疯狂原始人英文版 疯狂原始人英文读后感


Some time ago, I watched a film called "crazy primitive man" movie, very beautiful. The story is this: the primitive forest is home to murmur a melon brother, father, mother Wuga, grandmother, daughter Xiao Yi, and brother tank. They are Dad's asylum, eating the same food, night listen to the same story, every day to live the same life. But he doesn't like this kind of life, she is like the outside do not like the world.

疯狂原始人英文版 疯狂原始人英文读后感

One day, to a covered person, he told the melon brother a, doomsday will come, must leave them now. Since then the melon brother a and cover together started a life of adventure. On the way, cover came up with many good ideas to help you ride out the storm, so the family began to trust cover without trust dad -- melon brother. Watermelon brother unconvinced, came up with a lot of wrong ideas, to attract families to trust yourself, but the results run counter to one's desire. Cover told melon brother, life is needs to use the brain. Methods using cover melon brother to think, solve problems, and allow the family to sit up and take notice. The end finally arrived, tell them to chase the light cover, melon brother forced my family into the opposite safety mountain, and he had stayed in the lonely mountain. The family was saved, estimate the God was moved by his kindness, let he escaped this wreaked such havoc, melon brother in tiger and cannibalism birds with the help of family reunion. In the sunshine after the rain, after the challenge, they finally full of vitality in an island lived a happy life.

After watching the movie I was touched by the melon dad's brother, he is in danger the first thought of his children, rather than his own. The more I learned that no matter what kind of difficulties encountered, must learn to move the brain, only thoughtful, unremittingly, no difficulty can be solved.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/8104260103/223674.html



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