯在辽东时就早已是如雷贯耳,油然而生拜见之心。’”
如雷贯耳_如雷贯耳 -英文解释
like thunder piercing the ear -- said of sb.'s name;It has struck my ears like the roar of thunder.;like a thunderclap piercing the ear;piercing one's ear like thunder;

These words of the master echoed in the hearts of the devotees, like the distant rumbling of thunder.
I know you were expecting some fancy name with a trademark and what I gave you sounded really boring, but hear me out.
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如雷贯耳_如雷贯耳 -延展阅读