No Pains,No Gains
It is obvious to everybody that the only way to achieve one's goal is to work hard. Just as the old saying goes "no mill, no meal". Have you ever seen a man who succeeds just by idling about? Of course, the answer is "No". So we know if you want to gain something, you will have pains.
The farmers harvest by a year of arduous work; the scientists gain achievements by years of devoted researches; students get good marks by working hard; even the little ants have their food by working hard day and night. 1 know there are always some people who wait for the opportunities falling on them. They may attribute their failures to lack of good chances. Therefore, there are so many people gaining nothing at last. Clever men know that the more effort they make, the bigger chance they will have to be successful.
So, when others achieve their aspirations and you still gain nothing, don't complain about the unfair fate and don't give up, either. Remember: no pains, no gains.
nopains,no gains作文 No Pains,No Gains
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