月亮宝石读后感 月亮宝石英文读后感


The story revolves round a diamond called The Moonstone, stolen from its native India by John Herncastle. The Moonstone was believed to bring bad luck to its owner, so Sir John gave it to the daughter of his estranged sister, Rachel Verinder, on her eighteenth birthday.

On Rachel's birthday, it is discovered that the jewel has been stolen from Rachel's sitting room. Sergeant Cuff is called in from London to investigate.

The book was written as a series of manuscripts, letters and diary extracts from the main characters present at varying parts of the story. Perhaps because the characters were telling the story almost as if they were talking, the language was very easy to understand. The characters are beautifully portrayed and the format of the book only exacerbated this.

月亮宝石读后感 月亮宝石英文读后感

The key to the story, although a fascinating idea, isn't quite as believable as it could be. To a reader of the time, it probably wasn't beyond the realms of imagination; to a reader of today, with our knowledge, it is. This is the only disappointing part of the book; but even that, it does mean that it is even more difficult to guess how the theft was carried out and by whom.

All in all, this was a really enjoyable book.


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“蓝月亮”,品类销售冠军的成功密码! 蓝月亮销售

2011年秋天里,当杨澜迈着款款的步伐在电视荧屏里再一次推荐蓝月亮洗衣液时,说明了春天里“荧光增白剂”质量门,国内打假第一人王海PK蓝月亮事件已经告一段落,至于事件本身是非曲直亦随风飘逝。  相对于其他行业,日化行业显著特点是跨国

月亮的别称 描写月亮的古诗


红楼梦读后感 红楼梦读后感1000字 红楼梦读后感200字


世界名表系列之:万宝龙 Montblanc

  创立年代:1906年   创办地点:德国汉堡  万宝龙的历时沿革:万宝龙显赫的历史要追溯到1906年。当时一位文具商、一位银行家和一位实业家,结合了三人的生意头脑和热忱,决定在德国汉堡成立制作钢笔的公司。1924年,该公司创立了经典

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