雅思口语a book 雅思口语A Cafeteria

A Cafeteria

Describe a café that you know in your hometown.You should say:??? where it is

雅思口语a book 雅思口语A Cafeteria

located in a Japanese owned shopping mall in the city CBD, just a fewstops from where I live.

???how often you go there

And as for how often I go there, well?actuallyseldom did I go there,?the only time I went there was during a reunionwith a couple of my high school friends a few years ago,?because I haven’tquite adapted to the western lifestyles yet. And buying a cup of coffee in CNwould accounts for much higherproportion of income than that inwestern countries.???what kind of foodthey serve there?

I remember that they’ve got a really good selection of?both Chinese and Western food, so?there’s a lot to choosefrom.and explain why you like to choose inthis place.

There is a combination of reasons for why I would like to go there, oneof which would be that?it’s really?big andspacious,?so it creates aconvivialatmosphere.?Althoughitcan sometimes get pretty crowded?in the evenings.

Anyway,?another thing to mention would be that?the foodand drinks there are pretty?good-value.?Because I mean,most of the Western food there only costs between about 30 to 50 yuan,?whichis a lot cheaper than most of the other?Western restaurants?inthe city. And the price of the coffee there is?round about the sameprice as?Starbuck’s,?which some people might see as expensive,but considering the fact that we’re not only paying for the drink but also theenvironment, I’d say it’s definitely worth it.

Oh and?the other thing I really like about it is that?youcan spend as much time as you want relaxing there using the free wifi or?doingwhatever,without being bothered by the waiters. And the chairsthere are?nice and comfy, so it’s actually a decent choice forfriends to reunion.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/8104100103/177004.html


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